< Job 5 >

1 Call now, if there is any that will answer thee; and to which of the saints wilt thou turn?
“In Ayub, luong ane ka bende nitiere ngʼama nyalo dwoki? Bende nitie kuom jo-malaika minyalo ringo irgi?
2 For wrath killeth the foolish man, and envy slayeth the silly one.
Ich wangʼ nego ngʼama ofuwo, kendo nyiego tieko ngʼama omingʼ.
3 I have seen the foolish taking root: but suddenly I cursed his habitation.
An awuon aseneno ngʼama ofuwo ka odak e ngima maber, to apoya nono opo ka ode okwongʼ.
4 His children are far from safety, and they are crushed in the gate, neither [is there] any to deliver [them].
Nyithinde ok nyal yudo konyruok kendo onge ngʼama chwakgi e od bura.
5 Whose harvest the hungry eateth up, and taketh it even out of the thorns, and the robber swalloweth up their substance.
Joma kech oloyo chamo chamb ngʼat mofuwono, nyaka mago madongo e kind kuthe, kendo joma riyo oloyo dwaro yako mwandune.
6 Although affliction cometh not forth from the dust, neither doth trouble spring out of the ground;
Nikech richo ok honre ahona kayiem, kata chandruok bende ok bi kaonge gima omiyo.
7 Yet man is born to trouble, as the sparks fly upward.
To dhano inywolo ei chandruok, mana kaka pilni mach dhwolore kadhi malo.
8 I would seek to God, and to God would I commit my cause:
“Dine bed ni an in, to dine atero ywakna ne Nyasaye; kendo keto weche mathaga e nyime.
9 Who doeth great things and unsearchable; wonderful things without number:
Otimo gik madongo miwuoro ma rieko dhano ok chopie honni mage thoth ma ok nyal kwan.
10 Who giveth rain upon the earth, and sendeth waters upon the fields:
Omiyo koth chue e piny; kendo omiyo puothe bedo mangʼich.
11 To set on high those that are low: that those who mourn may be exalted to safety.
Joma ni piny otingʼo malo, kendo ohoyo joma ywak.
12 He disappointeth the devices of the crafty, so that their hands cannot perform [their] enterprise.
Oketho chenro mar joma paro timo timbe mamono mondo omi gik ma giparogo kik timre.
13 He taketh the wise in their own craftiness: and the counsel of the froward is carried headlong.
Omako joma riek gi riekogi giwegi, kendo gimoro amora ma giparo timo ok timre.
14 They meet with darkness in the day-time, and grope in the noon-day as in the night.
Piny othonegi mudho kata mana ka chiengʼ rieny, gibagni odiechiengʼ tir mana ka gima en otieno.
15 But he saveth the poor from the sword, from their mouth, and from the hand of the mighty.
Oreso joma odhier e dho tho; kendo oresogi e lwet joma roteke.
16 So the poor hath hope, and iniquity stoppeth her mouth.
Omiyo joma odhier bedo gi geno, to joma timbegi mono omiyo lingʼ thi.
17 Behold, happy [is] the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty:
“En jahawi ngʼat ma Nyasaye kwero, omiyo kik icha kum mar Jehova Nyasaye Maratego.
18 For he maketh sore, and bindeth up: he woundeth, and his hands make whole.
Nimar kokecho kodi mochwadi to en bende ema ochako othiedho kuonde mohinyorego.
19 He will deliver thee in six troubles: yea, in seven there shall no evil touch thee.
Enoresi ka in e masiche mar auchiel; to adier, ok enoweyi ichopi e masiche mar abiriyo.
20 In famine he will redeem thee from death: and in war from the power of the sword.
Ka dera omako piny, to obiro resi e tho, kendo ka lweny gore to obiro resi e dho ligangla.
21 Thou shalt be hid from the scourge of the tongue: neither shalt thou be afraid of destruction when it cometh.
Enopandi kuom dhok makwongʼi, kendo ok niluor kethruok mabiro.
22 At destruction and famine thou shalt laugh: neither shalt thou be afraid of the beasts of the earth.
Inibed mamor ka masira gi kech nitie kendo ok niluor le mager mag piny.
23 For thou shalt be in league with the stones of the field: and the beasts of the field shall be at peace with thee.
Nikech initim winjruok gi kite manie lowo, kendo le mag bungu nobed kodi gi kwe.
24 And thou shalt know that thy tabernacle [will be] in peace; and thou shalt visit thy habitation, and shalt not sin.
Iningʼe ni hembi oriti maber; inikwan mwanduni achiel achiel, kendo ok niyud kaonge moro kuomgi molal.
25 Thou shalt know also that thy seed [will be] great, and thy offspring as the grass of the earth.
Inibed kingʼeyo ni nyithindi nobed mangʼeny, kendo nyikwayi nochal gi lum manie piny.
26 Thou shalt come to [thy] grave in a full age, as a shock of corn cometh in in its season.
Inidag amingʼa mitho kapod itegno, mana ka cham mokaa e kinde mowinjore.
27 Lo this, we have searched it, so it [is]; hear it, and know thou [it] for thy good.
“Wasenono wachni, mwanwangʼo ni en adier. Omiyo winje kendo iti kode e ngimani.”

< Job 5 >