< Hebrews 7 >
1 For this man, Melchizedek, King of Salem and priest of the Most High God--he who when Abraham was returning after defeating the kings met him and pronounced a blessing on him--
Ecen Melchisedech haur cen Salemgo regue, Iainco subiranoaren Sacrificadore, cein bidera ilki içan baitzayón Abrahami haur reguén deseguitetic itzultzen cela, eta harc ceçan benedica:
2 to whom also Abraham presented a tenth part of all--being first, as his name signifies, King of righteousness, and secondly King of Salem, that is, King of peace:
Hari hamarrena-ere gauça gucietaric parti cieçón Abrahamec: eta lehenic hura da interpretatzen iustitiazco regue, eta guero Salemgo regue-ere: cein erran nahi baita baquezco regue:
3 with no father or mother, and no record of ancestry: having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made a type of the Son of God--this man Melchizedek remains a priest for ever.
Aita gabe, ama gabe, leinu gabe: eztuelaric egunén hatseric, ez vicitzearen finic: baina Iaincoaren Semearen irudico eguin içanic, dago Sacrificadore eternalqui.
4 Now think how great this priest-king must have been to whom Abraham the patriarch gave a tenth part of the best of the spoil.
Considera eçaçue bada cein handi eguin içan den haur, ceini Abraham patriarchac despuilletaco hamarrena-ere eman baitzieçón.
5 And those of the descendants of Levi who receive the priesthood are authorized by the Law to take tithes from the people, that is, from their brethren, though these have sprung from Abraham.
Eta Leuiren semetaric diradenéc Sacrificadoregoa dutelaric, manua baduté populuaganic hamarrenaren hartzeco Leguearen arauez, erran nahi baita, bere anayetaric, Abrahamen guerruncetic ilki içan badirade-ere.
6 But, in this instance, one who does not trace his origin from them takes tithes from Abraham, and pronounces a blessing on him to whom the promises belong.
Baina hec diraden leinu bereco contatzen eztenac, hamarrena hartu vkan du Abrahamganic, eta promessac cituena benedicatu vkan du.
7 And beyond all dispute it is always the inferior who is blessed by the superior.
Eta contradictioneric batre gabe chipién dena guehién denaz benedicatzen da.
8 Moreover here frail mortal men receive tithes: there one receives them about whom there is evidence that he is alive.
Eta hemen hiltzen diraden guiçonec hamarrenac hartzen dituzté: baina han vici dela testimoniage duenac hartzen ditu.
9 And Levi too--if I may so speak--pays tithes through Abraham:
Eta (hunela minça nadin) Abrahamtan detchematu içan da Leui bera-ere, ceinec hamarrenac hartzen ohi baititu.
10 for Levi was yet in the loins of his forefather when Melchizedek met Abraham.
Ecen hura oraino bere aitaren guerruncean cen, Melchisedec Abrahami bidera ilki içan çayonean.
11 Now if the crowning blessing was attainable by means of the Levitical priesthood--for as resting on this foundation the people received the Law, to which they are still subject-- what further need was there for a Priest of a different kind to be raised up belonging to the order of Melchizedek instead of being said to belong to the order of Aaron?
Beraz baldin perfectionea Sacrificadoregoa Leuiticoan içan baliz (ecen populuac Leguea haren azpian recebitu vkan du) cer behar cen goitiric berce Sacrificadorebat Melchisedech-en façoinera altcha ledin, eta ezladin Aaronen façoinera erran?
12 For when the priesthood changes, a change of Law also of necessity takes place.
Ecen Sacrificadoregoaren officioa cambiatu içanic, necessario da Leguearen cambioa-ere eguin dadin.
13 He, however, to whom that prophecy refers is associated with a different tribe, not one member of which has anything to do with the altar.
Ecen gauça hauc norçaz erraiten baitirade hura berce leinuri appartenitzen çayó, cein leinutaric nehorc ezpaitu aldarea cerbitzatu vkan.
14 For it is undeniable that our Lord sprang from Judah, a tribe of which Moses said nothing in connection with priests.
Ecen claro da Iudaren leinutic ilki içan dela gure Iauna, cein leinutan ezpaitu Moysesec Sacrificadoregoaz deus erran.
15 And this is still more abundantly clear when we read that it is as belonging to the order of Melchizedek that a priest of a different kind is to arise,
Eta are haur da claroago, ceren Melchisedech-en façoinera ilkiten baita berce Sacrificadorebat:
16 and hold His office not in obedience to any temporary Law, but by virtue of an indestructible Life.
Cein ezpaita Sacrificadore eguin içan manamendu carnaleco Leguearen arauez, baina vicitze immortaleco puissançaren arauez.
17 For the words are in evidence, "Thou art a priest for ever, belonging to the order of Melchizedek." (aiōn )
Ecen testificatzen du hunela, Hi aiz Sacrificadore eternalqui Melchisedech-en façoinera. (aiōn )
18 On the one hand we have here the abrogation of an earlier code because it was weak and ineffective--
Ecen aitzineco manamendua abolitzen da bere debilitateagatic eta probetchu gabeagatic.
19 for the Law brought no perfect blessing--but on the other hand we have the bringing in of a new and better hope by means of which we draw near to God.
Ecen eztu deus perfectionetara eraman vkan Legueac: baina içan da sperança hobeagoren preparationebat ceinez hurbiltzen baicara Iaincoagana.
20 And since it was not without an oath being taken--
Eta iuramendu gabe içan eztén becembatean (ecen berceac iuramendu gabe Sacrificadore eguin içan dirade.
21 for these men hold office without any oath having been taken, but He holds it attested by an oath from Him who said to Him, "The Lord has sworn and will not recall His words, Thou art a Priest for ever" -- (aiōn )
Baina haur iuramendurequin, hari erran vkan draucanaz, Iuratu vkan dic Iaunac, eta etziayóc doluturen, Hi aiz Sacrificadore eternalqui Melchisedech-en façoinera) (aiōn )
22 so much the more also is the Covenant of which Jesus has become the guarantor, a better covenant.
Hambatenaz alliança hobeagoren fiadore eguin içan da Iesus.
23 And they have been appointed priests many in number, because death prevents their continuance in office:
Eta Sacrificadoréz den becembatean, anhitz eguin içan dirade, ceren herioaz empatchatzen baitziraden egoitera.
24 but He, because He continues for ever, has a priesthood which does not pass to any successor. (aiōn )
Baina hunec, ceren eternalqui egoiten baita, Sacrificadoregoa perpetualbat du. (aiōn )
25 Hence too He is able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, seeing that He ever lives to plead for them.
Eta halacotz salua-ere perfectoqui ahal ditzaque, harçaz Iaincoagana hurbiltzen diradenac, bethi vici delaric hecgatic ararteco içateco.
26 Moreover we needed just such a High Priest as this--holy, guileless, undefiled, far removed from sinful men and exalted above the heavens;
Ecen beharra guenduen halaco Sacrificadore subiranobat guenduen, saindua, innocenta, macularic gabea, bekatoretaric separatua, ceruäc baino gorago altchatua:
27 who, unlike other High Priests, is not under the necessity of offering up sacrifices day after day, first for His own sins, and afterwards for those of the people; for this latter thing He did once for all when He offered up Himself.
Ceinec ezluen beharric egun oroz, berce Sacrificadore subiranoéc beçala, lehenic bere bekatuacgatic sacrificioric offrendatu, guero populuarenacgatic: ecen haur behingoaz eguin vkan du bere buruä offrendaturic.
28 For the Law constitutes men High Priests--men with all their infirmity--but the utterance of the oath, which came later than the Law, constitutes High Priest a Son who has been made for ever perfect. (aiōn )
Ecen Legueac Sacrificadore subirano ordenatzen ditu guiçon infirmoac: baina iuramenduco hitz Leguearen ondocoac, ordenatzen du Seme eternalqui sanctificatua. (aiōn )