< Acts 25 >
1 Festus, having entered on his duties as governor of the province, two days later went up from Caesarea to Jerusalem.
Kolm päeva pärast ametisse astumist läks Festus Kaisareast üles Jeruusalemma,
2 The High Priests and the leading men among the Jews immediately made representations to him against Paul, and begged him--
kus ülempreestrid ja juutide juhid astusid tema ette ja esitasid süüdistuse Pauluse vastu.
3 asking it as a favour, to Paul's prejudice--to have him brought to Jerusalem. They were planning an ambush to kill him on the way.
Nad palusid Festust hea tahte märgiks saata Paulus Jeruusalemma, sest nad plaanisid teda tee peal rünnata ja tappa.
4 Festus, however, replied that Paul was in custody in Caesarea, and that he was himself going there very soon.
Aga Festus vastas: „Paulust hoitakse Kaisareas ja ma ise lähen ka varsti sinna.
5 "Therefore let those of you," he said, "who can come, go down with me, and impeach the man, if there is anything amiss in him."
Tulgu mõni teie juhtidest minuga kaasa ja esitagu tema vastu süüdistus seal, kui ta on midagi valesti teinud.“
6 After a stay of eight or ten days in Jerusalem--not more--he went down to Caesarea; and the next day, taking his seat on the tribunal, he ordered Paul to be brought in.
Kui Festus oli seitse või kaheksa päeva nende juures olnud, läks ta alla Kaisareasse. Järgmisel päeval kutsus ta kokku kohtu ja käskis Pauluse tema ette tuua.
7 Upon Paul's arrival, the Jews who had come down from Jerusalem stood round him, and brought many grave charges against him which they were unable to substantiate.
Kui Paulus sisse astus, piirasid ta ümber Jeruusalemmast tulnud juudid. Nad esitasid talle palju tõsiseid süüdistusi, kuid ei suutnud neid tõestada.
8 But, in reply, Paul said, "Neither against the Jewish Law, nor against the Temple, nor against Caesar, have I committed any offence whatever."
Siis kaitses Paulus ennast: „Ma ei ole teinud midagi valesti ei juutide Seaduse ega templi ega keisri vastu.“
9 Then Festus, being anxious to gratify the Jews, asked Paul, "Are you willing to go up to Jerusalem, and there stand your trial before me on these charges?"
Festus aga, soovides olla juutidele meelepärane, küsis: „Kas sa oled nõus minema nende süüdistustega üles Jeruusalemma ja astuma minu ette kohtus?“
10 "I am standing before Caesar's tribunal," replied Paul, "where alone I ought to be tried. The Jews have no real ground of complaint against me, as in fact you yourself are beginning to see more clearly.
Paulus vastas: „Mina seisan praegu keisri kohtujärje ees, kus mu üle peab kohut mõistetama. Juutide vastu ma ei ole eksinud, nagu sa isegi hästi tead.
11 If, however, I have done wrong and have committed any offence for which I deserve to die, I do not ask to be excused that penalty. But if there is no truth in what these men allege against me, no one has the right to give me up to them as a favour. I appeal to Caesar."
Kui ma olen siiski süüdi selles, et olen teinud midagi surma väärivat, ei keeldu ma surmast. Kuid kui nende poolt minu vastu esitatud süüdistused ei vasta tõele, ei ole kellelgi õigust mind neile välja anda. Mina nõuan keisri kohut!“
12 Then, after conferring with the Council, Festus replied, "To Caesar you have appealed: to Caesar you shall go."
Pärast seda, kui Festus oli arutanud oma nõunikega, ta vastas: „Keisri kohut oled sa nõudnud, keisri ette sa lähed!“
13 A short time after this, Agrippa the king and Bernice came to Caesarea to pay a complimentary visit to Festus;
Mõni päev hiljem saabusid Kaisareasse kuningas Agrippa ja Berenike Festust tervitama.
14 and, during their rather long stay, Festus laid Paul's case before the king. "There is a man here," he said, "whom Felix left a prisoner,
Ja kuna nad veetsid seal mitu päeva, rääkis Festus kuningale Pauluse juhtumist. Ta ütles: „Feeliks on jätnud vangi ühe mehe.
15 about whom, when I went to Jerusalem, the High Priests and the Elders of the Jews made representations to me, begging that sentence might be pronounced against him.
Kui ma läksin Jeruusalemma, esitasid juudi ülempreestrid ja rahvavanemad tema vastu süüdistuse ja nõudsid tema surmamõistmist.
16 My reply was that it is not the custom among the Romans to give up any one for punishment before the accused has had his accusers face to face, and has had an opportunity of defending himself against the charge which has been brought against him.
Ma vastasin neile, et Roomas ei ole kombeks kedagi välja anda, enne kui süüdistatav saab seista vastamisi süüdistajatega ja ennast süüdistuste vastu kaitsta.
17 "When, therefore, a number of them came here, the next day I took my seat on the tribunal, without any loss of time, and ordered the man to be brought in.
Kui nad koos minuga siia tulid, ei lükanud ma kohtuasja edasi, vaid kutsusin kohtu järgmisel päeval kokku ja käskisin mehe sisse tuua.
18 But, when his accusers stood up, they did not charge him with the misdemeanours of which I had been suspecting him.
Aga kui tema süüdistajad rääkima hakkasid, ei esitanud nad temale süüdistust üheski sellises kuriteos, nagu mina ootasin.
19 But they quarrelled with him about certain matters connected with their own religion, and about one Jesus who had died, but--so Paul persistently maintained--is now alive.
Selle asemel oli neil temaga vaidlus nende oma usu ja kellegi surnud Jeesuse suhtes, kelle kohta Paulus väitis, et ta on elus.
20 I was at a loss how to investigate such questions, and asked Paul whether he would care to go to Jerusalem and there stand his trial on these matters.
Ma olin nõutu, kuidas selliseid asju uurida; nii et ma küsisin, kas ta on valmis minema Jeruusalemma ja astuma seal nendes süüdistustes kohtu ette.
21 But when Paul appealed to have his case kept for the Emperor's decision, I ordered him to be kept in prison until I could send him up to Caesar."
Aga kui Paulus nõudis, et see asi tuleb üle anda keisrile otsutamiseks, siis ma käskisingi teda kinni pidada, kuni ma võin ta saata keisri juurde.“
22 "I should like to hear the man myself," said Agrippa. "to-morrow," replied Festus, "you shall." Accordingly, the next day, Agrippa and Bernice came in state
Siis ütles Agrippa Festusele: „Ma tahaksin seda meest ise kuulda.“Ta vastas: „Homme saad teda kuulda.“
23 and took their seats in the Judgement Hall, attended by the Tribunes and the men of high rank in the city; and, at the command of Festus, Paul was brought in.
Järgmisel päeval tulid Agrippa ja Berenike kogu oma vürstlikus hiilguses ja astusid kohtusaali koos kõrgete väepealike ja linna tähtsate meestega. Siis toodi Festuse käsul Paulus.
24 Then Festus said, "King Agrippa and all who are present with us, you see here the man about whom the whole nation of the Jews made suit to me, both in Jerusalem and here, crying out that he ought not to live any longer.
Festus ütles: „Kuningas Agrippa ja kõik, kes te siin meiega olete, te näete seda meest! Terve juudi kogukond on nõudnud minult Jeruusalemmas ja siin, Kaisareas, karjudes, et ta ei tohi enam elada.
25 I could not discover that he had done anything for which he deserved to die; but as he has himself appealed to the Emperor, I have decided to send him to Rome.
Mina aga leidsin, et ta pole teinud midagi surma väärivat, kuid kuna ta ise nõudis keisri kohut, siis ma otsustasin ta sinna saata.
26 I have nothing very definite, however, to tell our Sovereign about him. So I have brought the man before you all--and especially before you, King Agrippa--that after he has been examined I may find something which I can put into writing.
Aga mul pole midagi tema kohta Tema Majesteedile kirjutada. Seepärast ma olen toonud ta teie ette ja eriti sinu ette, kuningas Agrippa, et mul pärast juurdlust oleks midagi kirjutada.
27 For, when sending a prisoner to Rome, it seems to me to be absurd not to state the charges against him."
Sest mulle tundub mõttetu saata vang Rooma ilma süüdistuste loetelu esitamata.“