< Ezekiel 12 >

1 The word of the LORD also came to me, saying,
Kiugo kĩa Jehova nĩkĩanginyĩrĩire, ngĩĩrwo atĩrĩ:
2 Son of man, thou dwellest in the midst of a rebellious house, who have eyes to see, and see not; they have ears to hear, and hear not: for they [are] a rebellious house.
“Mũrũ wa mũndũ, wee ũtũũranagia na andũ aremi. Nĩ marĩ na maitho ma kuona no mationaga, na nĩ marĩ na matũ ma kũigua no matiiguaga, nĩgũkorwo nĩ andũ aremi.
3 Therefore, thou son of man, prepare thee stuff for removing, and remove by day in their sight; and thou shalt remove from thy place to another place in their sight; it may be they will consider, though they [are] a rebellious house.
“Nĩ ũndũ ũcio wee mũrũ wa mũndũ-rĩ, oha mĩrigo yaku ya gũthaama, na kũrĩ mũthenya barigici magĩkuonaga-rĩ, umagare uume gũkũ, ũthiĩ kũndũ kũngĩ. Hihi nĩmagataũkĩrwo, o na gũtuĩka nĩ andũ a nyũmba ya ũremi.
4 Then shalt thou bring forth thy stuff by day in their sight, as stuff for removing: and thou shalt go forth at evening in their sight, as they that go forth into captivity.
Kũrĩ mũthenya barigici, o magĩkuonaga-rĩ, ruta mĩrigo yaku nja ĩrĩ mĩohe nĩ ũndũ wa gũthiĩ bũrũri wa ithaamĩrio. Ningĩ hwaĩ-inĩ, umagare ũthiĩ o magĩkuonaga, o ta ũrĩa andũ mathaamaga.
5 Dig thou through the wall in their sight, and carry out thereby.
O makwĩroreire, tũrĩkia rũthingo, ũgererie mĩrigo yaku ho.
6 In their sight shalt thou bear [it] upon [thy] shoulders, [and] carry [it] forth in the twilight: thou shalt cover thy face, that thou mayest not see the ground: for I have set thee [for] a sign to the house of Israel.
Oya mĩrigo ĩyo ũmĩigĩrĩre ciande o makwĩroreire, ũmiumagarie na mairia. Wĩhumbĩre ũthiũ nĩguo ndũkone bũrũri, nĩgũkorwo nĩngũtuĩte kĩmenyithia harĩ andũ a nyũmba ya Isiraeli.”
7 And I did so as I was commanded: I brought forth my stuff by day, as stuff for captivity, and in the evening I digged through the wall with my hand; I brought [it] forth in the twilight, [and] I bore [it] upon [my] shoulder in their sight.
Nĩ ũndũ ũcio niĩ ngĩĩka o ta ũrĩa ndaathĩtwo. Ngĩruta mĩrigo yakwa nja kũrĩ mũthenya barigici, yoheetwo nĩ ũndũ wa gũthaama. Ningĩ hwaĩ-inĩ ngĩtũrĩkia rũthingo na moko makwa. Ngiumia mĩrigo yakwa nja kũrĩ na mairia, ngĩmiumagaria ndĩmĩkuuĩte na ciande o manjĩndoreire.
8 And in the morning came the word of the LORD to me, saying,
Rũciinĩ kiugo kĩa Jehova gĩkĩnginyĩrĩra, ngĩũrio atĩrĩ,
9 Son of man, hath not the house of Israel, the rebellious house, said to thee, What doest thou?
“Mũrũ wa mũndũ, githĩ andũ a nyũmba ya Isiraeli o acio aremi matiakũũririe atĩrĩ, ‘Nĩ atĩa ũreka?’
10 Say thou to them, Thus saith the Lord GOD, This burden [concerneth] the prince in Jerusalem, and all the house of Israel that [are] among them.
“Meere atĩrĩ, ‘Mwathani Jehova ekuuga atĩrĩ: Ndũmĩrĩri ĩno nditũ ĩkoniĩ mũnene ũrĩa ũrĩ Jerusalemu, o na andũ a nyũmba yothe ya Isiraeli arĩa marĩ kuo.’
11 Say, I [am] your sign: as I have done, so shall it be done to them: they shall remove [and] go into captivity.
Meere atĩrĩ, ‘Niĩ ndĩ kĩmenyithia harĩ inyuĩ.’ “O ta ũguo niĩ njĩkĩte, noguo o nao mageekwo. Nĩmagatwarwo bũrũri wa kũngĩ marĩ atahe.
12 And the prince that [is] among them shall bear upon [his] shoulder in the twilight, and shall go forth: they shall dig through the wall to carry out thereby: he shall cover his face, that he may not see the ground with [his] eyes.
“Mũthamaki ũcio ũrĩ gatagatĩ-inĩ kao nĩagakuua mĩrigo yake na ciande kũrĩ mairia oimagare, naruo rũthingo nĩrũgatũrĩkio irima oimĩre ho. Nake nĩakehumbĩra ũthiũ nĩguo ndakone bũrũri.
13 My net also will I spread upon him, and he shall be taken in my snare: and I will bring him to Babylon [to] the land of the Chaldeans, yet shall he not see it, though he shall die there.
Nĩngamũtambũrũkĩria wabu wakwa, nake nĩakanyiitwo nĩ mũtego wakwa; nĩngamũtwarithia Babuloni, kũu bũrũri wa Akalidei, no rĩrĩ, we ndakawona, nakuo kũu nĩkuo agaakuĩra.
14 And I will scatter towards every wind all that [are] about him to help him, and all his bands; and I will draw out the sword after them.
Arĩa othe mamũrigiicĩirie, nĩngamahurunja huho-inĩ, o acio aruti ake a wĩra na thigari ciake ciothe, na ndĩmatengʼerie na rũhiũ rwa njora rũrĩ rũcomore.
15 And they shall know that I [am] the LORD, when I shall scatter them among the nations, and disperse them in the countries.
“Nĩmakamenya atĩ niĩ nĩ niĩ Jehova, rĩrĩa ngaamahurunjĩra ndũrĩrĩ-inĩ na ndĩmaharaganĩrie mabũrũri-inĩ.
16 But I will leave a few men of them from the sword, from the famine, and from the pestilence; that they may declare all their abominations among the heathen whither they come; and they shall know that I [am] the LORD.
No rĩrĩ, nĩngahonokia amwe ao matikaniinwo na rũhiũ rwa njora, kana ngʼaragu, kana mũthiro, nĩgeetha kũu magaathiĩ ndũrĩrĩ-inĩ makoimbũraga maũndũ mao marĩa meekaga marĩ magigi. Hĩndĩ ĩyo nĩmakamenya atĩ niĩ nĩ niĩ Jehova.”
17 Moreover the word of the LORD came to me, saying,
Kiugo kĩa Jehova nĩkĩanginyĩrĩire, ngĩĩrwo atĩrĩ:
18 Son of man, eat thy bread with quaking, and drink thy water with trembling and with solicitude.
“Mũrũ wa mũndũ, inainaga rĩrĩa ũkũrĩa irio, na wĩthithimũkagwo nĩ guoya ũkĩnyua maaĩ.
19 And say to the people of the land, Thus saith the Lord GOD of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, [and] of the land of Israel; They shall eat their bread with solicitude, and drink their water with astonishment, that her land may be desolate from all that is therein, because of the violence of all them that dwell therein.
Ĩra andũ a bũrũri ũyũ atĩrĩ, ‘Ũũ nĩguo Mwathani Jehova ekuuga igũrũ rĩkoniĩ andũ arĩa matũũraga Jerusalemu na arĩa matũũraga bũrũri wothe wa Isiraeli: Makaarĩĩaga irio ciao marĩ na mĩtangĩko, na manyuuage maaĩ moorĩtwo nĩ hinya nĩgũkorwo bũrũri wao nĩũkaniinwo indo ciothe iria irĩ kuo, nĩ ũndũ wa maũndũ ma ũhinya ma andũ arĩa othe matũũraga kuo.
20 And the cities that are inhabited shall be laid waste, and the land shall be desolate; and ye shall know that I [am] the LORD.
Matũũra marĩa matũũragwo nĩ andũ nĩmakanangwo, naguo bũrũri ũkirio ihooru. Hĩndĩ ĩyo nĩmũkamenya atĩ niĩ nĩ niĩ Jehova.’”
21 And the word of the LORD came to me, saying,
Kiugo kĩa Jehova nĩkĩanginyĩrĩire, ngĩĩrwo atĩrĩ:
22 Son of man, what [is] that proverb [that] ye have in the land of Israel, saying, The days are prolonged, and every vision faileth?
“Mũrũ wa mũndũ, nĩ thimo ĩrĩkũ ĩno yunanagwo thĩinĩ wa bũrũri wa Isiraeli, ĩno yugaga atĩrĩ: ‘Matukũ nĩmathiraga, nakĩo kĩoneki o gĩothe gĩgatuĩka gĩa tũhũ’?
23 Tell them therefore, Thus saith the Lord GOD: I will make this proverb to cease, and they shall no more use it as a proverb in Israel; but say to them, The days are at hand, and the effect of every vision.
Meere atĩrĩ, ‘Ũũ nĩguo Mwathani Jehova ekuuga: Nĩngũniina thimo ĩno, na matigacooka kũmĩgweta rĩngĩ gũkũ Isiraeli.’ Meere atĩrĩ, ‘Matukũ nĩmakuhĩrĩirie rĩrĩa kĩoneki o gĩothe gĩkaahingio.
24 For there shall no more be any vain vision nor flattering divination within the house of Israel.
Nĩgũkorwo gũtigacooka kũgĩa cioneki cia maheeni, kana ũragũri wa kũheenanĩrĩria gatagatĩ-inĩ ka andũ a Isiraeli.
25 For I [am] the LORD: I will speak, and the word that I shall speak shall come to pass; it shall no more be prolonged: for in your days, O rebellious house, will I say the word, and will perform it, saith the Lord GOD.
No niĩ Jehova-rĩ, nĩngoiga ũrĩa ngeenda, naguo nĩũkahingio ũtegũcererwo. Nĩgũkorwo matukũ-inĩ manyu, inyuĩ andũ a nyũmba ya ũremi, nĩngahingia ũrĩa wothe ndĩroiga, ũguo nĩguo Mwathani Jehova ekuuga.’”
26 Again the word of the LORD came to me, saying,
Kiugo kĩa Jehova nĩkĩanginyĩrĩire, ngĩĩrwo atĩrĩ:
27 Son of man, behold, [they of] the house of Israel say, The vision that he seeth [is] for many days [to come], and he prophesieth of the times [that are] distant.
“Mũrũ wa mũndũ, andũ a nyũmba ya Isiraeli maroiga atĩrĩ, ‘Kĩoneki kĩrĩa onaga gĩgũtũũra mĩaka mĩingĩ gĩgĩkahingio, na araratha ũhoro wa ihinda iraaya rĩgooka.’
28 Therefore say to them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; There shall none of my words be further deferred, but the word which I have spoken shall be done, saith the Lord GOD.
“Nĩ ũndũ ũcio meere atĩrĩ, ‘Mwathani Jehova ekuuga atĩrĩ: Gũtirĩ kiugo o na kĩmwe gĩakwa gĩgaacooka gũcererwo; ũhoro ũrĩa wothe niĩ ngaaria nĩũkahingio, ũguo nĩguo Mwathani Jehova ekuuga.’”

< Ezekiel 12 >