< Mark 4 >

1 Once more He began to teach by the side of the Lake, and a vast multitude of people came together to listen to Him. He therefore went on board the boat and sat there, a little way from the land; and all the people were on the shore close to the water.
Kendo Yesu nochako puonjo e dho nam. To oganda maduongʼ nochokore molwore omiyo nodonjo ei yie mi obetie ka ji duto to ochungʼ oko e dho nam.
2 Then He proceeded to teach them many lessons in figurative language; and in His teaching He said,
Yesu nopuonjogi gik mangʼeny e yor ngeche. E puonjnego nowacho niya,
3 "Listen: the sower goes out to sow.
“Winjauru! Japur moro nodhi chwoyo kodhi,
4 As he sows, some of the seed falls by the way-side, and the birds come and peck it up.
kane oyudo ochwoyo, kodhi moko nolwar e dir yo, mi winy nobiro mochamogi duto.
5 Some falls on the rocky ground where it finds but little earth, and it shoots up quickly because it has no depth of soil;
Kodhi moko nolwar kuonde motimo lwendni, ma lowo operoree mine gitwi piyo piyo, nikech lowo ne thany thany.
6 but when the sun is risen, it is scorched, and through having no root it withers away.
To ka chiengʼ nowuok, chamgo nowangʼ, kendo nikech ne gionge tiendegi, ne gitwo.
7 Some, again, falls among the thorns; and the thorns spring up and stifle it, so that it yields no crop.
Kodhi moko nolwar e kind kudho, to ka kudhogo nodongo, ne githungʼo chamgo mi gimonogi nyak.
8 But some of the seed falls into good ground, and gives a return: it comes up and increases, and yields thirty, sixty, or a hundred-fold."
To kodhi moko to nolwar e lowo maber, mine gitwi kendo gichiego cham. Neginyago cham, moko nyadi piero adek, moko nyadi piero auchiel, kendo moko nyadi mia achiel.”
9 "Listen," He added, "every one who has ears to listen with!"
Bangʼe Yesu nomedo wacho niya, “Ngʼat man-gi it mar winjo wach mondo owinji.”
10 When He was alone, the Twelve and the others who were about Him requested Him to explain His figurative language.
Kane odongʼ kende, jopuonjrene apar gariyo gi jomoko mane ni bute nopenje tiend ngechego.
11 "To you," He replied, "has been entrusted the secret truth concerning the Kingdom of God; but to those others outside your number all this is spoken in figurative language;
Nowachonigi niya, “Un osemiu rieko mar ngʼeyo tiend gik mopondo mag pinyruoth Nyasaye. To joma moko, to iwuoyogo gi ngeche
12 that "'They may look and look but not see, and listen and listen but not understand, lest perchance they should return and be pardoned.'"
mondo mi, “‘gisik ka gingʼicho to ok ginine gimoro, kendo gisik ka giwinjo weche miwacho to wach ok nodonjnegi; nimar dipo ka gilokore mi owenegi richogi!’”
13 "Do you all miss the meaning of this parable?" He added; "how then will you understand the rest of my parables?"
Yesu nomedo loso kodgi kowachonegi niya, “Ere kaka ok unyal winjo tiend ngeroni? Ka kamano to bende ubiro winjo tiend ngero moro amora?
14 "What the sower sows is the Message.
Japur chwoyo kodhi ma en Wach.
15 Those who receive the seed by the way-side are those in whom the Message is sown, but, when they have heard it, Satan comes at once and carries away the Message sown in them.
Jomoko chalo gi kodhi molwar e dir yo, kama ichwoyoe Wach. E sa nogo ma jogi owinjoe Wach to Satan biro mi magi Wach ma giwinjono.
16 In the same way those who receive the seed on the rocky places are those who, when they have heard the Message, at once accept it joyfully,
Jomoko to chalo mana kaka kodhi mochwo kuonde motimo lwanda. Gin giwinjo Wach kendo girwake sano gi mor.
17 but they have no root within them. They last for a time; then, when suffering or persecution comes because of the Message, they are immediately overthrown.
To nikech gionge tiendegi Wach ok bedi eigi amingʼa. Ka chandruok kata sand obiro nigi nikech Wach Nyasaye to gipodho piyo piyo nono.
18 Others there are who receive the seed among the thorns: these are they who have heard the Message,
Moko chalo kaka kodhi molwar e kind kudho.
19 but worldly cares and the deceitfulness of wealth and the excessive pursuit of other objects come in and stifle the Message, and it becomes unfruitful. (aiōn g165)
To achien parruok kuom ngima mar pinyni gi wuond ma mwandu kelo kaachiel gi gombo mag pinyni ma gigombogo gik mathoth, thungʼo Wach mamone nyak. (aiōn g165)
20 Those, on the other hand, who have received the seed on the good ground, are all who hear the Message and welcome it, and yield a return of thirty, sixty, or a hundred fold."
Moko to chal mana gi kodhi mochuo e lowo maber, giwinjo Wach mi girwaki. Kendo ginyak maber mana ka kodhi manyak nyadi piero adek, nyadi piero auchiel, nyaka nyadi mia achiel.”
21 He went on to say, "Is the lamp brought in in order to be put under the bushel or under the bed? Is it not rather in order that it may be placed on the lampstand?
Nowachonegi niya, “Bende ngʼato kuomu nyalo moko taya bangʼe to oume gi bakul kata okete e bwo kitanda? Donge okete ewi rachungi taya?
22 Why, there is nothing hidden except with a view to its being ultimately disclosed, nor has anything been made a secret but that it may at last come to light.
Ngʼeuru ni onge gimoro mopandi ma ok nofweny, to bende onge gimoro amora mitimo lingʼ-lingʼ ma ok noket e lela.
23 Listen, every one who has ears to listen with!"
Ka ngʼato nigi it mar winjo wach to mondo owinji.”
24 He also said to them, "Take care what you hear. With what measure you measure, it will be measured to you, and that with interest.
Yesu nodhi nyime kawachonegi niya, “Chikuru itu maber mondo uwinj weche miwachonu, nimar rapim mupimogo ema ibiro pimnugo un bende, kendo moloyo kanyo.
25 For those who have will have more given them; and from those who have not, even what they have will be taken away."
Ngʼat man-go nomedne mi nobed gi gik mogundho; to ngʼat ma ongego kata mano ma en-go nomaye.”
26 Another saying of His was this: "The Kingdom of God is as if a man scattered seed over the ground:
Nowacho bende niya, “Ma e kaka pinyruoth Nyasaye chalo. Ngʼato chwoyo kodhi e lowo.
27 he spends days and nights, now awake, now asleep, while the seed sprouts and grows tall, he knows not how.
Otieno kata odiechiengʼ, kata ka onindo kata oneno, to kodhigo twi atwiya mi dongi, ka jachwoyo ok ongʼeyo kaka mano timore.
28 Of itself the land produces the crop-- first the blade, then the ear; afterwards the perfect grain is seen in the ear.
Lowo owuon ema golo kodhi; mokwongo tiendene wuok, eka wiye gulo oko kaeto bangʼe kodhi dongo mi chieg cham.
29 But no sooner is the crop ripe, than he sends the reapers, because the time of harvest has come."
Ka cham osechiek to gikanyono wuon puodho kawo pand keyo mondo okayego.”
30 Another saying of His was this: "How are we to picture the Kingdom of God? or by what figure of speech shall we represent it?
Nowacho kendo niya, “En yo mane ma wanyalo pimogo pinyruoth Nyasaye, kata en ngero mane manyalo nyisowa kite?
31 It is like a mustard-seed, which, when sown in the earth, is the smallest of all the seeds in the world;
Ochal gi koth karadali ma en e kodhi matinie mogik mikomo e puodho.
32 yet when sown it springs up and becomes larger than all the herbs, and throws out great branches, so that the birds build under its shadow."
To kata otin kamano to kosekome to odongo mi obed maduongʼ moloyo yiende mag puodho duto. Bedene yarore madongo mi winy mafuyo e kor polo biro ywe e tipone.”
33 With many such parables He used to speak the Message to them according to their capacity for receiving it.
Yesu nomedo wuoyonegi gi ngeche machal gi mago e thuolo moro amora mane ginyalo winje.
34 But except in figurative language He spoke nothing to them; while to His own disciples He expounded everything, in private.
Ne ok owachonegi wach moro amora ma ok okonyore gi ngero. To ka thuolo noyudore mi odongʼ gi jopuonjrene kendgi to nonyisogi tiend weche duto.
35 The same day, in the evening, He said to them, "Let us cross to the other side."
Chiengʼno godhiambo Yesu nowacho ne jopuonjrene niya, “Wadhiuru loka nam komachielo.”
36 So they got away from the crowd, and took Him--as He was--in the boat; and other boats accompanied Him.
Omiyo ne giwuok giweyo oganda, mine gidhi kode mana kaka ne En-no, mi gichako kwangʼ kode ei yie. Ne nitie yiedhi mamoko bende mane kwangʼ kodgi e nam.
37 But a heavy squall came on, and the waves were now dashing into the boat, so that it was fast filling.
Eka ahiti mangʼongo notugore mi apaka nochako tago yie koni gi koni mi pi nochako pongʼe.
38 But He Himself was in the stern asleep, with His head on the cushion: so they woke Him. "Rabbi," they cried, "is it nothing to you that we are drowning?"
Sechego noyudo Yesu nindo ewi raten man kachien yie. Jopuonjre nochiewe kagiwachone niya, “Japuonj, donge litni ka watho?”
39 So He roused Himself and rebuked the wind, and said to the waves, "Silence! Be still!" The wind sank, and a perfect calm set in.
Yesu nochiewo mokwero yamo. Nochiko apaka kowachone niya, “Kwe! Lingʼ thi!” Gikanyono yamo nokwe mi piny olingʼ thi.
40 "Why are you so timid?" He asked; "have you still no faith?"
Bangʼ mano Yesu nowachone jopuonjrene niya, “Angʼo momiyo uluor kamano? Pod uonge mana gi yie?”
41 Then they were filled with terror, and began to say to one another, "Who is this, then? For even wind and sea obey Him."
Luoro nomakogi mi gipenjore kendgi niya, “Ma en ngʼa, ma kata yamo gi apaka bende winje?”

< Mark 4 >