< Acts 19 >

1 During the stay of Apollos in Corinth, Paul, after passing through the inland districts, came to Ephesus, where he found a few disciples.
karinthanagara āpallasaḥ sthitikālē paula uttarapradēśairāgacchan iphiṣanagaram upasthitavān| tatra katipayaśiṣyān sākṣat prāpya tān apr̥cchat,
2 "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you first believed?" he asked them. "No," they replied, "we did not even hear that there is a Holy Spirit."
yūyaṁ viśvasya pavitramātmānaṁ prāptā na vā? tatastē pratyavadan pavitra ātmā dīyatē ityasmābhiḥ śrutamapi nahi|
3 "Into what then were you baptized?" he asked. "Into John's baptism," they replied.
tadā sā'vadat tarhi yūyaṁ kēna majjitā abhavata? tē'kathayan yōhanō majjanēna|
4 "John," he said, "administered a baptism of repentance, bidding the people believe on One who was to come after him; namely, on Jesus."
tadā paula uktavān itaḥ paraṁ ya upasthāsyati tasmin arthata yīśukhrīṣṭē viśvasitavyamityuktvā yōhan manaḥparivarttanasūcakēna majjanēna jalē lōkān amajjayat|
5 On hearing this, they were baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus;
tādr̥śīṁ kathāṁ śrutvā tē prabhō ryīśukhrīṣṭasya nāmnā majjitā abhavan|
6 and when Paul laid his hands upon them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they began to speak in tongues and to prophesy.
tataḥ paulēna tēṣāṁ gātrēṣu karē'rpitē tēṣāmupari pavitra ātmāvarūḍhavān, tasmāt tē nānādēśīyā bhāṣā bhaviṣyatkathāśca kathitavantaḥ|
7 They numbered in all about twelve men.
tē prāyēṇa dvādaśajanā āsan|
8 Afterwards he went into the synagogue. There for three months he continued to preach fearlessly, explaining in words which carried conviction the truths which concern the Kingdom of God.
paulō bhajanabhavanaṁ gatvā prāyēṇa māsatrayam īśvarasya rājyasya vicāraṁ kr̥tvā lōkān pravartya sāhasēna kathāmakathayat|
9 But some grew obstinate in unbelief and spoke evil of the new faith before all the congregation. So Paul left them, and, taking with him those who were disciples, held discussions daily in Tyrannus's lecture-hall.
kintu kaṭhināntaḥkaraṇatvāt kiyantō janā na viśvasya sarvvēṣāṁ samakṣam ētatpathasya nindāṁ karttuṁ pravr̥ttāḥ, ataḥ paulastēṣāṁ samīpāt prasthāya śiṣyagaṇaṁ pr̥thakkr̥tvā pratyahaṁ turānnanāmnaḥ kasyacit janasya pāṭhaśālāyāṁ vicāraṁ kr̥tavān|
10 This went on for two years, so that all the inhabitants of the province of Asia, Jews as well as Greeks, heard the Lord's Message.
itthaṁ vatsaradvayaṁ gataṁ tasmād āśiyādēśanivāsinaḥ sarvvē yihūdīyā anyadēśīyalōkāśca prabhō ryīśōḥ kathām aśrauṣan|
11 God also brought about extraordinary miracles through Paul's instrumentality.
paulēna ca īśvara ētādr̥śānyadbhutāni karmmāṇi kr̥tavān
12 Towels or aprons, for instance, which Paul had handled used to be carried to the sick, and they recovered from their ailments, or the evil spirits left them.
yat paridhēyē gātramārjanavastrē vā tasya dēhāt pīḍitalōkānām samīpam ānītē tē nirāmayā jātā apavitrā bhūtāśca tēbhyō bahirgatavantaḥ|
13 But there were also some wandering Jewish exorcists who undertook to invoke the name of Jesus over those who had the evil spirits, saying, "I command you by that Jesus whom Paul preaches."
tadā dēśāṭanakāriṇaḥ kiyantō yihūdīyā bhūtāpasāriṇō bhūtagrastanōkānāṁ sannidhau prabhē ryīśō rnāma japtvā vākyamidam avadan, yasya kathāṁ paulaḥ pracārayati tasya yīśō rnāmnā yuṣmān ājñāpayāmaḥ|
14 There were seven sons of one Sceva, a Jew of high-priestly family, who were doing this.
skivanāmnō yihūdīyānāṁ pradhānayājakasya saptabhiḥ puttaistathā kr̥tē sati
15 "Jesus I know," the evil spirit answered, "and Paul I have heard of, but who are you?"
kaścid apavitrō bhūtaḥ pratyuditavān, yīśuṁ jānāmi paulañca paricinōmi kintu kē yūyaṁ?
16 And the man in whom the evil spirit was sprang on two of them, over-mastered them both, and treated them with such violence, that they fled from the house stripped of their clothes and wounded.
ityuktvā sōpavitrabhūtagrastō manuṣyō lamphaṁ kr̥tvā tēṣāmupari patitvā balēna tān jitavān, tasmāttē nagnāḥ kṣatāṅgāśca santastasmād gēhāt palāyanta|
17 All the people of Ephesus, Jews as well as Greeks, came to know of this. There was widespread terror, and they began to hold the name of the Lord Jesus in high honour.
sā vāg iphiṣanagaranivāsinasaṁ sarvvēṣāṁ yihūdīyānāṁ bhinnadēśīyānāṁ lōkānāñca śravōgōcarībhūtā; tataḥ sarvvē bhayaṁ gatāḥ prabhō ryīśō rnāmnō yaśō 'varddhata|
18 Many also of those who believed came confessing without reserve what their conduct had been,
yēṣāmanēkēṣāṁ lōkānāṁ pratītirajāyata ta āgatya svaiḥ kr̥tāḥ kriyāḥ prakāśarūpēṇāṅgīkr̥tavantaḥ|
19 and not a few of those who had practised magical arts brought their books together and burnt them in the presence of all. The total value was reckoned and found to be 50,000 silver coins.
bahavō māyākarmmakāriṇaḥ svasvagranthān ānīya rāśīkr̥tya sarvvēṣāṁ samakṣam adāhayan, tatō gaṇanāṁ kr̥tvābudhyanta pañcāyutarūpyamudrāmūlyapustakāni dagdhāni|
20 Thus mightily did the Lord's Message spread and triumph!
itthaṁ prabhōḥ kathā sarvvadēśaṁ vyāpya prabalā jātā|
21 When matters had reached this point, Paul decided in his own mind to travel through Macedonia and Greece, and go to Jerusalem. "After that," he said, "I must also see Rome."
sarvvēṣvētēṣu karmmasu sampannēṣu satsu paulō mākidaniyākhāyādēśābhyāṁ yirūśālamaṁ gantuṁ matiṁ kr̥tvā kathitavān tatsthānaṁ yātrāyāṁ kr̥tāyāṁ satyāṁ mayā rōmānagaraṁ draṣṭavyaṁ|
22 But he sent two of his assistants, Timothy and Erastus, to Macedonia, while he himself remained for a while in Roman Asia.
svānugatalōkānāṁ tīmathiyērāstau dvau janau mākidaniyādēśaṁ prati prahitya svayam āśiyādēśē katipayadināni sthitavān|
23 Now just at that time there arose no small commotion about the new faith.
kintu tasmin samayē matē'smin kalahō jātaḥ|
24 There was a certain Demetrius, a silversmith, who made miniature silver sanctuaries of Diana, a business which brought great gain to the mechanics in his employ.
tatkāraṇamidaṁ, arttimīdēvyā rūpyamandiranirmmāṇēna sarvvēṣāṁ śilpināṁ yathēṣṭalābham ajanayat yō dīmītriyanāmā nāḍīndhamaḥ
25 He called his workmen together, and others who were engaged in similar trades, and said to them, "You men well know that our prosperity depends on this business of ours;
sa tān tatkarmmajīvinaḥ sarvvalōkāṁśca samāhūya bhāṣitavān hē mahēcchā ētēna mandiranirmmāṇēnāsmākaṁ jīvikā bhavati, ētad yūyaṁ vittha;
26 and you see and hear that, not in Ephesus only but throughout almost the whole province of Asia, this fellow Paul has led away a vast number of people by inducing them to believe that they are not gods at all that are made by men's hands.
kintu hastanirmmitēśvarā īśvarā nahi paulanāmnā kēnacijjanēna kathāmimāṁ vyāhr̥tya kēvalēphiṣanagarē nahi prāyēṇa sarvvasmin āśiyādēśē pravr̥ttiṁ grāhayitvā bahulōkānāṁ śēmuṣī parāvarttitā, ētad yuṣmābhi rdr̥śyatē śrūyatē ca|
27 There is danger, therefore, not only that this our trade will become of no account, but also that the temple of the great goddess Diana will fall into utter disrepute, and that before long she will be actually deposed from her majestic rank--she who is now worshipped by the whole province of Asia; nay, by the whole world."
tēnāsmākaṁ vāṇijyasya sarvvathā hānēḥ sambhavanaṁ kēvalamiti nahi, āśiyādēśasthai rvā sarvvajagatsthai rlōkaiḥ pūjyā yārtimī mahādēvī tasyā mandirasyāvajñānasya tasyā aiśvaryyasya nāśasya ca sambhāvanā vidyatē|
28 After listening to this harangue, they became furiously angry and kept calling out, "Great is the Ephesian Diana!"
ētādr̥śīṁ kathāṁ śrutvā tē mahākrōdhānvitāḥ santa uccaiḥkāraṁ kathitavanta iphiṣīyānām arttimī dēvī mahatī bhavati|
29 The riot and uproar spread through the whole city, till at last with one accord they rushed into the Theatre, dragging with them Gaius and Aristarchus, two Macedonians who were fellow travellers with Paul.
tataḥ sarvvanagaraṁ kalahēna paripūrṇamabhavat, tataḥ paraṁ tē mākidanīyagāyāristārkhanāmānau paulasya dvau sahacarau dhr̥tvaikacittā raṅgabhūmiṁ javēna dhāvitavantaḥ|
30 Then Paul would have liked to go in and address the people, but the disciples would not let him do so.
tataḥ paulō lōkānāṁ sannidhiṁ yātum udyatavān kintu śiṣyagaṇastaṁ vāritavān|
31 A few of the public officials, too, who were friendly to him, sent repeated messages entreating him not to venture into the Theatre.
paulasyatmīyā āśiyādēśasthāḥ katipayāḥ pradhānalōkāstasya samīpaṁ naramēkaṁ prēṣya tvaṁ raṅgabhūmiṁ māgā iti nyavēdayan|
32 The people, meanwhile, kept shouting, some one thing and some another; for the assembly was all uproar and confusion, and the greater part had no idea why they had come together.
tatō nānālōkānāṁ nānākathākathanāt sabhā vyākulā jātā kiṁ kāraṇād ētāvatī janatābhavat ētad adhikai rlōkai rnājñāyi|
33 Then some of the people crowded round Alexander, whom the Jews had pushed forward; and Alexander, motioning with his hand to get silence, was prepared to make a defence to the people.
tataḥ paraṁ janatāmadhyād yihūdīyairbahiṣkr̥taḥ sikandarō hastēna saṅkētaṁ kr̥tvā lōkēbhya uttaraṁ dātumudyatavān,
34 No sooner, however, did they see that he was a Jew, than there arose from them all one roar of shouting, lasting about two hours. "Great is the Ephesian Diana," they said.
kintu sa yihūdīyalōka iti niścitē sati iphiṣīyānām arttimī dēvī mahatīti vākyaṁ prāyēṇa pañca daṇḍān yāvad ēkasvarēṇa lōkanivahaiḥ prōktaṁ|
35 At length the Recorder quieted them down. "Men of Ephesus," he said, "who is there of all mankind that needs to be told that the city of Ephesus is the guardian of the temple of the great Diana and of the image which fell down from Zeus?
tatō nagarādhipatistān sthirān kr̥tvā kathitavān hē iphiṣāyāḥ sarvvē lōkā ākarṇayata, artimīmahādēvyā mahādēvāt patitāyāstatpratimāyāśca pūjanama iphiṣanagarasthāḥ sarvvē lōkāḥ kurvvanti, ētat kē na jānanti?
36 These facts, then, being unquestioned, it becomes you to maintain your self-control and not act recklessly.
tasmād ētatpratikūlaṁ kēpi kathayituṁ na śaknuvanti, iti jñātvā yuṣmābhiḥ susthiratvēna sthātavyam avivicya kimapi karmma na karttavyañca|
37 For you have brought these men here, who are neither robbers of temples nor blasphemers of our goddess.
yān ētān manuṣyān yūyamatra samānayata tē mandiradravyāpahārakā yuṣmākaṁ dēvyā nindakāśca na bhavanti|
38 If, however, Demetrius and the mechanics who support his contention have a grievance against any one, there are Assize-days and there are Proconsuls: let the persons interested accuse one another.
yadi kañcana prati dīmītriyasya tasya sahāyānāñca kācid āpatti rvidyatē tarhi pratinidhilōkā vicārasthānañca santi, tē tat sthānaṁ gatvā uttarapratyuttarē kurvvantu|
39 But if you desire anything further, it will have to be settled in the regular assembly.
kintu yuṣmākaṁ kācidaparā kathā yadi tiṣṭhati tarhi niyamitāyāṁ sabhāyāṁ tasyā niṣpatti rbhaviṣyati|
40 For in connexion with to-day's proceedings there is danger of our being charged with attempted insurrection, there having been no real reason for this riot; nor shall we be able to justify the behaviour of this disorderly mob."
kintvētasya virōdhasyōttaraṁ yēna dātuṁ śaknum ētādr̥śasya kasyacit kāraṇasyābhāvād adyatanaghaṭanāhētō rājadrōhiṇāmivāsmākam abhiyōgō bhaviṣyatīti śaṅkā vidyatē|
41 With these words he dismissed the assembly.
iti kathayitvā sa sabhāsthalōkān visr̥ṣṭavān|

< Acts 19 >