< Psalms 130 >

1 A Song of degrees. Out of the depths have I cried to thee, O LORD.
Faarfannaa ol baʼuu. Yaa Waaqayyo, ani boolla gad fagoo keessaa sitti nan iyyadha;
2 LORD, hear my voice: let thy ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications.
yaa Gooftaa, sagalee koo dhagaʼi. Gurri kees sagalee waammata koo xiyyeeffatee haa dhagaʼu.
3 If thou, LORD, shouldest mark iniquities, O LORD, who shall stand?
Yaa Waaqayyo, utuu ati cubbuu lakkooftee, yaa gooftaa silaa eenyutu dhaabachuu dandaʼa?
4 But [there is] forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared.
Garuu dhiifamni si bira jira; kanaaf ati ni sodaatamta.
5 I wait for the LORD, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope.
Ani Waaqayyoon nan eeggadha; lubbuun koos isa eeggatti; dubbii isaas nan abdadha.
6 My soul [waiteth] for the LORD more than they that watch for the morning: [I say], [more than] they that watch for the morning.
Eegdota barii lafaa eeggatan caalaa, dhugumaan eegdota barii lafaa eeggatan caalaa lubbuun koo Gooftaa eeggatti.
7 Let Israel hope in the LORD: for with the LORD [there is] mercy, and with him [is] plenteous redemption.
Yaa Israaʼel, ati Waaqayyoon abdadhu; Waaqayyo bira jaalalli dhuma hin qabne, furiin guutuunis ni jiraatii.
8 And he shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities.
Inni mataan isaa cubbuu isaanii hundumaa irraa Israaʼelin ni fura.

< Psalms 130 >