< Proverbs 14 >

1 Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.
חַכְמוֹת נָשִׁים בָּנְתָה בֵיתָהּ וְאִוֶּלֶת בְּיָדֶיהָ תֶהֶרְסֶֽנּוּ׃
2 He that walketh in his uprightness feareth the LORD: but [he that is] perverse in his ways despiseth him.
הוֹלֵךְ בְּיָשְׁרוֹ יְרֵא יְהוָה וּנְלוֹז דְּרָכָיו בּוֹזֵֽהוּ׃
3 In the mouth of the foolish [is] a rod of pride: but the lips of the wise shall preserve them.
בְּֽפִי־אֱוִיל חֹטֶר גַּאֲוָה וְשִׂפְתֵי חֲכָמִים תִּשְׁמוּרֵֽם׃
4 Where no oxen [are], the crib [is] clean: but much increase [is] by the strength of the ox.
בְּאֵין אֲלָפִים אֵבוּס בָּר וְרָב־תְּבוּאוֹת בְּכֹחַ שֽׁוֹר׃
5 A faithful witness will not lie: but a false witness will utter lies.
עֵד אֱמוּנִים לֹא יְכַזֵּב וְיָפִיחַ כְּזָבִים עֵד שָֽׁקֶר׃
6 A scorner seeketh wisdom, and [findeth it] not: but knowledge [is] easy to him that understandeth.
בִּקֶּשׁ־לֵץ חָכְמָה וָאָיִן וְדַעַת לְנָבוֹן נָקָֽל׃
7 Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not [in him] the lips of knowledge.
לֵךְ מִנֶּגֶד לְאִישׁ כְּסִיל וּבַל־יָדַעְתָּ שִׂפְתֵי־דָֽעַת׃
8 The wisdom of the prudent [is] to understand his way: but the folly of fools [is] deceit.
חָכְמַת עָרוּם הָבִין דַּרְכּוֹ וְאִוֶּלֶת כְּסִילִים מִרְמָֽה׃
9 Fools make a mock at sin: but among the righteous [there is] favor.
אֱוִלִים יָלִיץ אָשָׁם וּבֵין יְשָׁרִים רָצֽוֹן׃
10 The heart knoweth its own bitterness; and a stranger doth not intermeddle with its joy.
לֵב יוֹדֵעַ מָרַּת נַפְשׁוֹ וּבְשִׂמְחָתוֹ לֹא־יִתְעָרַב זָֽר׃
11 The house of the wicked shall be overthrown: but the tabernacle of the upright shall flourish.
בֵּית רְשָׁעִים יִשָּׁמֵד וְאֹהֶל יְשָׁרִים יַפְרִֽיחַ׃
12 There is a way which seemeth right to a man, but the end of it [are] the ways of death.
יֵשׁ דֶּרֶךְ יָשָׁר לִפְנֵי־אִישׁ וְאַחֲרִיתָהּ דַּרְכֵי־מָֽוֶת׃
13 Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful; and the end of that mirth [is] heaviness.
גַּם־בִּשְׂחוֹק יִכְאַב־לֵב וְאַחֲרִיתָהּ שִׂמְחָה תוּגָֽה׃
14 The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways: and a good man [shall be satisfied] from himself.
מִדְּרָכָיו יִשְׂבַּע סוּג לֵב וּמֵעָלָיו אִישׁ טֽוֹב׃
15 The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going.
פֶּתִי יַאֲמִין לְכָל־דָּבָר וְעָרוּם יָבִין לַאֲשֻׁרֽוֹ׃
16 A wise [man] feareth, and departeth from evil: but the fool rageth, and is confident.
חָכָם יָרֵא וְסָר מֵרָע וּכְסִיל מִתְעַבֵּר וּבוֹטֵֽחַ׃
17 [He that is] soon angry dealeth foolishly: and a man of wicked devices is hated.
קְֽצַר־אַפַּיִם יַעֲשֶׂה אִוֶּלֶת וְאִישׁ מְזִמּוֹת יִשָּׂנֵֽא׃
18 The simple inherit folly: but the prudent are crowned with knowledge.
נָחֲלוּ פְתָאיִם אִוֶּלֶת וַֽעֲרוּמִים יַכְתִּרוּ דָֽעַת׃
19 The evil bow before the good; and the wicked at the gates of the righteous.
שַׁחוּ רָעִים לִפְנֵי טוֹבִים וּרְשָׁעִים עַֽל־שַׁעֲרֵי צַדִּֽיק׃
20 The poor is hated even by his own neighbor: but the rich [hath] many friends.
גַּם־לְרֵעֵהוּ יִשָּׂנֵא רָשׁ וְאֹהֲבֵי עָשִׁיר רַבִּֽים׃
21 He that despiseth his neighbor sinneth: but he that hath mercy on the poor, happy [is] he.
בָּז־לְרֵעֵהוּ חוֹטֵא וּמְחוֹנֵן עניים עֲנָוִים אַשְׁרָֽיו׃
22 Do they not err that devise evil? but mercy and truth [shall be] to them that devise good.
הֲ‍ֽלוֹא־יִתְעוּ חֹרְשֵׁי רָע וְחֶסֶד וֶאֱמֶת חֹרְשֵׁי טֽוֹב׃
23 In all labor there is profit: but the talk of the lips [tendeth] only to penury.
בְּכָל־עֶצֶב יִהְיֶה מוֹתָר וּדְבַר־שְׂפָתַיִם אַךְ־לְמַחְסֽוֹר׃
24 The crown of the wise [is] their riches: [but] the foolishness of fools [is] folly.
עֲטֶרֶת חֲכָמִים עָשְׁרָם אִוֶּלֶת כְּסִילִים אִוֶּֽלֶת׃
25 A true witness delivereth souls: but a deceitful [witness] speaketh lies.
מַצִּיל נְפָשׁוֹת עֵד אֱמֶת וְיָפִחַ כְּזָבִים מִרְמָֽה׃
26 In the fear of the LORD [is] strong confidence: and his children shall have a place of refuge.
בְּיִרְאַת יְהוָה מִבְטַח־עֹז וּלְבָנָיו יִהְיֶה מַחְסֶֽה׃
27 The fear of the LORD [is] a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.
יִרְאַת יְהוָה מְקוֹר חַיִּים לָסוּר מִמֹּקְשֵׁי מָֽוֶת׃
28 In the multitude of people [is] the king's honor: but in the want of people [is] the destruction of the prince.
בְּרָב־עָם הַדְרַת־מֶלֶךְ וּבְאֶפֶס לְאֹם מְחִתַּת רָזֽוֹן׃
29 [He that is] slow to wrath [is] of great understanding: but [he that is] hasty of spirit exalteth folly.
אֶרֶךְ אַפַּיִם רַב־תְּבוּנָה וּקְצַר־רוּחַ מֵרִים אִוֶּֽלֶת׃
30 A sound heart [is] the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones.
חַיֵּי בְשָׂרִים לֵב מַרְפֵּא וּרְקַב עֲצָמוֹת קִנְאָֽה׃
31 He that oppresseth the poor reproacheth his Maker: but he that honoreth him hath mercy on the poor.
עֹשֵֽׁק דָּל חֵרֵף עֹשֵׂהוּ וּמְכַבְּדוֹ חֹנֵן אֶבְיֽוֹן׃
32 The wicked is driven away in his wickedness: but the righteous hath hope in his death.
בְּֽרָעָתוֹ יִדָּחֶה רָשָׁע וְחֹסֶה בְמוֹתוֹ צַדּֽ͏ִיק׃
33 Wisdom resteth in the heart of him that hath understanding: but [that which is] in the midst of fools is made known.
בְּלֵב נָבוֹן תָּנוּחַ חָכְמָה וּבְקֶרֶב כְּסִילִים תִּוָּדֵֽעַ׃
34 Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin [is] a reproach to any people.
צְדָקָה תְרֽוֹמֵֽם־גּוֹי וְחֶסֶד לְאֻמִּים חַטָּֽאת׃
35 The king's favor [is] towards a wise servant: but his wrath is [against] him that causeth shame.
רְֽצוֹן־מֶלֶךְ לְעֶבֶד מַשְׂכִּיל וְעֶבְרָתוֹ תִּהְיֶה מֵבִֽישׁ׃

< Proverbs 14 >