< Ephesians 2 >
1 To you Gentiles also, who were dead through your offences and sins,
Pamakashu mwenga muweriti gambira muhowa toziya ya vidoda vyamtenditi.
2 which were once habitual to you while you walked in the ways of this world and obeyed the Prince of the powers of the air, the spirits that are now at work in the hearts of the sons of disobedience--to you God has given Life. (aiōn )
Mushipindi shilii mwenga mulikaliti kugendera njira zya vidoda vya wantu wa pasipanu ntambu yaviwera, mwenga mjimiliti ukolamlima wa washamshera yawawera na makakala wa kulyera. Washamshera yawawatenda vinu wantu waleki kumjimira Mlungu. (aiōn )
3 Among them all of us also formerly passed our lives, governed by the inclinations of our lower natures, indulging the cravings of those natures and of our own thoughts, and were in our original state deserving of anger like all others.
Ntambu yatuwera, twoseri twenga tuweriti gambira womberi na tulikaliti kulawirana na lumatamata lwatwenga lya pasipanu na kutenda hera vitwatira vyaviherepeziyiti nshimba na mahala getu. Twenga tulifaniti na womberi, su tufiriwitwi tutabisiwi na maya ga Mlungu.
4 But God, being rich in mercy, because of the intense love which He bestowed on us,
Kumbiti Mlungu ndo kana lusungu nentu. Katufiriti kwa mafiliru gakuwi makulu kwa twenga,
5 caused us, dead though we were through our offences, to live with Christ--it is by grace that you have been saved--
ata patuweriti tuhowa toziya ya vidoda, yomberi katutenditi tuweri wakomu pamuhera na Kristu. Kwa manemu ga Mlungu, mwenga mlopoziwitwi.
6 raised us with Him from the dead, and enthroned us with Him in the heavenly realms as being in Christ Jesus,
Kwa kulikolerana pamuhera na Yesu Kristu, Mlungu katuzyukusiyiti pamuhera na yomberi, su twakalikali pamuhera na Yesu kumpindi kwa Mlungu.
7 in order that, by His goodness to us in Christ Jesus, He might display in the Ages to come the transcendent riches of His grace. (aiōn )
Ndo ntambu yakafiriti kulanguziya kwa shipindi shashiza, ukulu wa manemu gakuwi kwa mafiliru gakatulanguziyiti twenga kupitira Yesu Kristu. (aiōn )
8 For it is by grace that you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves. It is God's gift, and is not on the ground of merit--
Toziya kwa manemu ga Mlungu, mwenga mlopoziwa kupitira njimiru. Shitwatira ashi shilawa ndiri kwa maweni mwenga, kumbiti shilawa kwa Mlungu.
9 so that it may be impossible for any one to boast.
Su muntu yoseri nakalitumbira toziya kagutenderiti ndiri lihengu.
10 For we are God's own handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for good works which He has pre-destined us to practise.
Twenga twa viwumbi vya Mlungu na kwa kulikolerana pamuhera na Kristu Yesu, yomberi kawumbiti toziya kulikala makaliru ga matendu maheri gakatutandiriti kala tugatendi.
11 Therefore, do not forget that formerly you were Gentiles as to your bodily condition. You were called the Uncircumcision by those who style themselves the Circumcised--their circumcision being one which the knife has effected.
Muholi ntambu yamuweriti pamakashu, mwenga kwa kwiwuka muwera wantu yawawera ndiri Wayawudi, mwenga yamshemwa “Wantu yawayingiziwitwi ndiri jandu” na Wayawudi walishema weni, “Wantu yawayingiziwa jandu,” Toziya ya shilii shashitendwa munshimba zyawu kwa mawoku ga wantu kulanguziya weni ndo wantu wa Mlungu.
12 At that time you were living apart from Christ, estranged from the Commonwealth of Israel, with no share by birth in the Covenants which are based on the Promises, and you had no hope and no God, in all the world.
Muliholi vilaa shipindi shilii mwenga muweriti mulikolerana ndiri pamuhera na Kristu, mwenga mubagulitwi na wantu wa Israeli na muweriti wahenga kwa mapatanu yagaweriti na lagilu ya Mlungu. Mulikaliti pasipanu, uganu muweriti gambira wantu yawahera litumbiru, walii yawammana ndiri Mlungu.
13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were so far away have been brought near through the death of Christ.
Pamakashu mwenga muweriti kutali na Mlungu, kumbiti vinu kwa kulikolerana pamuhera na Kristu Yesu, mwenga mjegitwi pakwegera kupitira mwazi gwa Kristu.
14 For He is our peace--He who has made Jews and Gentiles one, and in His own human nature has broken down the hostile dividing wall,
Toziya Kristu mweni katujegeriti ponga kwa kuwatenda Wayawudi na wantu yawawera ndiri Wayawudi kuwera wantu wamu. Kwa kuyilaviya nshimba yakuwi mweni kuwera tambiku kabomoliti ungondu wawu yawuweriti gambira shibambaza shashiwalekaniziyiti.
15 by setting aside the Law with its commandments, expressed, as they were, in definite decrees. His design was to unite the two sections of humanity in Himself so as to form one new man,
Kagaharabisiyiti nakamu Malagaliru ga Wayawudi pamuhera na lagiru lyakuwi na genderanu yakuwi, su kulawira vipinga viwili, yomberi katenda shipinga shimu sha wantu wasyayi mukulikolerana pamuhera na mweni, kwa njira ayi katenditi ponga.
16 thus effecting peace, and to reconcile Jews and Gentiles in one body to God, by means of His cross--slaying by it their mutual enmity.
Kupitira kuyilaviya nshimba yakuwi palupingika kuwera tambiku, Kristu kawuhalabisiyiti ungondu wawu na katenditi vipinga viwili viweri gambira nshimba yimu na kuwakolaniziya pamuhera na Mlungu.
17 So He came and proclaimed good news of peace to you who were so far away, and peace to those who were near;
Su Kristu kiziti kushibwera Shisoweru Shiwagira sha ponga kwa wantu woseri, mwenga wantu yamuwera ndiri Wayawudi, yamuweriti kutali na Mlungu na kwa Wayawudi yawawera pakwegera na Mlungu.
18 because it is through Him that Jews and Gentiles alike have access through one Spirit to the Father.
Su kupitira Kristu, twawoseri twenga Wayawudi na wantu yawawera ndiri Wayawudi tupata lupenyu kumgendera Tati kwa Rohu yumu.
19 You are therefore no longer mere foreigners or persons excluded from civil rights. On the contrary you share citizenship with God's people and are members of His family.
Su mwenga mwawahenga ndiri kayi, ama wantu wa kunja ndiri, mwenga vinu muwera wenikaya pamuhera na wantu wa Mlungu, muwera wantu wa kaya ya Mlungu.
20 You are a building which has been reared on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, the cornerstone being Christ Jesus Himself,
Mwenga viraa mnyawa mulyanjiru lyalitulitwi na wantumintumi pamuhera na wambuyi wa Mlungu na Kristu Yesu mweni ndo litalawu likulu lyaliwera na mana nentu.
21 in union with whom the whole fabric, fitted and closely joined together, is growing so as to form a holy sanctuary in the Lord;
Yomberi ndo mweni yakayikolera numba yoseri na kuyikuliziya iweri Numba nkulu nanagala ya Mlungu toziya ya Mtuwa.
22 in whom you also are being built up together to become a fixed abode for God through the Spirit.
Kwa kulikolerana pamuhera na Kristu, mwenga viraa mnyawa pamuhera na wamonga woseri, muweri pahala Mlungu kalikala kupitira Rohu gwakuwi.