< 1 Corinthians 4 >

1 As for us Apostles, let any one take this view of us--we are Christ's officers, and stewards of God's secret truths.
Niisiis, kuidas te peaksite meisse suhtuma: kui Kristuse sulastesse ja majapidajatesse, kellele on usaldatud Jumala ilmutatud saladused.
2 This being so, it follows that fidelity is what is required in stewards.
Aga majapidajailt nõutakse, et nad oleksid ustavad.
3 I however am very little concerned at undergoing your scrutiny, or that of other men; in fact I do not even scrutinize myself.
Mulle ei loe see eriti palju, kui minu üle mõistaksite kohut teie või ükskõik milline inimlik kohtukogu. Ka mina ise ei mõista enda üle kohut.
4 Though I am not conscious of having been in any way unfaithful, yet I do not for that reason stand acquitted; but He whose scrutiny I must undergo is the Lord.
Tõsi, ma ei tea, et mul oleks mingit süüd, aga see iseenesest ei mõista mind veel õigeks. Minu kohtumõistja on Issand.
5 Therefore form no premature judgements, but wait until the Lord returns. He will both bring to light the secrets of darkness and will openly disclose the motives that have been in people's hearts; and then the praise which each man deserves will come to him from God.
Niisiis, ärge mõistke kohut enne õiget aega, enne kui tuleb Issand, kes toob valguse kätte kõik, mida pimedus peidab, ja paljastab inimsüdamete kavatsused. Siis saab igaüks temale kohase kiituse Jumalalt.
6 In writing this much, brethren, with special reference to Apollos and myself, I have done so for your sakes, in order to teach you by our example what those words mean, which say, "Nothing beyond what is written!" --so that you may cease to take sides in boastful rivalry, for one teacher against another.
Teie pärast, vennad ja õed, olen ma kõnelnud neist asjust iseenda ja Apollose näitel, et te õpiksite meie eeskujust, mida tähendab ütlus: „Ärge minge kaugemale sellest, mis on kirjutatud“. Siis te enam ei hoople ühe inimese poolt ja teise vastu.
7 Why, who gives you your superiority, my brother? Or what have you that you did not receive? And if you really did receive it, why boast as if this were not so?
Sest kes on teinud sind teisest ülemaks? On sul midagi, mis ei ole saadud Jumalalt? Aga kui see on saadud temalt, miks sa siis kiitled, nagu oleks sul midagi iseenesest?
8 Every one of you already has all that heart can desire; already you have grown rich; without waiting for us, you have ascended your thrones! Yes indeed, would to God that you had ascended your thrones, that we also might reign with you!
Juba on teil kõike küllaga! Juba te olete rikkaks saanud! Olete hakanud valitsema kuningatena ilma meieta! Oh, oleks te juba tõesti kuningad, et meiegi võiksime valitseda koos teiega!
9 God, it seems to me, has exhibited us Apostles last of all, as men condemned to death; for we have come to be a spectacle to all creation--alike to angels and to men.
Sest mulle tundub, et Jumal on seadnud meid, apostleid, järjekorras viimasteks, otsekui surmamõistetuiks areenil kogu maailmale vaadata, nii inglitele kui inimestele.
10 We, for Christ's sake, are labeled as "foolish"; you, as Christians, are men of shrewd intelligence. We are mere weaklings: you are strong. You are in high repute: we are outcasts.
Meie oleme arutud Kristuse pärast, aga teie olete ju mõistlikud Kristuses! Meie oleme nõrgad, aga teie olete tugevad! Teid austatakse, aga meie põlatakse!
11 To this very moment we endure both hunger and thirst, with scanty clothing and many a blow.
Praeguse tunnini me kannatame nälga ja janu, riietatud kaltsudesse, meid pekstakse ja me oleme kodutud.
12 Homes we have none. Wearily we toil, working with our own hands. When reviled, we bless; when persecuted, we bear it patiently;
Me teeme väsitavat tööd oma kätega. Kui meid neetakse, siis me õnnistame, kui meid taga kiusatakse, siis me kannatame ära,
13 when slandered, we try to conciliate. We have come to be regarded as the mere dirt and filth of the world--the refuse of the universe, even to this hour.
kui meid laimatakse, siis vastame lahkesti. Me oleme maailma saast, prügi kõikide jaoks tänapäevani.
14 I am not writing all this to shame you, but I am offering you advice as my dearly-loved children.
Ma ei kirjuta seda teie häbistamiseks, vaid manitsedes teid nagu oma armsaid lapsi.
15 For even if you were to have ten thousand spiritual instructors--for all that you could not have several fathers. It is I who in Christ Jesus became your father through the Good News.
Sest kui teil oleks ka kümme tuhat juhendajat Kristuses, ei ole teil mitut isa, sest evangeeliumi läbi sain mina teie isaks Kristuses Jeesuses.
16 I entreat you therefore to become like me.
Seepärast ma õhutan teid võtma mind eeskujuks!
17 For this reason I have sent Timothy to you. Spiritually he is my dearly-loved and faithful child. He will remind you of my habits as a Christian teacher--the manner in which I teach everywhere in every Church.
Selleks ma saatsin teie juurde Timoteose, oma armsa ja ustava poja Issandas. Tema tuletab teile meelde minu eluviisi Kristuses, nõnda nagu ma õpetan igal pool kõigis kogudustes.
18 But some of you have been puffed up through getting the idea that I am not coming to Corinth.
Mõned teist on läinud ülbeks, arvates, et ma ei tulegi enam teie juurde.
19 But, if the Lord is willing, I shall come to you without delay; and then I shall know not the fine speeches of these conceited people, but their power.
Aga kui Issand tahab, siis ma tulen peagi ja saan selguse mitte ülbitsejate sõnade, vaid ka selle kohta, kui palju neil väge on.
20 For Apostolic authority is not a thing of words, but of power.
Sest Jumala riik ei ole mitte sõnades, vaid väes!
21 Which shall it be? Shall I come to you with a rod, or in a loving and tender spirit?
Mida te eelistate? Kas pean tulema teie juurde karistava vitsaga või armastuse ja leebusega?

< 1 Corinthians 4 >