< Numbers 28 >

1 And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
Hina Gode da Mousesema amane sia: i,
2 Command the children of Israel, and say to them, My offering, [and] my bread for my sacrifices made by fire, [for] a sweet savor to me, shall ye observe to offer to me in their due season.
“Isala: ili dunu ilima ilia da sema defele, ha: i manu iasu amo Na da hahawane ba: sa, amo Nama ima: ne sia: ma.
3 And thou shalt say to them, This [is] the offering made by fire which ye shall offer to the LORD; two lambs of the first year without spot day by day, [for] a continual burnt-offering.
Ha: i manu iasu agoane Hina Godema ima. Eso huluane, dilia da sibi mano gawali aduna ledo hamedei amo da ode afadafa esalu, amo gobele salima.
4 The one lamb shalt thou offer in the morning, and the other lamb shalt thou offer at evening.
Hahabe, sibi mano afae amo gobele salima. Eno da daeya gobele salima.
5 And a tenth [part] of an ephah of flour for a meat-offering, mingled with a fourth [part] of a hin of beaten oil.
Amo sibi mano gobesea, gilisili widi falaua1gilogala: me amola1lida olife susuligi noga: i amo ima.
6 [It is] a continual burnt-offering, which was ordained in mount Sinai for a sweet savor, a sacrifice made by fire to the LORD.
Amo da eso huluane iasu liligi. Dafawanedafa gogo gobesima. Isala: ili dunu da musa: degabo amo iasu Sainai Goumia ha: i manu iasu agoane i. Na da amo ea gabusiga: hahawane nabi.
7 And the drink-offering of it [shall be] the fourth [part] of a hin for the one lamb: in the holy [place] shalt thou cause the strong wine to be poured to the LORD [for] a drink-offering.
Hahabe sibi mano gobele salasea, waini hano 1lida amo oloda amoga soga: sima. Amo da waini hano iasu.
8 And the other lamb shalt thou offer at evening; as the meat-offering of the morning, and as the drink-offering of it, thou shalt offer [it], a sacrifice made by fire, of a sweet savor to the LORD.
Daeya eno sibi mano amo hahabe hamoi defele hamoma. Amola waini hano defele ima. Amo amola da ha: i manu iasu. Hina Gode da amo ea gabusiga: hahawane naba.
9 And on the sabbath-day two lambs of the first year without spot, and two tenth-parts of flour [for] a meat-offering, mingled with oil, and its drink-offering.
Sa: bade eso amoga sibi mano gawali aduna ode afae lalelegei, ledo hamedei amo ima. Amoga2 gilogala: me widi falaua (olife susuligi bibiogoi) amola waini iasu gilisima.
10 [This is] the burnt-offering of every sabbath, besides the continual burnt-offering, and his drink-offering.
Amo Gobei Iasu (Wadela: i Hou Dabe Ima: ne Iasu), dilia Sa: bade eso huluane hamoma. Amola amo esoha, eso huluane hamosu iasu amola ea waini hano iasu amo gilisili hamoma.
11 And in the beginnings of your months ye shall offer a burnt-offering to the LORD; two young bullocks, and one ram, seven lambs of the first year without spot;
Eso age oubi huluane ganodini, Hina Godema Wadela: i Hou Dabe Ima: ne Iasu hamoma. Amo da bulamagau gawali waha debe aduna, sibi gawali afae amola sibi mano gawali ode afae lalelegei fesuale, huluane da ledo hamedei noga: i fawane, amo ima.
12 And three tenth-parts of flour [for] a meat-offering, mingled with oil, for one bullock; and two tenth-parts of flour [for] a meat-offering, mingled with oil, for one ram;
Gala: ine Iasu da falaua amola olife susuligi gilisi. Bulamagau gawali afae afae amoga widi falaua3 gilogala: me gilisima. Sibi gawali amoga 2 gilogala: me falaua gilisima.
13 And a several tenth-part of flour mingled with oil [for] a meat-offering to one lamb, [for] a burnt-offering of a sweet savor, a sacrifice made by fire to the LORD.
Sibi mano gawali afae afae amoga1 gilogala: me falaua gilisima. Amo Wadela: i Hou Dabe Ima: ne Iasu da ha: i manu iasu, amola amoga ea gabusiga: Hina Gode da hahawane naba.
14 And their drink-offering shall be half a hin of wine to a bullock, and the third [part] of a hin to a ram, and a fourth [part] of a hin to a lamb: this [is] the burnt-offering of every month throughout the months of the year.
Waini iasu da agoane imunu. Bulamagau gawali afae afae amoga2lida waini hano. Sibi gawali amoga1 1/2lida waini hano. Amola sibi mano afae afae amoga 1 lida waini hano ima. Malasu da agoane gala. Oubi huluane eso age amoga, Wadela: i Hou Dabe Ima: ne Iasu gobei agoane hamoma: mu.
15 And one kid of the goats for a sin-offering to the LORD shall be offered, besides the continual burnt-offering, and his drink-offering.
Amola eso huluane Wadela: i Hou Dabe Ima: ne Iasu amola waini hano iasu amoga goudi gawali afae amo Wadela: i Hou Gogolema: ne Olofoma: ne Iasu amo hamoma.
16 And on the fourteenth day of the first month [is] the passover of the LORD.
Baligisu Lolo Nasu amo da Hina Godema nodoma: ne hamosa, amo da eso 14oubi age amoga hamoma.
17 And on the fifteenth day of this month [is] the feast: seven days shall unleavened bread be eaten.
Eso 15 amoga, Hina Godema dawa: ma: ne gilisisu hamoma. Amo gilisisu eso fesuale hamoma, amola amoga dilia agi da yisidi hame sali liligi fawane manu.
18 On the first day [shall be] a holy convocation; [in it] ye shall do no manner of servile work.
Eso age amoga gilisisu da, Hina Godema nodone sia: ne gadomusa: gilisima. Amo esoha, hawa: hamosu mae hamoma.
19 But ye shall offer a sacrifice made by fire [for] a burnt-offering to the LORD; two young bullocks, and one ram, and seven lambs of the first year: they shall be to you without blemish:
Wadela: i Hou Dabe Ima: ne Iasu gobele salima. Amo da Hina Godema ha: i manu iasu. Amo iasu da bulamagau gawali waha debe aduna, sibi gawali afae amola ode afae lalelegei sibi mano gawali. Amo liligi da noga: idafa ledo hamedei liligi fawane.
20 And their meat-offering [shall be of] flour mingled with oil: three tenth-parts shall ye offer for a bullock, and two tenth-parts for a ram;
Amola sia: i liligi gala: ine iasu amo falaua amola olife susuligi gilisi ima. Bulamagau gawali amoga gilogala: me udiana gilisima amola sibi gawali amoga gilogala: me aduna gilisima,
21 A several tenth-part shalt thou offer for every lamb, throughout the seven lambs:
amola sibi mano afae afae amoga gilogala: me afadafa gilisima.
22 And one goat [for] a sin-offering, to make an atonement for you.
Amola goudi gawali afae, Wadela: i Hou Gogolema: ne Olofoma: ne Iasu hamoma: ne, ima. Amo da Isala: ili dunu ilia ledo hamoi dodofema: ne hamosa.
23 Ye shall offer these besides the burnt-offering in the morning, which [is] for a continual burnt-offering.
Amo da gilisili eso huluane Wadela: i Hou Dabe Ima: ne Iasu (Gobei Iasu) amola hamoma.
24 After this manner ye shall offer daily throughout the seven days, the food of the sacrifice made by fire, of a sweet savor to the LORD: it shall be offered besides the continual burnt-offering, and his drink-offering.
Amo defele, Hina Godema ha: i manu iasu ima! Amo ea gabusiga: , E da hahawane naba. Amola eso huluane Wadela: i Hou Dabe Ima: ne Iasu amola waini iasu gilisili hamoma.
25 And on the seventh day ye shall have a holy convocation; ye shall do no servile work.
Eso fesu ganodini, Hina Godema nodone sia: ne gadomusa: gilisima. Amola amo esoga hawa: hamosu mae hamoma.
26 Also in the day of the first-fruits, when ye bring a new meat-offering to the LORD, after your weeks [are ended], ye shall have a holy convocation; ye shall do no servile work:
Ha: i Manu Gaheabolo Fai Lolo Nasu gilisisu amoga, eso agega, dilia da gagoma gaheabolo iasu Hina Godema iasea, Ema nodone sia: ne gadomusa: gilisima. Hawa: hamosudafa mae hamoma.
27 But ye shall offer the burnt-offering for a sweet savor to the LORD; two young bullocks, one ram, seven lambs of the first year;
Hina Gode amo gabusiga: hahawane nabima: ne, Ema Wadela: i Hou Dabe Ima: ne Iasu (gobei) agoane ima amo bulamagau gawali waha debe aduna, sibi gawali afae amola sibi mano gawali ode afae lalelegei fesuale gala, amo huluane da noga: i ledo hamedei fawane ima.
28 And their meat-offering of flour mingled with oil, three tenth-parts to one bullock, two tenth-parts to one ram,
Amola sia: i liligi Gala: ine Iasu, amo falaua amola olife susuligi gilisili ima. Bulamagau gawali amoga gilogala: me udiana gilisima amola sibi gawali amoga gilogala: me aduna gilisima,
29 A several tenth part to one lamb, throughout the seven lambs;
amola sibi mano afae afae amoga gilogala: me afadafa gilisima.
30 [And] one kid of the goats, to make an atonement for you.
Amola goudi gawali afae Wadela: i Hou Gogolema: ne Olofoma: ne Iasu hamoma: ne, ima. Amo da Isala: ili dunu ilia ledo hamoi dodofema: ne hamosa.
31 Ye shall offer [them] besides the continual burnt-offering and his meat-offering (they shall be to you without blemish) and their drink-offerings.
Amo amola waini hano iasu, amola eso huluane Wadela: i Hou Dabe Ima: ne Iasu (Gobei Iasu) amola Gala: ine Iasu amo gilisili ima.

< Numbers 28 >