< 2 Corinthians 1 >

1 Paul, an Apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God--and our brother Timothy: To the Church of God in Corinth, with all God's people throughout Greece.
Paulo n'tumee wa kristu Yesu kwa mapenzi gha K'yara, ni Timotheo ndongho bhitu, kwa likanisa la k'yara laliyele korintho, ni kwa bhaumini bhoa bhabhayele mu mkoa bhuoa wa Akaya.
2 May grace and peace be granted to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Neema na iyelai kwa yhomo ni amani kuhomela kwa K'yara Dadi wayhoto ni Bwana Yesu Kristu.
3 Heartfelt thanks be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ--the Father who is full of compassion and the God who gives all comfort.
Na afifibhuayi K'yara ndo Dadi wa Bwana Yesu Kristu. Muene Dadi wa rehema ni K'yara wa faraja syoa.
4 He comforts us in our every affliction so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any kind of affliction by means of the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
K'yara katufaliji tete kup'etela mateso gha tete ghoa, ili yakuwa tubhwesyai kubhafaliji bhala bhabhayele mmateso. Tukabhafariji bha mana kwa falaja yelayela ambayo K'yara atumili katufaliji tete.
5 For just as we have more than our share of suffering for the Christ, so also through the Christ we have more than our share of comfort.
Kwa kuya Katya kabhele mateso gha Kristu ghiyongeseka kwajia ya tete, kabhele falaja ya tete yiyongeseka kup'etela Kristu.
6 But if, on the one hand, we are enduring affliction, it is for your comfort and salvation; and if, on the other hand, we are receiving comfort, it is for your comfort which is produced within you through your patient fortitude under the same sufferings as those which we also are enduring.
Lakini Katya titaabishwa, ni kwajia ya falaja ya yhomo ni wokovu wayhomo. Ni kitya tifalijibhwa, ni kwajia ya falaja ya yhoto. falaja ya yhomo yifuanya mbhombho kikamilifu pamwishiliki mateso kiuvumilivu kabhele Katya tete katiteseka.
7 And our hope for you is stedfast; for we know that as you are partners with us in the sufferings, so you are also partners in the comfort.
Ni ujasili bhuitu panani pa muenga uye thabiti. Tumanyili yakuwa Katya kela kwa mwishiliki mateso, kelakela ka mwishiliki falaja.
8 For as for our troubles which came upon us in the province of Asia, we would have you know, brethren, that we were exceedingly weighed down, and felt overwhelmed, so that we renounced all hope even of life.
Kwa ndabha tilonda hee nimuenga muyela bhajinga, kup'etela matatiso ghataye naku okho Asia. Twabhonilibhu zaidi ya kela katibhuesya kuphenda, yibhonekana twa yehe ni tumaini la kuishi kabhele.
9 Nay, we had, as we still have, the sentence of death within our own selves, in order that our confidence may repose, not on ourselves, but on God who raised the dead to life.
Kueli, twayele ni hukumu panani mu kifo kitu. Lakini eye yayele kutuketa tete tukotokuya ni tumaini panani pa yhoto tayhoto, badala yaki tubhekai tumaini kup'etela k'yara, yaifufula wafu.
10 He it is who rescued us from so imminent a death, and will do so again; and we have a firm hope in Him that He will also rescue us in all the future,
Atuokuili tete kuhomela agha maafa gha mauti, na akatuokola kabhele. Tu bhekili ujasili bhuitu kup'etela muene kujo alatuokola kabhele.
11 while you on your part lend us your aid in entreaty for us, so that from many lips thanksgivings may rise on our behalf for the boon granted to us at the intercession of many.
Alaketa naa Katya kabhele muenga kamkatusaidila kwa maombi ghinu. Naa bhingi bhalapisya shukrani sabhene kwa nia ba ya tete kwajia ya upendeleo wa neema yatupelibhu tete kup'etela maombi gha bhingi.
12 For the reason for our boasting is this--the testimony of our own conscience that it was in holiness and with pure motives before God, and in reliance not on worldly wisdom but on the gracious help of God, that we have conducted ourselves in the world, and above all in our relations with you.
Tukajifunila ele: ushuhuda wa dhimiri yhitu. Yakuwa ni kup'etela nia inofu ni unofu wa K'yara yakuwa talotili tayhoto ku dunia. Tuketili naa henu ni muenga, na so kup'etela hekima ya ulimwengu, lakini badala yaki ndo kup'etela neema ya K'yara.
13 For we are writing to you nothing different from what we have written before, or from what indeed you already recognize as truth and will, I trust, recognize as such to the very end;
Tukabhayandikila hee kyoakela ambacho ka mwibhuesya lepi kusoma au kuyelebhwa. Niyeniujasili Ndabha kwa upandi mumalili kuyelebhwa.
14 just as some few of you have recognized us as your reason for boasting, even as you will be ours, on the day of Jesus our Lord.
Na niyele ni ujasili yakuwa kup'etela ligono la Bwana Yesu tulaya ndabha ya yhomo kwajia ya kiburi kya yhomo, katya kamlaya kwa tete.
15 It was because I entertained this confidence that I intended to visit you before going elsewhere--so that you might receive a twofold proof of God's favour--
Kwa ndabha uayele ni ujasili kup'etela ele, nilondeghe kuhida kwa muenga nosi, ya kuwa mubhwesyai kuyopa faida ya kugendelibhwa mala mbili.
16 and to pass by way of Corinth into Macedonia. Then my plan was to return from Macedonia to you, and be helped forward by you to Judaea.
Nayele kupanga kubhagendela magono gha nielekelelai Makedonia. kabhele nilondeghe kubhagendela magono ghanikelebhuka kuhomela Makedonia, ni kabhele muenga kunituma nene magono ghanilota kuuyaudi.
17 Did I display any vacillation or caprice in this? Or the purposes which I form--do I form them on worldly principles, now crying "Yes, yes," and now "No, no"?
Panayele kufikilila namna eye, ko, nayele kujo nabela belai? ko nipanga mambo kulengana ni fiwango fya kibinadamu, yakuwa nijobhai”Ena, ena” na”Lepi, lepi” kwa ligono limonga?
18 As certainly as God is faithful, our language to you is not now "Yes" and now "No."
Katya kabhele K'yara kya ayele mwaminifu, tijobha hee fyoe”Ena” ni“Lepi”.
19 For Jesus Christ the Son of God--He who was proclaimed among you by us, that is by Silas and Timothy and myself--did not show Himself a waverer between "Yes" and "No." But it was and always is "Yes" with Him.
Kwa ndabha muana wa K'yara, Yesu Kristu, ambaye silvano, Timotheo ni nene tantangese miongoni mwa yhomo, so”Ena” ni” Lepi”. Badala yaki, muene magono ghoa ni”Ena”
20 For all the promises of God, whatever their number, have their confirmation in Him; and for this reason through Him also our "Amen" acknowledges their truth and promotes the glory of God through our faith.
kwa ndabha ahadi syoa sya K'yara”Ena” kup'etela muene. Ele kabhele kup'etela muene tijobha”Amina” kwa utukufu wa K'yara.
21 But He who is making us as well as you stedfast through union with the Anointed One, and has anointed us, is God,
Henu ndo K'yara yaatuthibisisha tete ni muenga kup'etela Kristu, na atutumili tete.
22 and He has also set His seal upon us, and has put His Spirit into our hearts as a pledge and foretaste of future blessing.
Abhekili mihuri panani pa yhoto na atupelili Roho mumiteema yhitu katya dhamana ya khela kya angetupelili badaye.
23 But as for me, as my soul shall answer for it, I appeal to God as my witness, that it was to spare you pain that I gave up my visit to Corinth.
Badala yaki, nikansii K'yara kunshuhudila nene ndabha yainifwanyili nisihidi korintho yakuwa ni sibhalemeli muenga.
24 Not that we want to lord it over you in respect of your faith--we do, however, desire to help your joy--for in the matter of your faith you are standing firm.
Eye so ndo ndabha ya kubhajalibu kusibitisya namna imani ya yhomo kayilondeka kuya. Badala yaki, tiketa pamonga ni muenga kwajia ya furaha yhinu, katya kamwiyhema mu imani ya yhomo.

< 2 Corinthians 1 >