< Psalms 96 >

1 O sing to the LORD a new song: sing to the LORD, all the earth.
Kasakkung: Devit Oe BAWIPA koe la katha sak awh. Talai taminaw pueng, BAWIPA koe la sak awh.
2 Sing to the LORD, bless his name; show forth his salvation from day to day.
BAWIPA koe la sak awh nateh, a min teh pholen awh. Rungngangnae kamthang kahawi teh hnintangkuem pathang awh.
3 Declare his glory among the heathen, his wonders among all people.
Miphun pueng koe a bawilennae teh pâpho awh haw. Tami pueng koe kângairu lah a onae hah pâpho awh.
4 For the LORD [is] great, and greatly to be praised: he [is] to be feared above all gods.
BAWIPA teh a len, puenghoi pholen hanelah ao, Cathut pueng hlak taki hanelah ao,
5 For all the gods of the nations [are] idols: but the LORD made the heavens.
Miphunlouknaw e cathut pueng teh ayawmyin doeh. BAWIPA ni teh kalvan hah a sak.
6 Honor and majesty [are] before him: strength and beauty [are] in his sanctuary.
A hmalah barinae hoi taluenae teh ao. A hmuen kathoung koe thaonae hoi meihawinae teh ao.
7 Give to the LORD, O ye kindreds of the people, give to the LORD glory and strength.
Oe, tami pueng hoi imthung pueng, BAWIPA teh bawilennae hoi thaonae hah poe awh.
8 Give to the LORD the glory [due to] his name: bring an offering, and come into his courts.
BAWIPA e min teh, bawilennae poe awh. Pasoung hno sin laihoi a thongma koe tho awh.
9 O worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness: fear before him, all the earth.
Oe, thoungnae kamthoup laihoi BAWIPA bawk awh. Talai taminaw pueng a hmalah pâyaw awh.
10 Say among the heathen [that] the LORD reigneth: the world also shall be established that it shall not be moved: he will judge the people righteously.
Miphun pueng koe BAWIPA ni a uk tet awh. Talaivan hai kacaklah kangdue sak teh, kâhuen mahoeh. Ama ni kalan lah lawk a ceng han.
11 Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad; let the sea roar, and the fullness of it.
Kalvan teh lunghawi naseh, talai hai konawm naseh. Talîpui hoi a thung e kaawm e pueng ni hai cairing naseh.
12 Let the field be joyful, and all that [is] in it: then shall all the trees of the wood rejoice before the LORD:
Law hoi a thung e kaawm e pueng lunghawi naseh. kahrawng e kaawm e pueng nihai BAWIPA koe konawm laihoi la sak naseh.
13 For he cometh, for he cometh to judge the earth: he will judge the world with righteousness, and the people with his truth.
Bangkongtetpawiteh, ama teh a tho. Talai taminaw lawkceng hanelah a tho. Talaivan hah lannae hoi lawkceng vaiteh, a lawkkatang hoi tami lawk a ceng han.

< Psalms 96 >