< 2 Corinthians 13 >
1 This intended visit of mine is my third visit to you. "On the evidence of two or three witnesses every charge shall be sustained."
Wa yi nku wu utra me ya ni yi nito ko anh nmer ni iyu shaida ha ko iyra.
2 Those who cling to their old sins, and indeed all of you, I have forewarned and still forewarn (as I did on my second visit when present, so I do now, though absent) that, when I come again, I shall not spare you;
Me tra ntra nmu wu nkogo ni bi ban tin lahtra ni brumban nto me ha ni yin nkun wu ha. me sar ti lah nwu, me ta kbeye, me na kpa leh ni yi nwu na.
3 since you want a practical proof of the fact that Christ speaks by my lips--He who is not feeble towards you, but powerful among you.
Me lah wa ni yi wu bi wa bi shaida Almasihu ni tun tra yu bi wa nwu na kun knre na ye ni yina ta tin yi a ha ne gbengble ni me bi.
4 For though it is true that He was crucified through weakness, yet He now lives through the power of God. We also are weak, sharing His weakness, but with Him we shall be full of life to deal with you through the power of God.
Ba giciye wu a hama ni gbegblen, ahei ni rai ni gbegblen Rji. Kita me ki hama ni gbengblen ni mi ma, ama ki kii ni gbengblen Rji ni min mbi.
5 Test yourselves to discover whether you are true believers: put your own selves under examination. Or do you not know that Jesus Christ is within you, unless you are insincere?
Bi nka tsra kpanbi to kan bi ha ndindikoyosur Bi tin ni tu tsra. Bina mleya to yesu Almasihu ha ni meba na? a ha ni umebi nse ko bina kpa mye ni yina.
6 But I trust that you will recognize that we are not insincere.
Me sun ndu yi to, kinah joku ni tsra na.
7 And our prayer to God is that you may do nothing wrong; not in order that our sincerity may be demonstrated, but that you may do what is right, even though our sincerity may seem to be doubtful.
Me bra ni Rji ba na toyi be nkurhoku na Ra don me hra ni tsro yin ni tin na bi nrin tsranba. Ko na yi me bra ti kpewa abi ko dindi Ko ni ha kiti na ki inrhoku tsra.
8 For we have no power against the truth, but only for the furtherance of the truth;
Ki na nya tin kpe ni krin ni dindin na ki ki tin ndindi.
9 and it is a joy to us when we are powerless, but you are strong. This we also pray for--the perfecting of your characters.
Kin gir bubu ki kunre ba nka kre gbangba. Ki bra nun yi ti kle.
10 For this reason I write thus while absent, that when present I may not have to act severely in the exercise of the authority which the Lord has given me for building up, and not for pulling down.
Me anh kpe bi yi tu me ne ha ni yina, inda me ta ye, me ta ye ka ha nimu tilas me kati yin yah. me na nso ti ndu gbegblen wa Baci ni meni tzuyi nhu a na wa me zee gbel bina
11 Finally, brethren, be joyful, secure perfection of character, take courage, be of one mind, live in peace. And then God who gives love and peace will be with you.
Inkle ma nmre vayi, tse firin mlen sur bi tin, ni ya bramu ni mle sun kpa bi tin, sun ni si sor Rji sunbu mi si sor ani ha ni yin.
12 Salute one another with a holy kiss.
Cin kpabi tsatsra ni funkpa.
13 All God's people here send greetings to you.
Indi bi whu Rji cin kpanbi.
14 May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all.
No tibi Baci yesu Almasihu ni son ma Rji, ni hada tun ruhu wu tsratsra No tani he ni kogon.