< Hebrews 3 >
1 Therefore, holy brethren, sharers with others in a heavenly invitation, fix your thoughts on Jesus, the Apostle and High Priest whose followers we profess to be.
Darotse iti s'eegetsman kayitu wotts S'ayin amantsuwotso! no imneti kahni naashwots k'aab'onat Ik'o woshtso Iyesusats it aawo gerde'ere.
2 How faithful He was to Him who appointed Him, just as Moses also was faithful in all God's house!
Muse Ik' maa jamatse amanek b́ teshtsok'o Iyesuswere bín naashits Ik'osh amaneke b́ teshi.
3 For Jesus has been counted worthy of greater glory than Moses, in so far as he who has built a house has higher honour than the house itself.
Maa agtso mooniyere bog mango b́detstsok'owa Iyesus Museyiyere bogts mango daatso bísh geyife.
4 For every house has had a builder, and the builder of all things is God.
Maa ik iko bín agts asho detsfe, jam keewo agtsonmó Ik'oniye.
5 Moreover, Moses was faithful in all God's house as a servant in delivering the message given him to speak;
Shinomaants keewu geyit keewosh gaw b́wotitwok'o Muse Ik'i maa jamatse amanek guutse b́teshi.
6 but Christ was faithful as a Son having authority over God's house, and we are that house, if we hold firm to the End the boldness and the hope which we boast of as ours.
Krstosmó Ik'o maantse amanetso b́wot na'ok'o wotatniye, b́moonwere noone, b́ moo nowotitwere bí'ats no amanit keewonat arikon bín detsfone err bín noit'irwo nojangtso kup'ide desh nodek'oree.
7 For this reason--as the Holy Spirit warns us, "To-day, if you hear His voice,
Eshe S'ayin shayiro bí'etirwok'on «Hambets b́ k'ááro it shishor
8 do not harden your hearts as your forefathers did in the time of the provocation on the day of the temptation in the Desert,
Worwotse taan it fador ti'ats it tuutsok'o It nibo k'aztsi woshk'ayere,
9 where your forefathers so sorely tried My patience and saw all that I did during forty years.
Hansh it nihots taan bo fadi taanton bo weed'eyi Hab natosh tk'altsonowere bobek'i» etfe Ik'oni.
10 Therefore I was greatly grieved with that generation, and I said, 'They are ever going astray in heart, and have not learnt to know My paths.'
«Mansh man dúri s'ootwotsi t fayere, ‹Bonibo jam aawo b́sheliri, T weerindonowere danatsne› ti eti.»
11 As I swore in My anger, they shall not be admitted to My rest" --
Aaninwere, « ‹Taa boosh ti imet kashdek'et beyok b́ jamon kindratsnee!› etaat Fayat taarre.»
12 see to it, brethren, that there is never in any one of you--as perhaps there may be--a sinful and unbelieving heart, manifesting itself in revolt from the ever-living God.
Ti eshwotso! ititse beyat beyiru Ik'atse wokit gondonat amaneraw nibo b́ deshawok'o it atso korde'ere.
13 On the contrary encourage one another, day after day, so long as To-day lasts, so that not one of you may be hardened through the deceitful character of sin.
Eshe, ititse morron dasheyar b́ nibo k'aztsi b́ woshrawok'o «Hambetsa» et s'eegets aawo b́ befetsosh aaw aawon it atsatsewo izewere.
14 For we have, all alike, become sharers with Christ, if we really hold our first confidence firm to the End;
Shin shin no detstso no imnetiyo b́s'uwi aawo b́borfetsosh kup'de deshnodek'etka wotiyal Krstosnton bano kayitwotsi wotitwone.
15 seeing that the warning still comes to us, "To-day, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as your forefathers did in the time of the provocation."
Manwere «Hambets b́ k'ááro it shishor Weri gondi dúrmanor it k'altsinaaro it nibo k'aztsi woshk'ayere» et keewetsok'one.
16 For who were they that heard, and yet provoked God? Was it not the whole of the people who had come out of Egypt under the leadership of Moses?
Wotowa bako b́ k'ááro boshishyakon gondat k'aztsmanots konotsne boteshi? Boon Muse jishdek't Gbs'itse dek' b́keshtswotsiwoshná?
17 And with whom was God so greatly grieved for forty years? Was it not with those who had sinned, and whose dead bodies fell in the Desert?
Ik'o nibo hab nati s'eeno k'úúnit teshtswots konotsne? Morro finat boere boduuno worwotse dihit oortswotsiwoshna?
18 And to whom did He swear that they should not be admitted to His rest, if it was not to those who were disobedient?
Eshe bísh aleratse eteets manotsi b́ wotiyalabako «T kashdek'i beyok kindratste» et boats b́ taartswots konotsne bo teshi?
19 And so we see that it was owing to lack of faith that they could not be admitted.
Eshe kindo bomaaw amano bok'aztsatse tuutson b́ woto bek'rone.