< Judges 9 >

1 And Abimelech the son of Jerubbaal went to Shechem to his mother's brethren, and communed with them, and with all the family of the house of his mother's father, saying,
Abiimelek ilmi Yerub-Baʼaal gara obboloota haadha isaa kanneen Sheekem keessa jiraatanii dhaqee isaanii fi gosa haadha isaa hundaan akkana jedhe;
2 Speak, I pray you, in the ears of all the men of Shechem, Which [is] better for you, either that all the sons of Jerubbaal, [which are] seventy persons, should reign over you, or that one should reign over you? remember also that I [am] your bone and your flesh.
“Jiraattota Sheekem hundumaan, ‘Kam isinii wayya? Yoo ilmaan Yerub-Baʼaal torbaatamni isin bulchan moo yoo namni tokko isin bulche wayya?’ jedhaa gaafadhaa. Akka ani foonii fi dhiiga keessan taʼe immoo yaadadhaa.”
3 And his mother's brethren spoke of him in the ears of all the men of Shechem all these words: and their hearts inclined to follow Abimelech; for they said, He [is] our brother.
Obboloonni haadha isaas dubbii kana gurra Sheekemotaatiin gaʼan; garaan isaaniis gara Abiimelek goruu kajeele; isaan, “Inni obboleessa keenya” jedhaniiruutii.
4 And they gave him seventy [pieces] of silver out of the house of Baal-berith, with which Abimelech hired vain and light persons, who followed him.
Isaanis mana sagadaa Baʼaal Beriit keessaa meetii gara giraamii dhibba saddeet ulfaatu kennaniif; Abiimelekis meetii sanaan kashlabboota isa faana buʼan qaxarate.
5 And he went to his father's house at Ophrah, and slew his brethren the sons of Jerubbaal, [being] seventy persons, upon one stone; notwithstanding, yet Jotham the youngest son of Jerubbaal was left; for he hid himself.
Gara mana abbaa isaa kan Ofraatti argamuu dhaqee obboloota isaa ilmaan Yerub-Baʼaal torbaatama dhagaa tokko irratti qale. Yootaam ilmi Yiruubaʼaal quxisuun garuu dhokatee isa jalaa miliqe.
6 And all the men of Shechem assembled, and all the house of Millo, and went and made Abimelech king, by the plain of the pillar that [was] in Shechem.
Namoonni Sheekemii fi Beet Miiloo hundi Abiimelekin moosisuuf jedhanii Sheekemitti utubaa mukaa guddaa tokko biratti walitti qabaman.
7 And when they told [it] to Jotham, he went and stood in the top of mount Gerizim, and lifted up his voice and cried, and said to them, Hearken to me, ye men of Shechem, that God may hearken to you.
Yootaam yommuu wanni kun itti himametti fiixee Gaara Gerziimitti ol baʼee sagalee guddaadhaan akkana isaaniin jedhe; “Yaa jiraattota Sheekem, akka Waaqni isin dhagaʼuuf na dhaggeeffadhaa.
8 The trees went forth [on a time] to anoint a king over them; and they said to the olive-tree, Reign thou over us.
Gaaf tokko mukkeen mootii moosifachuuf baʼan; isaanis muka ejersaatiin, ‘Mootii nuu taʼi’ jedhan.
9 But the olive-tree said to them, Should I leave my fatness, with which by me they honor God and man, and go to be promoted over the trees?
“Mukni ejersaa garuu, ‘Ani mukkeen hundaa olitti raafamuudhaaf jedhee zayitii koo kan Waaqnii fi namni ittiin kabajaman dhowwadhuu ree?’ jedhee deebise.
10 And the trees said to the fig-tree, Come thou, [and] reign over us.
“Itti aansaniis mukkeen muka harbuutiin, ‘Kottuutii mootii nuu taʼi’ jedhan.
11 But the fig-tree said to them, Should I forsake my sweetness, and my good fruit, and go to be promoted over the trees?
“Mukni harbuu garuu deebisee, ‘Ani mukkeen hundaa olitti baʼee raafamuuf jedhee ija koo miʼaawaa fi gaarii sana kennuu dhiisuu ree?’ jedhe.
12 Then said the trees to the vine, Come thou, [and] reign over us.
“Mukkeenis muka wayiniitiin, ‘Kottuutii mootii nuu taʼi’ jedhan.
13 And the vine said to them, Should I leave my wine, which cheereth God and man, and go to be promoted over the trees?
“Mukni wayinii garuu deebisee, ‘Ani mukkeen hundaa olitti baʼee raafamuuf jedhe daadhii wayinii kootii kan Waaqaa fi nama gammachiisu sana kennuu dhiisuu?’ jedhe.
14 Then said all the trees to the bramble, Come thou, [and] reign over us.
“Dhuma irrattis mukkeen hundi muka qoraattiitiin, ‘Kottuutii mootii nuu taʼi’ jedhan.
15 And the bramble said to the trees, If in truth ye anoint me king over you, [then] come [and] put your trust in my shadow: and if not, let fire come out of the bramble, and devour the cedars of Lebanon.
“Mukni qoraattiis mukkeeniin, ‘Isin yoo dhugumaan na moosifachuu feetan, kottaatii gaaddisa koo jalatti daʼeeffadhaa; yoo akkas taʼuu baate garuu ibiddi muka qoraattii keessaa baʼee birbirsa Libaanoon haa barbadeessu!’ jedhe.
16 Now therefore, if ye have done truly and sincerely, in that ye have made Abimelech king, and if ye have dealt well with Jerubbaal and his house, and have done to him according to the deserving of his hands:
“Egaa isin Abiimelekin moosisuun keessan yoo karaa dhugaatii fi amanamummaan taʼe, yoo Yerub-Baʼaalii fi maatii isaatiif waan gaarii gochuuf taʼe, yoo waan isaaf malu isaaf gochuuf taʼe,
17 (For my father fought for you, and adventured his life far, and delivered you from the hand of Midian:
abbaan koo lubbuu isaa duʼaaf saaxilee harka Midiyaanotaa jalaa isin baasuuf isinii loleeraatii;
18 And ye have risen up against my father's house this day, and have slain his sons, seventy persons, upon one stone, and have made Abimelech, the son of his maid-servant, king over the men of Shechem, because he [is] your brother: )
isin garuu harʼa maatii abbaa kootti kaatanii ilmaan isaa jechuunis nama torbaatama dhagaa tokko irratti qaltan; sababii inni fira keessan taʼeef Abiimelek ilma garbittii sana namoota Sheekem irratti moosiftan;
19 If ye then have dealt truly and sincerely with Jerubbaal and with his house this day, [then] rejoice ye in Abimelech, and let him also rejoice in you:
egaa yoo isin harʼa dhugaa fi amanamummaadhaan Yerub-Baʼaalii fi maatii isaatiif waan gaarii gootan, isin Abiimelekitti gammadaa; innis isinitti haa gammadu!
20 But if not, let fire come out from Abimelech, and devour the men of Shechem, and the house of Millo; and let fire come out from the men of Shechem, and from the house of Millo, and devour Abimelech.
Akkas taʼuu baannaan garuu ibiddi mana Abiimelekii baʼee namoota Sheekemii fi Beet Miiloo haa fixu; akkasumas ibiddi namoota Sheekemii fi Beet Miiloo biraa baʼee Abiimelekin haa balleessu!”
21 And Jotham ran away, and fled, and went to Beer, and dwelt there, for fear of Abimelech his brother.
Yootaamis Biʼeeritti baqatee sababii obboleessa isaa Abiimelekin sodaateef achuma jiraate.
22 When Abimelech had reigned three years over Israel,
Erga Abiimelek waggaa sadii Israaʼel bulchee booddee,
23 Then God sent an evil spirit between Abimelech and the men of Shechem; and the men of Shechem dealt treacherously with Abimelech:
Waaqnis Abiimelekii fi namoota Sheekem gidduutti hafuura hamaa erge; Sheekemonnis Abiimelekitti daba hojjetan.
24 That the cruelty [done] to the seventy sons of Jerubbaal might come, and their blood be laid upon Abimelech their brother who slew them, and upon the men of Shechem who aided him in the killing of his brethren.
Waaqnis yakka ilmaan Yerub-Baʼaal torbaataman sanatti hojjetamee fi dhiiga isaanii kan dhangalaafame sanaaf, Abiimelek obboleessa isaanii kan isaan qale sanaa fi namoota Sheekem kanneen akka inni obboloota isaa fixuuf isa gargaaran sana haaloo baʼuuf waan kana godhe.
25 And the men of Shechem set liers in wait for him on the top of the mountains, and they robbed all that came along that way by them: and it was told Abimelech.
Namoonni Sheekemis akka isaan riphanii isa eegataniif fiixee gaaraa irra namoota kaaʼatan; isaanis nama achiin darbu hunda saamaan; wanni kunis Abiimelekitti odeeffame.
26 And Gaal the son of Ebed came with his brethren, and went over to Shechem: and the men of Shechem put their confidence in him.
Yeroo kanatti Gaʼaal ilmi Ebeed obboloota isaa wajjin gara Sheekem dhufe; Sheekemonnis isa abdatan.
27 And they went out into the fields, and gathered their vineyards, and trod [the grapes], and made merry, and went into the house of their god, and ate and drank, and cursed Abimelech.
Isaanis erga gara lafa qotiisaa wayiniitti baʼanii wayinii walitti qabatanii booddee cuunfanii galma waaqa tolfamaa isaaniitti ayyaana ayyaaneffatan. Nyaatanii dhuganiis Abiimelekin abaaran.
28 And Gaal the son of Ebed said, Who [is] Abimelech, and who [is] Shechem, that we should serve him; [is] not [he] the son of Jerubbaal? and Zebul his officer? Serve the men of Hamor the father of Shechem: for why should we serve him?
Gaʼaal ilmi Ebeedis akkana jedhe; “Akka nu isaaf bulluuf Abiimelekii fi Sheekem eenyu? Abiimelek ilma Yerub-Baʼaal mitii? Zebulis itti aanaa isaa mitii? Isin namoota Hamoor abbaa Sheekem tajaajilaa! Nu maaliif Abiimelekin tajaajillaa?
29 And would that this people were under my hand! then would I remove Abimelech. And he said to Abimelech, Increase thy army, and come out.
Utuu sabni kun ajaja koo jala jiraatee silaa ani Abiimelekin lafa irraa nan balleessa ture; ‘Waraana kee dabaladhuutii gad baʼi!’ isaan nan jedhas ture.”
30 And when Zebul the ruler of the city heard the words of Gaal the son of Ebed, his anger was kindled.
Zebul bulchaan magaalattii yeroo waan Gaʼaal ilmi Ebeed jedhe dhagaʼetti akka malee aare.
31 And he sent messengers to Abimelech privately, saying, Behold, Gaal the son of Ebed, and his brethren, are come to Shechem; and behold, they fortify the city against thee.
Akkana jedhees dhoksaadhaan gara Abiimelekitti ergamoota erge; “Gaʼaal ilmi Ebeedii fi obboloonni isaa gara Sheekem dhufanii saba magaalaa sitti kakaasaa jiru.
32 Now therefore rise by night, thou, and the people that [are] with thee, and lie in wait in the field:
Kanaafuu atii fi namoonni kee halkaniin baatanii lafa qotiisaa keessa riphuu qabdu.
33 And it shall be, [that] in the morning, as soon as the sun hath risen, thou shalt rise early, and attack the city: and behold, [when] he and the people that [are] with him come out against thee, then mayest thou do to them as thou shalt find occasion.
Ganama akkuma aduun baateenis magaalaa sana cabsaa seenaa. Yommuu Galaʼaalii fi namoonni isaa sitti dhufanittis waan harki kee hojjechuu malu kam iyyuu hojjedhu.”
34 And Abimelech rose, and all the people that [were] with him, by night, and they laid wait against Shechem in four companies.
Abiimelekis namoota isa wajjin turan hunda wajjin halkaniin kaʼee garee afuritti qoodamuudhaan Sheekemitti dhiʼaatee riphe.
35 And Gaal the son of Ebed went out, and stood in the entrance of the gate of the city: and Abimelech rose, and the people that [were] with him, from lying in wait.
Akkuma Gaʼaal ilmi Ebeed baʼee karra magaalaa sanaa irra dhaabateen, Abiimelek namoota isaa wajjin iddoo riphee ture sanaa itti gad baʼe.
36 And when Gaal saw the people, he said to Zebul, Behold, there come people down from the top of the mountains. And Zebul said to him, Thou seest the shadow of the mountains as [if they were] men.
Gaʼaal yommuu isaan argetti Zebuliin, “Kunoo namoonni fiixee gaarranii irraa gad dhufaa jiru!” jedhe. Zebulis deebisee, “Gaaddisa tulluuwwaniitu namoota sitti fakkaate” jedheen.
37 And Gaal spoke again, and said, See, there come people down by the middle of the land, and another company come along by the plain of Meonenim.
Gaʼaal garuu ammas deebisee, “Ilaali; namoonni handhuura lafaatii dhufaa jiru; gareen tokkos karaa muka abdaariitiin dhufaa jira” jedhe.
38 Then said Zebul to him, Where [is] now thy mouth, with which thou saidst, Who [is] Abimelech, that we should serve him? [are] not these the people that thou hast despised? go out, I pray now, and fight with them.
Zebulis, “Ati kan, ‘Akka nu isaaf bulluuf Abiimelek kun eenyu?’ jette, oduun kee sun amma meerre? Namoonni ati tuffatte isaan kana mitii? Mee baʼiitii jara loli kaa!” jedheen.
39 And Gaal went out before the men of Shechem, and fought with Abimelech.
Kanaafuu Gaʼaal namoota Sheekem hoogganee Abiimelekin loluuf baʼe.
40 And Abimelech chased him, and he fled before him, and many were overthrown [and] wounded, [even] to the entrance of the gate.
Abiimelekis isa ariʼe; innis duraa baqate; namoonni baayʼeenis madaaʼanii hamma karra magaalattiitti harcaʼan.
41 And Abimelech dwelt at Arumah: and Zebul thrust out Gaal and his brethren, that they should not dwell in Shechem.
Abiimelek Aruumaa keessa ture; Zebul immoo Gaʼaalii fi obboloota isaa ariʼee Sheekem keessaa baase.
42 And it came to pass on the morrow, that the people went out into the field; and they told Abimelech.
Guyyaa itti aanu namoonni Sheekem dirreetti baʼan; wanni kunis Abiimelekitti himame.
43 And he took the people, and divided them into three companies, and laid wait in the field, and looked, and behold, the people [had] come out of the city; and he rose up against them, and smote them.
Innis namoota isaa fudhatee garee sadiitti qoodee dirree irratti riphee eeggate. Yeroo namoota magaalaa kaʼanii dhufaa jiran argettis isaan loluudhaaf kaʼe.
44 And Abimelech, and the company that [was] with him, rushed forward, and stood in the entrance of the gate of the city: and the two [other] companies ran upon all [the people] that [were] in the fields, and slew them.
Abiimelekii fi gareen isa wajjin turan gara karra magaalattiitti gugatan. Gareen hafan lamaan immoo gara warra dirree irratti baʼanii turaniitti fiiganii isaan fixan.
45 And Abimelech fought against the city all that day; and he took the city, and slew the people that [were] in it, and beat down the city, and sowed it with salt.
Abiimelek gaafas guyyaa guutuu lolee magaalattii qabate; jiraattota ishees fixee magaalattii illee barbadeessee soogidda itti facaase.
46 And when all the men of the tower of Shechem heard [that], they entered into a hold of the house of the god Berith.
Namoonni gamoo Sheekem keessa jiraatan yommuu waan kana dhagaʼanitti gara daʼannoo mana sagadaa Elbiriititti ol galan.
47 And it was told to Abimelech, that all the men of the tower of Shechem were assembled.
Abiimelekis yommuu akka namoonni Sheekem achitti walitti qabaman dhagaʼetti,
48 And Abimelech ascended mount Zalmon, he and all the people that [were] with him; and Abimelech took an ax in his hand, and cut down a bough from the trees, and took it, and laid [it] on his shoulder, and said to the people that [were] with him, What ye have seen me do, make haste, [and] do as I [have done].
namoota isaa hundumaa wajjin Tulluu Zalmoonitti ol baʼe. Abiimelekis qottoo harkatti qabatee dameewwan mukaa mummuree ol fuudhee gatiittii isaatti baate. Namoota isa wajjin jiraniinis, “Dafaa! Waanuma anaa godhu argitan sana godhaa!” jedhe.
49 And all the people likewise cut down every man his bough, and followed Abimelech, and put [them] to the hold, and set the hold on fire upon them: so that all the men of the tower of Shechem died also, about a thousand men and women.
Namoonni hundinuus dameewwan mukaa mummuratanii Abiimelekin duukaa buʼan. Dameewwan sanas daʼannoo Sheekemonni itti baqatan sanatti irkisanii ibidda itti qabsiisan. Kanaafuu namoonni gamoo Sheekem keessa turan hundinuu dhiironnii fi dubartoonni gara kuma tokko taʼan dhuman.
50 Then went Abimelech to Thebez, and encamped against Thebez, and took it.
Ergasiis Abiimelek gara Tebez dhaqee magaalaa sana marsee qabate.
51 But there was a strong tower within the city, and thither fled all the men and women, and all they of the city, and shut [it] after them, and ascended to the top of the tower.
Taʼus waan gamoon jabaan tokko magaalaa sana keessa tureef jiraattonni magaalaa sanaa dhiiraa dubartiin utuu hin hafin itti baqatan. Keessaanis ofitti cufanii bantii isaatti ol baʼan.
52 And Abimelech came to the tower, and fought against it, and came near to the door of the tower to burn it with fire.
Abiimelekis dhufee gamoo sana dhaʼe; yommuu inni ibiddaan gubuudhaaf balbala gamoo sanaatti dhiʼaatetti garuu,
53 And a certain woman cast a piece of of a millstone upon Abimelech's head, and broke his skull.
dubartiin tokko gubbaadhaa majii dhagaa itti gad dhiiftee buqqee mataa isaa cabsite.
54 Then he called hastily to the young man his armor-bearer, and said to him, Draw thy sword, and slay me, that men say not of me, A woman slew him. And his young man thrust him through, and he died.
Innis dafee dargaggeessa miʼa lolaa baatuuf tokko waamee, “Akka isaan, ‘dubartiitu isa ajjeese’ jechuu hin dandeenyeef goraadee kee luqqifadhuu na ajjeesi” jedheen. Kanaafuu dargaggeessi sun isa waraane; innis ni duʼe.
55 And when the men of Israel saw that Abimelech was dead, they departed every man to his place.
Israaʼeloonnis yommuu akka Abiimelek duʼe arganitti gara mana isaaniitti deebiʼan.
56 Thus God rendered the wickedness of Abimelech, which he did to his father, in slaying his seventy brethren:
Akkasiin Waaqni hammina Abiimelek obboloota isaa torbaatama qaluudhaan abbaa ofiitti hojjeteef gatii hojii isaa kenneef.
57 And all the evil of the men of Shechem did God render upon their heads: and upon them came the curse of Jotham the son of Jerubbaal.
Akkasumas Waaqni hammina namoonni Sheekem hojjetan hunda matuma isaaniitti deebise. Abaarsi Yootaam ilma Yerub-Baʼaalis isaan irra gaʼe.

< Judges 9 >