< Acts 17 >

1 Then, passing through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they went to Thessalonica. Here there was a synagogue of the Jews.
cum autem perambulassent Amphipolim et Apolloniam venerunt Thessalonicam ubi erat synagoga Iudaeorum
2 Paul--following his usual custom--betook himself to it, and for three successive Sabbaths reasoned with them from the Scriptures,
secundum consuetudinem autem Paulus introivit ad eos et per sabbata tria disserebat eis de scripturis
3 which he clearly explained, pointing out that it had been necessary for the Christ to suffer and rise again from the dead, and insisting, "The Jesus whom I am announcing to you is the Christ."
adaperiens et insinuans quia Christum oportuit pati et resurgere a mortuis et quia hic est Christus Iesus quem ego adnuntio vobis
4 Some of the people were won over, and attached themselves to Paul and Silas, including many God-fearing Greeks and not a few gentlewomen of high rank.
et quidam ex eis crediderunt et adiuncti sunt Paulo et Silae et de colentibus gentilibusque multitudo magna et mulieres nobiles non paucae
5 But the jealousy of the Jews was aroused, and, calling to their aid some ill-conditioned and idle fellows, they got together a riotous mob and filled the city with uproar. They then attacked the house of Jason and searched for Paul and Silas, to bring them out before the assembly of people.
zelantes autem Iudaei adsumentesque de vulgo viros quosdam malos et turba facta concitaverunt civitatem et adsistentes domui Iasonis quaerebant eos producere in populum
6 But, failing to find them, they dragged Jason and some of the other brethren before the magistrates of the city, loudly accusing them. "These men," they said, "who have raised a tumult throughout the Empire, have come here also.
et cum non invenissent eos trahebant Iasonem et quosdam fratres ad principes civitatis clamantes quoniam hii qui orbem concitant et huc venerunt
7 Jason has received them into his house; and they all set Caesar's authority at defiance, declaring that there is another Emperor-- one called Jesus."
quos suscepit Iason et hii omnes contra decreta Caesaris faciunt regem alium dicentes esse Iesum
8 Great was the excitement among the crowd, and among the magistrates of the city, when they heard these charges.
concitaverunt autem plebem et principes civitatis audientes haec
9 They required Jason and the rest to find substantial bail, and after that they let them go.
et accepto satis ab Iasone et a ceteris dimiserunt eos
10 The brethren at once sent Paul and Silas away by night to Beroea, and they, on their arrival, went to the synagogue of the Jews.
fratres vero confestim per noctem dimiserunt Paulum et Silam in Beroeam qui cum advenissent in synagogam Iudaeorum introierunt
11 The Jews at Beroea were of a nobler disposition than those in Thessalonica, for they very readily received the Message, and day after day searched the Scriptures to see whether it was as Paul stated.
hii autem erant nobiliores eorum qui sunt Thessalonicae qui susceperunt verbum cum omni aviditate cotidie scrutantes scripturas si haec ita se haberent
12 As the result many of them became believers, and so did not a few of the Greeks--gentlewomen of good position, and men.
et multi quidem crediderunt ex eis et gentilium mulierum honestarum et viri non pauci
13 As soon, however, as the Jews of Thessalonica learnt that God's Message had been proclaimed by Paul at Beroea, they came there also, and incited the mob to a riot.
cum autem cognovissent in Thessalonica Iudaei quia et Beroeae praedicatum est a Paulo verbum Dei venerunt et illuc commoventes et turbantes multitudinem
14 Then the brethren promptly sent Paul down to the sea-coast, but Silas and Timothy remained behind.
statimque tunc Paulum dimiserunt fratres ut iret usque ad mare Silas autem et Timotheus remanserunt ibi
15 Those who were caring for Paul's safety went with him as far as Athens, and then left him, taking a message from him to Silas and Timothy, asking them to join him as speedily as possible.
qui autem deducebant Paulum perduxerunt usque Athenas et accepto mandato ab eo ad Silam et Timotheum ut quam celeriter venirent ad illum profecti sunt
16 While Paul was waiting for them in Athens, his spirit was stirred within him when he noticed that the city was full of idols.
Paulus autem cum Athenis eos expectaret incitabatur spiritus eius in ipso videns idolatriae deditam civitatem
17 So he had discussions in the synagogue with the Jews and the other worshippers, and in the market place, day after day, with those whom he happened to meet.
disputabat igitur in synagoga cum Iudaeis et colentibus et in foro per omnes dies ad eos qui aderant
18 A few of the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers also encountered him. Some of them asked, "What has this beggarly babbler to say?" "His business," said others, "seems to be to cry up some foreign gods." This was because he had been telling the Good News of Jesus and the Resurrection.
quidam autem epicurei et stoici philosophi disserebant cum eo et quidam dicebant quid vult seminiverbius hic dicere alii vero novorum daemoniorum videtur adnuntiator esse quia Iesum et resurrectionem adnuntiabat eis
19 Then they took him and brought him up to the Areopagus, asking him, "May we be told what this new teaching of yours is?
et adprehensum eum ad Ariopagum duxerunt dicentes possumus scire quae est haec nova quae a te dicitur doctrina
20 For the things you are saying sound strange to us. We should therefore like to be told exactly what they mean."
nova enim quaedam infers auribus nostris volumus ergo scire quidnam velint haec esse
21 (For all the Athenians and their foreign visitors used to devote their whole leisure to telling or hearing about something new.)
Athenienses autem omnes et advenae hospites ad nihil aliud vacabant nisi aut dicere aut audire aliquid novi
22 So Paul, taking his stand in the centre of the Areopagus, spoke as follows: "Men of Athens, I perceive that you are in every respect remarkably religious.
stans autem Paulus in medio Ariopagi ait viri athenienses per omnia quasi superstitiosiores vos video
23 For as I passed along and observed the things you worship, I found also an altar bearing the inscription, 'TO AN UNKNOWN GOD.' "The Being, therefore, whom you, without knowing Him, revere, Him I now proclaim to you.
praeteriens enim et videns simulacra vestra inveni et aram in qua scriptum erat ignoto deo quod ergo ignorantes colitis hoc ego adnuntio vobis
24 GOD who made the universe and everything in it--He, being Lord of Heaven and earth, does not dwell in sanctuaries built by men.
Deus qui fecit mundum et omnia quae in eo sunt hic caeli et terrae cum sit Dominus non in manufactis templis inhabitat
25 Nor is He ministered to by human hands, as though He needed anything--but He Himself gives to all men life and breath and all things.
nec manibus humanis colitur indigens aliquo cum ipse det omnibus vitam et inspirationem et omnia
26 He caused to spring from one forefather people of every race, for them to live on the whole surface of the earth, and marked out for them an appointed span of life and the boundaries of their homes;
fecitque ex uno omne genus hominum inhabitare super universam faciem terrae definiens statuta tempora et terminos habitationis eorum
27 that they might seek God, if perhaps they could grope for Him and find Him. Yes, though He is not far from any one of us.
quaerere Deum si forte adtractent eum aut inveniant quamvis non longe sit ab unoquoque nostrum
28 For it is in closest union with Him that we live and move and have our being; as in fact some of the poets in repute among yourselves have said, 'For we are also His offspring.'
in ipso enim vivimus et movemur et sumus sicut et quidam vestrum poetarum dixerunt ipsius enim et genus sumus
29 Since then we are God's offspring, we ought not to imagine that His nature resembles gold or silver or marble, or anything sculptured by the art and inventive faculty of man.
genus ergo cum simus Dei non debemus aestimare auro aut argento aut lapidi sculpturae artis et cogitationis hominis divinum esse simile
30 Those times of ignorance God viewed with indulgence. But now He commands all men everywhere to repent,
et tempora quidem huius ignorantiae despiciens Deus nunc adnuntiat hominibus ut omnes ubique paenitentiam agant
31 seeing that He has appointed a day on which, before long, He will judge the world in righteousness, through the instrumentality of a man whom He has pre-destined to this work, and has made the fact certain to every one by raising Him from the dead."
eo quod statuit diem in qua iudicaturus est orbem in aequitate in viro in quo statuit fidem praebens omnibus suscitans eum a mortuis
32 When they heard Paul speak of a resurrection of dead men, some began to scoff. But others said, "We will hear you again on that subject."
cum audissent autem resurrectionem mortuorum quidam quidem inridebant quidam vero dixerunt audiemus te de hoc iterum
33 So Paul went away from them.
sic Paulus exivit de medio eorum
34 A few, however, attached themselves to him and believed, among them being Dionysius a member of the Council, a gentlewoman named Damaris, and some others.
quidam vero viri adherentes ei crediderunt in quibus et Dionisius Ariopagita et mulier nomine Damaris et alii cum eis

< Acts 17 >