< Mark 1 >

1 The beginning of the Good News of Jesus Christ the Son of God.
T OISEACHD soisgeul Iosa Criosda, Mac Dhe.
2 As it is written in Isaiah the Prophet, "See, I am sending My messenger before Thee, Who will prepare Thy way";
Air reir 's mar tha e sgriobhte san fhaidh Isaias: seall, cuiridh mi m' aingeal roimh do ghnuis, a reiticheas do shlighe romhad.
3 "The voice of one crying aloud: 'In the Desert prepare a road for the Lord: Make His highways straight.'"
Guth neach ag eigheach san fhasach: Reitichibh slighe an Tighearna, agus dianaibh a rathadain direach.
4 So John the Baptizer came, and was in the Desert proclaiming a baptism of the penitent for forgiveness of sins.
Bha Eoin anns an fhasach a baisteadh, 'sa searmonachadh baisteadh an aithreachais gu mathanas pheacannan.
5 There went out to him people of all classes from Judaea, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem of all ranks, and were baptized by him in the river Jordan, making open confession of their sins.
Agus chaidh duthaich Iudea uile mach ga ionnsuidh, agus muinntir Ierusalem gu leir, is bhaisteadh iad leis ann an abhuinn Iordain ag aideachadh am peacannan.
6 As for John, his garment was of camel's hair, and he wore a loincloth of leather; and his food was locusts and wild honey.
Agus bha Eoin air eideadh le fionnadh chamhal, is crios leathair mu mheadhon; agus dh' ith e locuist is mil fhiadhaich. Agus shearmonaich e ag radh:
7 His announcement was, "There is One coming after me mightier than I--One whose sandal-strap I am unworthy to stoop down and unfasten.
Tha fear nas cumhachdaiche na mise tighinn as mo dheigh: neach nach airidh mise air cromadh sios is barail a bhrogan fhuasgladh.
8 I have baptized you with water, but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit."
Bhaist mise sibh le uisge; ach baistidh esan sibh leis an Spiorad Naomh.
9 At that time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan;
Is thachair, gun tainig Iosa anns na laithean sin bho Nasareth Ghalile; agus bhaisteadh e le Eoin ann an abhuinn Iordan.
10 and immediately on His coming up out of the water He saw an opening in the sky, and the Spirit like a dove coming down to Him;
'S air ball a direadh as an uisge, chunnaic e neamh fosgailte, 's an Spiorad mar chalman a tearnadh 'sa fantuinn air.
11 and a voice came from the sky, saying, "Thou art My Son dearly loved: in Thee is My delight."
Agus thainig guth bho neamh: Is tusa mo Mhac gaolach, is mor mo thlachd dhiot.
12 At once the Spirit impelled Him to go out into the Desert,
Agus ghrad-ghreas an Spiorad e dhan fhasach.
13 where He remained for forty days, tempted by Satan; and He was among the wild beasts, but the angels waited upon Him.
Agus bha e san fhasach da-fhichead latha, agus da-fhichead oidhche; is bhuaireadh le Satan e; 's bha e comhla ris na h-ainmhidhean, agus bha na h-ainglean a frithealadh dha.
14 Then, after John had been thrown into prison, Jesus came into Galilee proclaiming God's Good News.
'S an deigh do dh' Eoin a bhith air a chuir an greim, thainig Iosa do Ghalile, a searmonachadh soisgeul rioghachd Dhe,
15 "The time has fully come," He said, "and the Kingdom of God is close at hand: repent, and believe this Good News.
'S ag radh: Tha 'n t-am air a choimhlionadh, 's tha rioghachd Dhe aig laimh; deanaibh aithreachas, agus creidibh san t-soisgeul.
16 One day, passing along the shore of the Lake of Galilee, He saw Simon and Andrew, Simon's brother, throwing their nets in the Lake; for they were fisherman.
'Sa gabhail ri taobh muir Ghalile, chunnaic e Simon, agus Anndra a bhrathair, a cur lion sa mhuir (oir b' iasgairean iad.),
17 "Come and follow me," said Jesus, "and I will make you fishers for men."
Agus thuirt Iosa riutha: Thigibh leanaibh mise, agus ni mi iasgairean dhaoine dhibh.
18 At once they left their nets and followed Him.
Agus ghrad dh' fhag iad na lin, is lean iad e.
19 Going on a little further He saw James the son of Zabdi and his brother John: they also were in the boat mending the nets, and He immediately called them.
'Sa gabhail as a sin ceum beag air adhart, chunnaic e Seumas mac Shebede agus Eoin a bhrathair, 's iad a caradh nan lion sa bhata:
20 They therefore left their father Zabdi in the boat with the hired men, and went and followed Him.
Agus ghairm e iad san uair. 'Sa fagail an athar Sebede maille ris an luchd thuarasdail sa bhata, lean iad e.
21 So they came to Capernaum, and on the next Sabbath He went to the synagogue and began to teach.
Agus chaidh iad a stigh do Chapharnaum; agus air dha a dhol a stigh gun dail air na laithean sabaid dhan t-sinagog, theagaisg e iad.
22 The people listened with amazement to His teaching--for there was authority about it: it was very different from that of the Scribes--
Agus ghabh iad ioghnadh ri theagasg: oir bha e gan teagasg mar neach aig an robh cumhachd, 's chan ann mar na Sgriobhaich.
23 when all at once, there in their synagogue, a man under the power of a foul spirit screamed out:
Agus bha san t-sinagag aca duine anns an robh spiorad neoghlan, is dh' eigh e
24 "What have you to do with us, Jesus the Nazarene? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are--God's Holy One."
Ag radh: Ciod an comunn eadar sinn agus thusa, Iosa bho Nasareth? An tainig thu gus ar sgrios? Is aithne dhomh co thu, Aon Naomh Dhe.
25 But Jesus reprimanded him, saying, "Silence! come out of him."
Is mhaoith Iosa air, ag radh: Bi samhach, agus gabh a-mach as an duine.
26 So the foul spirit, after throwing the man into convulsions, came out of him with a loud cry.
'S an spiorad neoghlan ga reubadh, 's ag eigheach le guth ard, chaidh e mach as.
27 And all were amazed and awe-struck, so they began to ask one another, "What does this mean? Here is a new sort of teaching--and a tone of authority! And even to foul spirits he issues orders and they obey him!"
Agus ghabh iad uile ioghnadh, ionnus gun d' fharraid iad 'nam measg fhein, ag radh: De tha so? De an teagasg ur so? oir tha e toirt orduigh le cumhachd do na spioraid neoghlan fhein, agus tha iad umhail dha.
28 And His fame spread at once everywhere in all that part of Galilee.
'Agus sgaoil iomradh air gun dail feadh duthaich Ghalile uile.
29 Then on leaving the synagogue they came at once, with James and John, to the house of Simon and Andrew.
'Sa dol a mach air ball as an t-sinagog, thainig iad maille ri Seumas is Eoin gu tigh Shimoin is Anndra.
30 Now Simon's mother-in-law was ill in bed with a fever, and without delay they informed Him about her.
Agus bha mathair-cheile Shimoin 'na laidhe ann am fiabhras; agus dh 'innis iad dha gun dail mu deidhinn.
31 So He went to her, and taking her hand He raised her to her feet: the fever left her, and she began to wait upon them.
Agus thainig e, 'sa breith air laimh oirre thog e i is ghrad-dh' fhag am fiabhras i, agus fhreasdail i dhaibh.
32 When it was evening, after sunset people came bringing Him all who were sick and the demoniacs;
'S nuair thainig am feasgar, 'sa chaidh a ghrian fodha, thug iad ga ionnsuidh iadsan uile a bha easlainteach, agus anns an robh deomhain.
33 and the whole town was assembled at the door.
'S bha am baile uile air cruinneachadh aig an dorus.
34 Then He cured numbers of people who were ill with various diseases, and He drove out many demons; not allowing the demons to speak, because they knew who He was.
Agus leighis e moran, a bha air an leireadh le iomadh gne ghalar, agus thilg e mach moran dheomhan, 's cha do leig e leo labhairt, a chionn 's gum b' aithne dhaibh e.
35 In the morning He rose early, while it was still quite dark, and leaving the house He went away to a solitary place and there prayed.
'S ag eirigh ro-mhoch, 'sa dol a mach, chaidh e gu aite fas; is rinn e urnaigh an sin.
36 And Simon and the others searched everywhere for Him.
Agus lean Simon e, agus iadsan a bha comhla ris.
37 When they found Him they said, "Every one is looking for you."
'S nuair a fhuair iad e, thuirt iad ris: Tha iad uile gad shireadh.
38 "Let us go elsewhere, to the neighbouring country towns," He replied, "that I may proclaim my Message there also; because for that purpose I came from God."
Is thuirt e riutha: rachamaid dha na bailtean sa choimhearsnachd, gus an searmonaich mi an sin cuideachd: 's gur ann air son so a thainig mi.
39 And He went through all Galilee, preaching in the synagogues and expelling the demons.
'S bha e teagasg 'nan sinagogan, 's feadh Ghalile uile, 'sa tilgeadh a-mach dheomhan.
40 One day there came a leper to Jesus entreating Him, and pleading on his knees. "If you are willing," he said, "you are able to cleanse me."
Agus thainig lobhar ga ionnsuidh, a guidhe air; 'sa tuiteam air a ghluinean, thuirt e ris: Ma 's aill leat, is urrainn dhut mo ghlanadh.
41 Moved with pity Jesus reached out His hand and touched him. "I am willing," He said; "be cleansed."
'Sa gabhail truais ris, shin Iosa a lamh, 'sa beantuinn dha, thuirt e ris: Is aill leam: bi glan.
42 The leprosy at once left him, and he was cleansed.
'S nuair thuirt e so, ghrad-dh' fhag an luibhre e, agus bha e air a ghlanadh.
43 Jesus at once sent him away, strictly charging him,
'S thug e sparradh cruaidh dha, agus leig e air falbh e gun dail;
44 and saying, "Be careful not to tell any one, but go and show yourself to the Priest, and for your purification present the offerings that Moses appointed as evidence for them."
'S thuirt e ris: Fiach nach innis thu do neach sam bith: ach falbh, fiach thu fhein don ard-shagart, agus tairg air son do ghlanaidh na nithean a dh' orduich Maois, mar theisteanas dhaibh.
45 But the man, when he went out, began to tell every one and to publish the matter abroad, so that it was no longer possible for Jesus to go openly into any town; but He had to remain outside in unfrequented places, where people came to Him from all parts.
Ach air dhasan a dhol a mach, thoisich e ri innse, 's ri sgaoileadh an sgeoil; air chor 's nach b' urrainn dha a nis a dhol a stigh don bhaile gu follaiseach, ach dh' fhuirich e a mach ann an aiteachan fas, agus chrunnaich iad as gach aite ga ionnsuidh.

< Mark 1 >