< 1 John 3 >
1 See what marvellous love the Father has bestowed upon us--that we should be called God's children: and that is what we are. For this reason the world does not recognize us--because it has not known Him.
Tarirai kuti rudo rwakadini Baba rwavakatipa, kuti tinzi vana vaMwari. Nekuda kwaizvozvi nyika haitizivi, nokuti haina kumuziva iye.
2 Dear friends, we are now God's children, but what we are to be in the future has not yet been fully revealed. We know that if Christ reappears we shall be like Him, because we shall see Him as He is.
Vadikanwi, ikozvino tiri vana vaMwari, uye zvichigere kuratidzwa kuti tichazovei. Asi tinoziva kuti kana achizoratidzwa, tichafanana naye; nokuti tichamuona sezvaakaita.
3 And every man who has this hope fixed on Him, purifies himself so as to be as pure as He is.
Uye umwe neumwe ane tariro iyi maari anozvichenesa, sezvaakachena iye.
4 Every one who is guilty of sin is also guilty of violating Law; for sin is the violation of Law.
Umwe neumwe anoita chivi anoitawo kusava nemurairo; uye chivi ndiko kusava nemurairo.
5 And you know that He appeared in order to take away sins; and in Him there is no sin.
Uye munoziva kuti iye wakaratidzwa kuti abvise zvivi zvedu; uye zvivi hazvimo maari.
6 No one who continues in union with Him lives in sin: no one who lives in sin has seen Him or knows Him.
Ani nani anogara maari haatadzi; ani nani anotadza haana kumuona, kana kumuziva.
7 Dear children, let no one lead you astray. The man who acts righteously is righteous, just as He is righteous.
Vana vadiki, kusava neanokunyengerai; uyo anoita kururama wakarurama, saiye akarurama;
8 He who is habitually guilty of sin is a child of the Devil, because the Devil has been a sinner from the very beginning. The Son of God appeared for the purpose of undoing the work of the Devil.
uyo anoita chivi anobva kuna dhiabhorosi, nokuti dhiabhorosi anotadza kubva pakutanga. Nechikonzero ichi Mwanakomana waMwari wakaratidzwa kuti aparadze mabasa adhiabhorosi.
9 No one who is a child of God is habitually guilty of sin. A God-given germ of life remains in him, and he cannot habitually sin--because he is a child of God.
Ani nani wakaberekwa naMwari haaiti chivi, nokuti mbeu yake inogara maari; zvino haagoni kutadza, nokuti wakaberekwa naMwari.
10 By this we can distinguish God's children and the Devil's children: no one who fails to act righteously is a child of God, nor he who does not love his brother man.
Mune izvozvi vana vaMwari nevana vadhiabhorosi vanoratidzwa; ani nani asingaiti zvakarurama haabvi kuna Mwari, neasingadi hama yake.
11 For this is the Message you have heard from the beginning--that we are to love one another.
Nokuti iri ndiro shoko ramakanzwa kubva pakutanga, kuti tidanane;
12 We are not to resemble Cain, who was a child of the Evil one and killed his own brother. And why did he kill him? Because his own actions were wicked and his brother's actions righteous.
kwete saKaini wakabva kune wakaipa, ndokuuraya munin'ina wake. Zvino wakamuurayirei? Nokuti mabasa ake akange akaipa, asi emunin'ina wake akange akarurama.
13 Do not be surprised, brethren, if the world hates you.
Musashamisika, hama dzangu, kana nyika ichikuvengai.
14 As for us, we know that we have already passed out of death into Life--because we love our brother men. He who is destitute of love continues dead.
Isu tinoziva kuti takapfuura murufu tikapinda muupenyu, nokuti tinoda hama. Asingadi hama anogara murufu.
15 Every one who hates his brother man is a murderer; and you know that no murderer has the Life of the Ages continuing in him. (aiōnios )
Ani nani anovenga hama yake imhondi; uye munoziva kuti hakutongorina mhondi ine upenyu husingaperi hunogara mairi. (aiōnios )
16 We know what love is--through Christ's having laid down His life on our behalf; and in the same way we ought to lay down our lives for our brother men.
Neizvi tinoziva rudo rwaMwari, nokuti iye wakatiradzikira pasi upenyu hwake; nesu tinofanira kuradzikira pasi hama upenyu.
17 But if any one has this world's wealth and sees that his brother man is in need, and yet hardens his heart against him--how can such a one continue to love God?
Asi ani nani ane nhumbi dzenyika, uye achiona hama yake ichishaiwa, ndokumupfigira tsitsi dzake, rudo rwaMwari rwunogara sei maari?
18 Dear children, let us not love in words only nor with the lips, but in deed and in truth.
Vana vangu vadiki, ngatirege kuda pashoko kana parurimi, asi pazviito nepachokwadi.
19 And in this way we shall come to know that we are loyal to the truth, and shall satisfy our consciences in His presence
Uye neizvi tinoziva kuti tiri vechokwadi, uye tichavimbisa moyo yedu pamberi pake.
20 in whatever matters our hearts condemn us--because God is greater than our hearts and knows everything.
Nokuti kana moyo wedu uchitipa mhosva, Mwari mukuru kumoyo wedu, uye anoziva zvinhu zvese.
21 Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have perfect confidence towards God;
Vadikanwi, kana moyo wedu usingatipi mhosva, tine chivimbo pamberi paMwari;
22 and whatever we ask for we obtain from Him, because we obey His commands and do the things which are pleasing in His sight.
uye chipi nechipi chatinokumbira, tinogamuchira kubva kwaari, nokuti tinochengeta mirairo yake, uye tinoita zvinhu zvinofadza pamberi pake.
23 And this is His command--that we are to believe in His Son Jesus Christ and love one another, just as He has commanded us to do.
Uye uyu ndiwo murairo wake, kuti titende kuzita reMwanakomana wake Jesu Kristu, uye tidanane, sezvaakatipa murairo.
24 The man who obeys His commands continues in union with God, and God continues in union with him; and through His Spirit whom He has given us we can know that He continues in union with us.
Uye uyo anochengeta mirairo yake anogara maari, naiye maari. Neizviwo tinoziva kuti anogara matiri, kubva paMweya waakatipa.