< 2 Thessalonians 1 >
1 Paul, Silas, and Timothy: To the Church of the Thessalonians which is in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Paulus, et Sylvanus, et Timotheus, Ecclesiæ Thessalonicensium in Deo Patre nostro, et Domino Iesu Christo.
2 May grace and peace be granted to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Gratia vobis, et pax a Deo Patre nostro, et Domino Iesu Christo.
3 Unceasing thanks are due from us to God on your behalf, brethren. They are appropriate because your faith is growing greatly, and the love of every one of you for all the others goes on increasing.
Gratias agere debemus semper Deo pro vobis, fratres, ita ut dignum est, quoniam supercrescit fides vestra, et abundat charitas uniuscuiusque vestrum in invicem:
4 It so increases that we ourselves make honourable mention of you among the Churches of God because of your patience and faith amid all your persecutions and amid the afflictions which you are enduring.
ita ut et nos ipsi in vobis gloriemur in Ecclesiis Dei, pro patientia vestra, et fide, et in omnibus persecutionibus vestris, et tribulationibus, quas sustinetis
5 For these are a plain token of God's righteous judgement, which has in view your being deemed worthy of admission to God's Kingdom, for the sake of which, indeed, you are sufferers.
in exemplum iusti iudicii Dei, ut digni habeamini in regno Dei, pro quo et patimini.
6 A plain token of God's righteous judgement, I say, since it is a righteous thing for Him to requite with affliction those who are now afflicting you;
si tamen iustum est apud Deum retribuere tribulationem iis, qui vos tribulant:
7 and to requite with rest you who are suffering affliction now--rest with us at the re-appearing of the Lord Jesus from Heaven, attended by His mighty angels.
et vobis, qui tribulamini, requiem nobiscum in revelatione Domini Iesu de cælo cum angelis virtutis eius,
8 He will come in flames of fire to take vengeance on those who have no knowledge of God, and do not obey the Good News as to Jesus, our Lord.
in flamma ignis dantis vindictam iis, qui non noverunt Deum, et qui non obediunt Evangelio Domini nostri Iesu Christi.
9 They will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, being banished from the presence of the Lord and from His glorious majesty, (aiōnios )
qui pœnas dabunt in interitu æternas a facie Domini, et a gloria virtutis eius: (aiōnios )
10 when He comes on that day to be glorified in His people and to be wondered at among all who have believed, including you--because you believed the testimony which we brought for your acceptance.
cum venerit glorificari in sanctis suis, et admirabilis fieri in omnibus, qui crediderunt, quia creditum est testimonium nostrum super vos in die illo.
11 It is with this view also that we continually pray to our God for you, asking that He will count you worthy of His call, and by His mighty power fully gratify your every desire for what is truly good and make your work of faith complete;
In quo etiam oramus semper pro vobis: ut dignetur vos vocatione sua Deus noster, et impleat omnem voluntatem bonitatis, et opus fidei in virtute,
12 in order that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and that you may be glorified in Him--so wonderful is the grace of our God and of the Lord Jesus Christ!
ut clarificetur nomen Domini nostri Iesu Christi in vobis, et vos in illo secundum gratiam Dei nostri, et Domini Iesu Christi.