< Acts 6 >
1 About this time, as the number of disciples was increasing, complaints were made by the Greek-speaking Jews against the Hebrews because their widows were habitually overlooked in the daily ministration.
tasmin samayE ziSyANAM bAhulyAt prAtyahikadAnasya vizrANanai rbhinnadEzIyAnAM vidhavAstrIgaNa upEkSitE sati ibrIyalOkaiH sahAnyadEzIyAnAM vivAda upAtiSThat|
2 So the Twelve called together the general body of the disciples and said, "It does not seem fitting that we Apostles should neglect the delivery of God's Message and minister at tables.
tadA dvAdazaprEritAH sarvvAn ziSyAn saMgRhyAkathayan Izvarasya kathApracAraM parityajya bhOjanagavESaNam asmAkam ucitaM nahi|
3 Therefore, brethren, pick out from among yourselves seven men of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, and we will appoint them to undertake this duty.
atO hE bhrAtRgaNa vayam EtatkarmmaNO bhAraM yEbhyO dAtuM zaknuma EtAdRzAn sukhyAtyApannAn pavitrENAtmanA jnjAnEna ca pUrNAn sapprajanAn yUyaM svESAM madhyE manOnItAn kuruta,
4 But, as for us, we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the delivery of the Message."
kintu vayaM prArthanAyAM kathApracArakarmmaNi ca nityapravRttAH sthAsyAmaH|
5 The suggestion met with general approval, and they selected Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas, a proselyte of Antioch.
EtasyAM kathAyAM sarvvE lOkAH santuSTAH santaH svESAM madhyAt stiphAnaH philipaH prakharO nikAnOr tIman parmmiNA yihUdimatagrAhI-AntiyakhiyAnagarIyO nikalA EtAn paramabhaktAn pavitrENAtmanA paripUrNAn sapta janAn
6 These men they brought to the Apostles, and, after prayer, they laid their hands upon them.
prEritAnAM samakSam Anayan, tatastE prArthanAM kRtvA tESAM ziraHsu hastAn Arpayan|
7 Meanwhile God's Message continued to spread, and the number of the disciples in Jerusalem very greatly increased, and very many priests obeyed the faith.
aparanjca Izvarasya kathA dEzaM vyApnOt vizESatO yirUzAlami nagarE ziSyANAM saMkhyA prabhUtarUpENAvarddhata yAjakAnAM madhyEpi bahavaH khrISTamatagrAhiNO'bhavan|
8 And Stephen, full of grace and power, performed great marvels and signs among the people.
stiphAnO vizvAsEna parAkramENa ca paripUrNaH san lOkAnAM madhyE bahuvidham adbhutam AzcaryyaM karmmAkarOt|
9 But some members of the so-called 'Synagogue of the Freed-men,' together with some Cyrenaeans, Alexandrians, Cilicians and men from Roman Asia, were roused to encounter Stephen in debate.
tEna libarttinIyanAmnA vikhyAtasagghasya katipayajanAH kurINIyasikandarIya-kilikIyAzIyAdEzIyAH kiyantO janAzcOtthAya stiphAnEna sArddhaM vyavadanta|
10 They were quite unable, however, to resist the wisdom and the Spirit with which he spoke.
kintu stiphAnO jnjAnEna pavitrENAtmanA ca IdRzIM kathAM kathitavAn yasyAstE ApattiM karttuM nAzaknuvan|
11 Then they privately put forward men who declared, "We have heard him speak blasphemous things against Moses and against God."
pazcAt tai rlObhitAH katipayajanAH kathAmEnAm akathayan, vayaM tasya mukhatO mUsA Izvarasya ca nindAvAkyam azrauSma|
12 In this way they excited the people, the Elders, and the Scribes. At length they came upon him, seized him with violence, and took him before the Sanhedrin.
tE lOkAnAM lOkaprAcInAnAm adhyApakAnAnjca pravRttiM janayitvA stiphAnasya sannidhim Agatya taM dhRtvA mahAsabhAmadhyam Anayan|
13 Here they brought forward false witnesses who declared, "This fellow is incessantly speaking against the Holy Place and the Law.
tadanantaraM katipayajanESu mithyAsAkSiSu samAnItESu tE'kathayan ESa jana EtatpuNyasthAnavyavasthayO rnindAtaH kadApi na nivarttatE|
14 For we have heard him say that Jesus, the Nazarene, will pull this place down to the ground and will change the customs which Moses handed down to us."
phalatO nAsaratIyayIzuH sthAnamEtad ucchinnaM kariSyati mUsAsamarpitam asmAkaM vyavaharaNam anyarUpaM kariSyati tasyaitAdRzIM kathAM vayam azRNuma|
15 At once the eyes of all who were sitting in the Sanhedrin were fastened on him, and they saw his face looking just like the face of an angel.
tadA mahAsabhAsthAH sarvvE taM prati sthirAM dRSTiM kRtvA svargadUtamukhasadRzaM tasya mukham apazyan|