< Ezekiel 36 >

1 Also thou son of man, prophesy to the mountains of Israel, and say, Ye mountains of Israel, hear the word of the LORD:
“Kikite foki, ʻe foha ʻoe tangata, ki he ngaahi moʻunga ʻo ʻIsileli, pea ke pehē, ʻE ngaahi moʻunga ʻo ʻIsileli, fanongo ki he folofola ʻa Sihova:
2 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because the enemy had said against you, Aha, even the ancient high places are ours in possession:
‌ʻOku pehē ʻe Sihova ko e ʻOtua; koeʻuhi kuo pehē ʻe he fili kiate koe, ‘ʻEhē, ʻehē, naʻa mo e ngaahi potu māʻolunga talu mei muʻa kuo ʻamautolu ia:’
3 Therefore prophesy and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because they have made [you] desolate, and swallowed you up on every side, that ye might be a possession to the residue of the heathen, and ye are taken up in the lips of talkers, and [are] an infamy of the people:
Ko ia ke ke kikite, mo ke pehē, ʻOku pehē ʻe Sihova ko e ʻOtua; Koeʻuhi kuo nau fakalala koe, mo nau fōngia hifo koe mei he potu kotoa pē, kae maʻu ʻakimoutolu ʻe he toenga hiteni, pea ʻoku lea ʻaki ʻakimoutolu ʻe he ngutu faʻa lau, pea manukiʻi ʻe he kakai;
4 Therefore, ye mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord GOD; Thus saith the Lord GOD to the mountains, and to the hills, to the rivers, and to the valleys, to the desolate wastes, and to the cities that are forsaken, which became a prey and derision to the residue of the heathen that [are] around;
Ko ia, fanongo ʻe ngaahi moʻunga ʻo ʻIsileli ki he folofola ʻa Sihova ko e ʻOtua; ʻoku pehē ʻe Sihova ko e ʻOtua, ki he ngaahi moʻunga, mo e ngaahi vaitafe, pea ki he ngaahi teleʻa, pea mo e ngaahi potu lala, mo e ngaahi kolo kuo siʻaki, ʻaia naʻe hoko ko e meʻa vete mo e manukiʻanga ki he toenga hiteni, ʻoku nofo takatakai mai;
5 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Surely in the fire of my jealousy have I spoken against the residue of the heathen, and against all Edom, who have appointed my land into their possession with the joy of all [their] heart, with despiteful minds, to cast it out for a prey.
Ko ia ʻoku pehē ʻe Sihova ko e ʻOtua; Ko e moʻoni ko e meʻa ʻi he kakaha ʻo ʻeku fuaʻa kuo u lea ai ki he toenga hiteni, pea mo ʻItomi kotoa, ʻakinautolu kuo nau tuʻutuʻuni moʻonautolu ʻa hoku fonua ʻi he fiefia ʻa honau loto, mo e loto fakafāsifasi, ke liʻaki ia ke vetea.
6 Prophesy therefore concerning the land of Israel, and say to the mountains, and to the hills, to the rivers, and to the valleys, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I have spoken in my jealousy and in my fury, because ye have borne the shame of the heathen:
Ko ia, ke ke kikite ai ki he fonua ko ʻIsileli, pea ke pehē ki he ngaahi moʻunga, pea mo e ngaahi tafungofunga, mo e ngaahi vaitafe, pea ki he ngaahi teleʻa, ʻOku pehē ʻe Sihova ko e ʻOtua; Vakai, kuo u lea ʻi heʻeku fuaʻa mo ʻeku tuputāmaki, koeʻuhi kuo mou fua ʻae mā ʻae kau hiteni:
7 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; I have lifted up my hand, Surely the heathen that [are] about you, they shall bear their shame.
Ko ia ʻoku pehē ai ʻe Sihova ko e ʻOtua, kuo u hiki hake hoku nima, ko e moʻoni ʻe fua pe ʻenau mā ʻe he hiteni, ʻoku ofi kiate kimoutolu.
8 But ye, O mountains of Israel, ye shall shoot forth your branches, and yield your fruit to my people of Israel; for they are at hand to come.
Ka ko kimoutolu, ʻE ngaahi moʻunga ʻo ʻIsileli, ʻe fakatupu ke lōloa homou ngaahi vaʻa, pea ʻe tuku ʻa homou fua ki hoku kakai ko ʻIsileli: he kuo ofi mai ʻenau haʻu.
9 For behold, I [am] for you, and I will turn to you, and ye shall be tilled and sown:
He, vakai, ʻoku ou kau mo kimoutolu, pea te u foki mai kiate kimoutolu, pea ʻe keli mo tūtuuʻi ʻakimoutolu:
10 And I will multiply men upon you, all the house of Israel, [even] all of it: and the cities shall be inhabited, and the wastes shall be built.
Pea te u fakatokolahi hoʻomou kakai tangata, ʻae fale kotoa ʻo ʻIsileli, ʻio, ʻa hono kātoa: pea ʻe fakakakai ʻae ngaahi kolo, pea ʻe toe langaʻi hake ʻae ngaahi potu lala.
11 And I will multiply upon you man and beast; and they shall increase and bring fruit: and I will settle you after your old states, and will do better [to you] than at your beginnings: and ye shall know that I [am] the LORD.
Pea te u fakatokolahi ʻae kau tangata, pea mo e fanga manu ʻiate kimoutolu pea te nau tupu ke lahi mo faʻa fua pea te u fakanofo ʻakimoutolu ʻo hangē ko ia ʻi muʻa, pea ʻe lahi hake ʻae lelei te u fai kiate kimoutolu ʻi hono muʻaki fai: pea te mou ʻilo ko Sihova au.
12 Yes, I will cause men to walk upon you, [even] my people Israel; and they shall possess thee, and thou shalt be their inheritance, and thou shalt no more henceforth bereave them [of men].
‌ʻIo, te u tuku ʻae kakai ke ʻeveʻeva ʻiate koe, ʻa hoku kakai ko ʻIsileli; pea te nau maʻu koe, pea te ke hoko ko honau tofiʻa, pea ʻe ʻikai te ke toe fakatokosiʻi ʻakinautolu.
13 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because they say to you, Thou [land] devourest men, and hast bereaved thy nations;
‌ʻOku pehē ʻa Sihova ko e ʻOtua; Koeʻuhi ʻoku nau pehē kiate kimoutolu, ʻOku ke maumauʻi kakai, pea kuo ke fakatokosiʻi ho puleʻanga;
14 Therefore thou shalt devour men no more, neither bereave thy nations any more, saith the Lord GOD.
Ko ia ʻe ʻikai te ke toe maumau tangata, pe toe fakatokosiʻi ho puleʻanga, ʻoku pehē ʻe Sihova ko e ʻOtua.
15 Neither will I cause [men] to hear in thee the shame of the heathen any more, neither shalt thou bear the reproach of the people any more, neither shalt thou cause thy nations to fall any more, saith the Lord GOD.
Pea ʻe ʻikai te u tuku ke ongoʻi ʻa hoʻo fakamaaʻi ʻe he hiteni, pe te ke toe fua ʻae manukiʻi ʻae kakai, pea ʻe ʻikai te ke toe fakahinga ki lalo ho puleʻanga, ʻoku pehē ʻe Sihova ko e ʻOtua.”
16 Moreover the word of the LORD came to me, saying,
Naʻe hoko foki ʻae folofola ʻa Sihova kiate au, ʻo pehē,
17 Son of man, when the house of Israel dwelt in their own land, they defiled it by their own way and by their doings: their way was before me as the uncleanness of a removed woman.
“Foha ʻoe tangata, ʻi he kei nofo ʻae fale ʻo ʻIsileli, ʻi honau fonua ʻonautolu, naʻa nau fakalieliaʻi ia ʻi heʻenau anga ʻanautolu pe, mo e ngaahi meʻa naʻa nau fai: naʻe tatau kiate au ʻenau anga mo e taʻemaʻa ha fefine kuo vaheʻi.
18 Wherefore I poured my fury upon them for the blood that they had shed upon the land, and for their idols [with which] they had polluted it:
Ko ia naʻaku lilingi atu ai hoku houhau kiate kinautolu, koeʻuhi ko e toto naʻa nau lilingi ʻi he funga fonua, pea koeʻuhi ko e ngaahi tamapua naʻa nau fakaʻuliʻi ʻaki ia:
19 And I scattered them among the heathen, and they were dispersed through the countries: according to their way and according to their doings I judged them.
Pea naʻaku fakahēʻi ʻakinautolu ki he hiteni, pea naʻe fakamovetevete ʻakinautolu ki he ngaahi fonua: naʻaku fakamaauʻi ʻakinautolu ʻo fakatatau ki heʻenau anga, pea tatau mo e ngaahi meʻa naʻa nau fai.
20 And when they entered among the heathen, whither they went, they profaned my holy name, when they said to them, These [are] the people of the LORD, and are gone forth out of his land.
Pea ʻi heʻenau hoko atu ki he hiteni, ʻaia naʻa nau ʻalu ki ai, naʻa nau fakalieliaʻi ʻa hoku huafa tapu ʻi heʻenau pehēange kiate kinautolu, ‘Ko e kakai ʻena ʻa Sihova, pea kuo nau mahuʻi mai mei hono fonua.’
21 But I had pity for my holy name, which the house of Israel had profaned among the heathen, whither they went.
Ka naʻaku mamae au ki hoku huafa tapu ʻaia ne fakalieliaʻi ʻe he fale ʻo ʻIsileli, ʻi he lotolotonga ʻoe hiteni ʻaia naʻa nau ʻalu ki ai.
22 Therefore say to the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord GOD; I do not [this] for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for my holy name's sake, which ye have profaned among the heathen, whither ye went.
Ko ia, lea ki he fale ʻo ʻIsileli, ʻOku pehē ʻe Sihova ko e ʻOtua; ʻOku ʻikai te u fai eni koeʻuhi ko kimoutolu, ka koeʻuhi ko hoku huafa tapu ʻoʻoku, ʻaia kuo mou fakalieliaʻi ʻi he lotolotonga ʻoe hiteni, ʻaia naʻa mou ʻalu ki ai.
23 And I will sanctify my great name, which was profaned among the heathen, which ye have profaned in the midst of them; and the heathen shall know that I [am] the LORD, saith the Lord GOD, when I shall be sanctified in you before their eyes.
Pea te u fakamāʻoniʻoniʻi ʻa hoku huafa lahi, ʻaia naʻe fakalieliaʻi ʻi he lotolotonga ʻoe hiteni, ʻaia kuo mou fakalieliaʻi ʻiate kinautolu; pea ʻe ʻilo ʻe he hiteni, ko Sihova au, ʻoku pehē ʻe Sihova ko e ʻOtua, ʻoka fakamāʻoniʻoniʻi au ʻekimoutolu ʻi honau ʻao.
24 For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land.
He te u toʻo ʻakimoutolu mei he hiteni, pea tānaki ʻakimoutolu mei he fonua kotoa pē, mo ʻomi ʻakimoutolu ki homou fonua ʻomoutolu.
25 Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you.
Pea te u toki luluku ʻaki ʻakimoutolu ʻae vai maʻa, pea te mou maʻa: te u fakamaʻa ʻakimoutolu mei hoʻomou fakalielia kotoa pē, pea mo homou ngaahi tamapua.
26 A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh.
Te u foaki foki ha loto foʻou kiate kimoutolu, pea te u ʻai kiate kimoutolu ha laumālie foʻou; te u toʻo ʻo ʻave ʻae loto maka mei homou kakano, pea te u foaki kiate kimoutolu ʻae loto kakanoʻia.
27 And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do [them].
Pea te u tuku ki loto ʻiate kimoutolu ʻa hoku laumālie, pea te u fakalotoʻi ʻakimoutolu ke ʻaʻeva ʻi heʻeku ngaahi fekau, pea te mou tauhi ʻaia ʻoku ou tuʻutuʻuni, pea fai ki ai.
28 And ye shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be my people, and I will be your God.
Pea te mou nofo ʻi he fonua naʻaku foaki ki hoʻomou ngaahi tamai; pea te mou ʻi ai ko hoku kakai, pea te u ʻi ai au ko homou ʻOtua.
29 I will also save you from all your uncleannesses: and I will call for the corn, and will increase it, and lay no famine upon you.
Te u fakamoʻui foki ʻakimoutolu mei hoʻomou taʻemaʻa kotoa pē: pea te u ui ki he koane, pea te u fakatupu ia ke lahi, pea ʻe ʻikai tuku ha honge kiate kimoutolu.
30 And I will multiply the fruit of the tree, and the increase of the field, that ye shall receive no more reproach of famine among the heathen.
Pea te u fakatupu ke lahi ʻae fua ʻi he ʻakau, mo e fua ʻoe kelekele, koeʻuhi ke ʻoua naʻa toe manuki ʻaki hoʻomou hongea ʻe he kakai hiteni.
31 Then shall ye remember your own evil ways, and your doings that [were] not good, and shall lothe yourselves in your own sight for your iniquities, and for your abominations.
Pea te mou toki manatu ʻekimoutolu pe ki hoʻomou ngaahi faianga kovi, mo e ngaahi meʻa naʻa mou fai naʻe ʻikai lelei, pea te mou fehiʻa mate kiate kimoutolu, ʻi homou ʻao pe ʻomoutolu, koeʻuhi ko hoʻomou hia, pea mo hoʻomou ngaahi fakalielia.
32 Not for your sakes do I [this], saith the Lord GOD, be it known to you: be ashamed and confounded for your own ways, O house of Israel.
Ka mou ʻilo eni, ʻoku pehē ʻe Sihova ko e ʻOtua, ʻOku ʻikai te u fai eni koeʻuhi ko kimoutolu: ʻE fale ʻo ʻIsileli, mou mā, pea mou puputuʻu koeʻuhi ko hoʻomou ngaahi faianga.”
33 Thus saith the Lord GOD; In the day that I shall have cleansed you from all your iniquities I will also cause [you] to dwell in the cities, and the wastes shall be built.
‌ʻOku pehē ʻe Sihova ko e ʻOtua; “ʻI he ʻaho ko ia te u fakamaʻa ai ʻakimoutolu mei hoʻomou ngaahi angahala, te u pule foki ke mou nofo ki he ngaahi kolo, pea ʻe toe langaʻi hake ʻae ngaahi potu lala.
34 And the desolate land shall be tilled, whereas it lay desolate in the sight of all that passed by.
Pea ʻe toe ngoueʻi ʻae fonua ne lala, neongo naʻe tuku siʻaki pe ia ʻi he ʻao ʻonautolu kotoa pē, naʻe ʻalu ange ai.
35 And they shall say, This land that was desolate is become like the garden of Eden; and the waste and desolate and ruined cities [are become] fortified, [and] are inhabited.
Pea te nau lea ʻo pehē, Ko e fonua ni ʻaia ne liʻaki, kuo hangē eni ko e ngoue ʻo ʻIteni; pea kuo ʻāʻi pea kuo fakakakai ʻae ngaahi kolo naʻe liʻaki mo maumauʻi.
36 Then the heathen that are left around you shall know that I the LORD build the ruined [places], [and] plant that which was desolate: I the LORD have spoken [it], and I will do [it].
Pea ʻe toki ʻilo ai ʻe he toenga hiteni ʻe nofo takatakai ʻiate kimoutolu, ko au ia ko Sihova, ʻoku toe langa ai ʻae ngaahi potu ne maumauʻi, pea toe ngoueʻi ʻaia naʻe liʻaki: ko au ko Sihova kuo lea ki ai, pea ko au te u fai ia.”
37 Thus saith the Lord GOD; I will yet [for] this be inquired of by the house of Israel, to do [it] for them; I will increase them with men like a flock.
‌ʻOku pehē ʻe Sihova ko e ʻOtua; “Ka naʻa mo eni ʻe kumi au ʻe he fale ʻo ʻIsileli, ke u fai ia maʻanautolu; pea te u fakatokolahiʻi ʻakinautolu ʻo hangē ko e tupu ha fanga sipi.
38 As the holy flock, as the flock of Jerusalem in her solemn feasts; so shall the waste cities be filled with flocks of men: and they shall know that I [am] the LORD.
‌ʻO hangē ko e fanga sipi māʻoniʻoni, ʻae fanga sipi ʻi Selūsalema ʻi he ngaahi kātoanga māʻoniʻoni ʻi ai; ʻe pehē ʻae fakapito ʻaki ʻae kakai ʻae ngaahi kolo ne liʻaki: pea te nau ʻilo ko Sihova au.”

< Ezekiel 36 >