< Psalms 32 >

1 [A Psalm] of David, Maschil. Blessed [is he whose] transgression [is] forgiven, [whose] sin [is] covered.
Nowa dunu ilima Hina Gode da ea wadela: i hou gogolema: ne olofoi dagoi, ilia da hahawane gala.
2 Blessed [is] the man to whom the LORD imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit [there is] no guile.
Nowa dunu da ogogosu hame dawa: amola wadela: i hou hame hamobeba: le, Hina Gode da ema diwane hame udidisa, amo dunu da hahawane gala.
3 When I kept silence, my bones became old through my roaring all the day long.
Na da na wadela: i hou hame sisane fofada: i ganiaba, amogalu na da eso huluane dini ianu, na da: i da gasa hame ba: i.
4 For day and night thy hand was heavy upon me: my moisture is turned into the drouth of summer. (Selah)
Hina Gode! Di da nama hayoga amola gasia nama se bidi iasu. Hano da odega esoi amoga hafoga: sa amo defele, na gasa huluane da gogaea: i ba: i.
5 I acknowledged my sin to thee, and my iniquity have I not hid. I said, I will confess my transgressions to the LORD; and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. (Selah)
Amalalu, na da na wadela: i hou amo Dima sisane fofada: i. Na wadela: i hou huluane, na da Dima hame dedeboi. Na da huluane Dima sisane fofada: musa: dawa: i. Amola Di da amo wadela: i hou huluane gogolema: ne olofoi.
6 For this shall every one that is godly pray to thee in a time when thou mayest be found: surely in the floods of great waters they shall not come nigh to him.
Amaiba: le, Dima mae fisili dafawaneyale dawa: su dunu da bidi hamosu ba: sea, Dia fidima: ne sia: ne gadomu da defea. Amasea, bidi hamosu da hano heda: i defele manebe ba: sea, amo da ilima hame doaga: mu.
7 Thou [art] my hiding place; thou wilt preserve me from trouble; thou wilt compass me about with songs of deliverance. (Selah)
Di da na wamoaligisu sogebi agoai gala. Bidi hamosu da nama mae doaga: ma: ne, Di da na gaga: mu. Na da Dia gaga: su hou dawa: beba: le, ha: giwane gesami hea: sa. Bai Di da na gaga: lala.
8 I will instruct thee, and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with my eye.
Hina Gode da amane sia: sa, “Na da dia masunu logo agoane masa: ne olelemu. Na da dima dawa: digima: ne sisasu olelemu.
9 Be ye not as the horse, [or] as the mule, [which] have no understanding: whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle, lest they come near to thee.
Hosi amola ‘miule’ da gagaoui agoane. Dunu da ili dawa: digima: ne, gula misili amoga adonana ahoa. Be amo defele, dilia gagaoulewane mae hamoma.”
10 Many sorrows [shall be] to the wicked: but he that trusteth in the LORD, mercy shall encompass him.
Wadela: i hamosu dunu da se nabasu ba: mu. Be dunu amo da Hina Godema dafawaneyale dawa: sa, amo da Ea mae fisili asigidafa hou amoga gaga: i dagoi ba: sa.
11 Be glad in the LORD, and rejoice, ye righteous: and shout for joy, all [ye that are] upright in heart.
Dilia moloidafa dunu! Obenane amola hahawane nodoma! Bai Hina Gode Ea hamoi da noga: idafa. Ema nabasu dunu, dilia! Hahawaneba: le, wele sia: ma!

< Psalms 32 >