< Proverbs 20 >

1 Wine [is] a mocker, strong drink [is] raging: and whoever is deceived by it is not wise.
לֵץ הַיַּין הֹמֶה שֵׁכָר וְכָל־שֹׁגֶה בּוֹ לֹא יֶחְכָּֽם׃
2 The fear of a king [is] as the roaring of a lion: [whoever] provoketh him to anger sinneth [against] his own soul.
נַהַם כַּכְּפִיר אֵימַת מֶלֶךְ מִתְעַבְּרוֹ חוֹטֵא נַפְשֽׁוֹ׃
3 [It is] an honor for a man to cease from strife: but every fool will be meddling.
כָּבוֹד לָאִישׁ שֶׁבֶת מֵרִיב וְכָל־אֱוִיל יִתְגַּלָּֽע׃
4 The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold; [therefore] shall he beg in harvest, and [have] nothing.
מֵחֹרֶף עָצֵל לֹא־יַחֲרֹשׁ ישאל וְשָׁאַל בַּקָּצִיר וָאָֽיִן׃
5 Counsel in the heart of man [is like] deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out.
מַיִם עֲמֻקִּים עֵצָה בְלֶב־אִישׁ וְאִישׁ תְּבוּנָה יִדְלֶֽנָּה׃
6 Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?
רָב־אָדָם יִקְרָא אִישׁ חַסְדּוֹ וְאִישׁ אֱמוּנִים מִי יִמְצָֽא׃
7 The just [man] walketh in his integrity: his children [are] blessed after him.
מִתְהַלֵּךְ בְּתֻמּוֹ צַדִּיק אַשְׁרֵי בָנָיו אַחֲרָֽיו׃
8 A king that sitteth on the throne of judgment scattereth away all evil with his eyes.
מֶלֶךְ יוֹשֵׁב עַל־כִּסֵּא־דִין מְזָרֶה בְעֵינָיו כָּל־רָֽע׃
9 Who can say, I have made my heart clean, I am pure from my sin?
מִֽי־יֹאמַר זִכִּיתִי לִבִּי טָהַרְתִּי מֵחַטָּאתִֽי׃
10 Divers weights, [and] divers measures, both of them [are] alike abomination to the LORD.
אֶבֶן וָאֶבֶן אֵיפָה וְאֵיפָה תּוֹעֲבַת יְהוָה גַּם־שְׁנֵיהֶֽם׃
11 Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work [is] pure, and whether [it is] right.
גַּם בְּמַעֲלָלָיו יִתְנַכֶּר־נָעַר אִם־זַךְ וְאִם־יָשָׁר פָּעֳלֽוֹ׃
12 The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, the LORD hath made even both of them.
אֹזֶן שֹׁמַעַת וְעַיִן רֹאָה יְהוָה עָשָׂה גַם־שְׁנֵיהֶֽם׃
13 Love not sleep, lest thou come to poverty; open thy eyes, [and] thou shalt be satisfied with bread.
אַל־תֶּֽאֱהַב שֵׁנָה פֶּן־תִּוָּרֵשׁ פְּקַח עֵינֶיךָ שְֽׂבַֽע־לָֽחֶם׃
14 [It is] naught, [it is] naught, saith the buyer: but when he is gone, then he boasteth.
רַע רַע יֹאמַר הַקּוֹנֶה וְאֹזֵל לוֹ אָז יִתְהַלָּֽל׃
15 There is gold, and a multitude of rubies: but the lips of knowledge [are] a precious jewel.
יֵשׁ זָהָב וְרָב־פְּנִינִים וּכְלִי יְקָר שִׂפְתֵי־דָֽעַת׃
16 Take his garment that is surety [for] a stranger: and take a pledge of him for a strange woman.
לְֽקַח־בִּגְדוֹ כִּי־עָרַב זָר וּבְעַד נכרים נָכְרִיָּה חַבְלֵֽהוּ׃
17 Bread of deceit [is] sweet to a man; but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel.
עָרֵב לָאִישׁ לֶחֶם שָׁקֶר וְאַחַר יִמָּֽלֵא־פִיהוּ חָצָֽץ׃
18 [Every] purpose is established by counsel: and with good advice make war.
מַחֲשָׁבוֹת בְּעֵצָה תִכּוֹן וּבְתַחְבֻּלוֹת עֲשֵׂה מִלְחָמָֽה׃
19 He that goeth about [as] a tale-bearer revealeth secrets; therefore meddle not with him that flattereth with his lips.
גּֽוֹלֶה־סּוֹד הוֹלֵךְ רָכִיל וּלְפֹתֶה שְׂפָתָיו לֹא תִתְעָרָֽב׃
20 Whoever curseth his father or his mother, his lamp shall be put out in obscure darkness.
מְקַלֵּל אָבִיו וְאִמּוֹ יִֽדְעַךְ נֵרוֹ באישון בֶּאֱשׁוּן חֹֽשֶׁךְ׃
21 An inheritance [may be] gotten hastily at the beginning; but the end of it shall not be blessed.
נַחֲלָה מבחלת מְבֹהֶלֶת בָּרִאשֹׁנָה וְאַחֲרִיתָהּ לֹא תְבֹרָֽךְ׃
22 Say not thou, I will recompense evil; [but] wait on the LORD, and he shall save thee.
אַל־תֹּאמַר אֲשַׁלְּמָה־רָע קַוֵּה לַֽיהוָה וְיֹשַֽׁע לָֽךְ׃
23 Divers weights [are] an abomination to the LORD; and a false balance [is] not good.
תּוֹעֲבַת יְהוָה אֶבֶן וָאָבֶן וּמֹאזְנֵי מִרְמָה לֹא־טֽוֹב׃
24 Man's goings [are] of the LORD; how can a man then understand his own way?
מֵיהוָה מִצְעֲדֵי־גָבֶר וְאָדָם מַה־יָּבִין דַּרְכּֽוֹ׃
25 [It is] a snare to the man [who] devoureth [that which is] holy, and after vows to make inquiry.
מוֹקֵשׁ אָדָם יָלַע קֹדֶשׁ וְאַחַר נְדָרִים לְבַקֵּֽר׃
26 A wise king scatterreth the wicked, and bringeth the wheel over them.
מְזָרֶה רְשָׁעִים מֶלֶךְ חָכָם וַיָּשֶׁב עֲלֵיהֶם אוֹפָֽן׃
27 The spirit of man [is] the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly.
נֵר יְהוָה נִשְׁמַת אָדָם חֹפֵשׂ כָּל־חַדְרֵי־בָֽטֶן׃
28 Mercy and truth preserve the king: and his throne is upheld by mercy.
חֶסֶד וֶאֱמֶת יִצְּרוּ־מֶלֶךְ וְסָעַד בַּחֶסֶד כִּסְאֽוֹ׃
29 The glory of young men [is] their strength: and the beauty of old men [is] the gray head.
תִּפְאֶרֶת בַּחוּרִים כֹּחָם וַהֲדַר זְקֵנִים שֵׂיבָֽה׃
30 The blueness of a wound cleanseth away evil: so [do] stripes the inward parts of the belly.
חַבֻּרוֹת פֶּצַע תמריק תַּמְרוּק בְּרָע וּמַכּוֹת חַדְרֵי־בָֽטֶן׃

< Proverbs 20 >