< Exodus 40 >

1 And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
Waaqayyo Museedhaan akkana jedhe:
2 On the first day of the first month shalt thou set up the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation.
“Guyyaa jalqaba jiʼa jalqabaatti dunkaana qulqulluu jechuunis dunkaana wal gaʼii dhaabi.
3 And thou shalt put in it the ark of the testimony, and cover the ark with the vail.
Taabota kakuu seeraa isa keessa kaaʼiitii taaboticha golgaadhaan daʼeessi.
4 And thou shalt bring in the table, and set in order the things that are to be set in order upon it; and thou shalt bring in the candlestick, and light its lamps.
Minjaala ol galchiitii miʼa isaa tottolchi. Ergasiis baattuu ibsaa ol galchiitii ibsaa isaa irra dhaabi.
5 And thou shalt set the altar of gold for the incense before the ark of the testimony, and put the hanging of the door to the tabernacle.
Iddoo aarsaa ixaanaa kan warqee irraa hojjetame fuula taabota kakuu seeraa dura dhaabiitii balbala dunkaana qulqulluutti immoo golgaa fannisi.
6 And thou shalt set the altar of the, burnt-offering before the door of the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation.
“Iddoo aarsaa qalma gubamuu sanas fuula balbala dunkaana qulqulluu jechuunis dunkaana wal gaʼii dura dhaabi;
7 And thou shalt set the laver between the tent of the congregation and the altar, and shalt put water in it.
gabatee itti dhiqatanis dunkaana wal gaʼiitii fi iddoo aarsaa gidduu dhaabiitii bishaan itti naqi.
8 And thou shalt set up the court round about, and hang up the hanging at the court-gate.
Naannoo isaattis oobdii hojjedhuutii balbala isaatti golgaa kaaʼi.
9 And thou shalt take the anointing oil, and anoint the tabernacle, and all that [is] in it, and shalt hallow it, and all its vessels: and it shall be holy.
“Zayitii ittiin diban fuudhiitii dunkaana qulqulluu fi waan isa keessa jiru hunda dibi; dunkaanichaa fi miʼa isaa hunda qulqulleessi; innis ni qulqullaaʼa.
10 And thou shalt anoint the altar of the burnt-offering and all its vessels, and sanctify the altar: and it shall be an altar most holy.
Ergasiis iddoo aarsaa qalma gubamuutii fi miʼa isaa hunda dibi; iddoo aarsaa sana qulqulleessi; innis waan hunda caalaa qulqullaaʼaa taʼa.
11 And thou shalt anoint the laver and its foot, and sanctify it.
Gabatee itti dhiqatanii fi miilla isaa dibiitii isaan qulqulleessi.
12 And thou shalt bring Aaron and his sons to the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, and wash them with water.
“Aroonii fi ilmaan isaa gara balbala dunkaana wal gaʼiitti fidiitii bishaaniin isaan dhiqi.
13 And thou shalt put upon Aaron the holy garments, and anoint him, and sanctify him; that he may minister to me in the priest's office.
Ergasii Aroonitti wayyaa qulqulluu uffisi; akka inni lubummaadhaan na tajaajiluufis dibiitii isa qulqulleessi.
14 And thou shalt bring his sons, and clothe them with coats:
Ilmaan isaas fidiitii kittaa itti uffisi.
15 And thou shalt anoint them, as thou didst anoint their father, that they may minister to me in the priest's office: for their anointing shall surely be an everlasting priesthood throughout their generations.
Akka isaan lubummaadhaan na tajaajilaniifis akkuma abbaa isaanii dibde sanatti isaan dibi; dibamuun isaanii kunis dhaloota dhufu hunda keessatti lubummaa itti fufu taʼa.”
16 Thus did Moses; according to all that the LORD commanded him, so did he.
Museenis akkuma Waaqayyo isa ajajetti waan hunda hojjete.
17 And it came to pass in the first month, in the second year, on the first [day] of the month, [that] the tabernacle was reared up.
Kanaafuu dunkaanni qulqulluun sun waggaa lamaffaa keessa guyyaa jalqabaa kan jiʼa jalqabaatti dhaabame.
18 And Moses reared up the tabernacle, and fastened its sockets, and set up its boards, and put in its bars, and reared up its pillars.
Museen yeroo dunkaana qulqulluu sana dhaabetti miillawwan dunkaanichaa itti kaaʼe; tuggeewwan isaa dhadhaabe; dagaleewwan isaa loose; utuboota isaa dhadhaabe.
19 And he spread abroad the tent over the tabernacle, and put the covering of the tent above upon it; as the LORD commanded Moses.
Innis akkuma Waaqayyo isa ajajetti dunkaana qulqulluu irraan dunkaana diriirsee dunkaana sanatti immoo irra buusa uffise.
20 And he took and put the testimony into the ark, and set the staffs on the ark, and put the mercy-seat above upon the ark:
Dhuga baʼumsa sana fuudhee taabota keessa kaaʼe; danqaraawwanis taabotatti hidhe; teessoo araaraa immoo taabota gubbaa kaaʼe.
21 And he brought the ark into the tabernacle, and set up the vail of the covering, and covered the ark of the testimony; as the LORD commanded Moses.
Museen akkuma Waaqayyo isa ajajetti taabota sana dunkaana qulqulluutti ol galchee golgaa daʼeessu fanniseef; taabota kakuu seeraa sanas daʼeesse.
22 And he put the table in the tent of the congregation, upon the side of the tabernacle northward, without the vail.
Museenis minjaala sana gama kaaba dunkaana qulqulluutiin dunkaana wal gaʼii keessa golgaa sanaan ala kaaʼe.
23 And he set the bread in order upon it before the LORD; as the LORD had commanded Moses.
Akkuma Waaqayyo isa ajajettis fuula Waaqayyoo duratti buddeena achi irra kaaʼe.
24 And he put the candlestick in the tent of the congregation, over against the table, on the side of the tabernacle southward.
Baattuu ibsaa immoo gama kibbaa dunkaana qulqulluutiin dunkaana wal gaʼii keessa fuullee minjaalaatiin kaaʼe.
25 And he lighted the lamps before the LORD, as the LORD commanded Moses.
Akkuma Waaqayyo isa ajajettis ibsaawwan sana fuula Waaqayyoo dura dhadhaabe.
26 And he put the golden altar in the tent of the congregation, before the vail:
Museenis iddoo aarsaa kan warqee irraa hojjetame sana fuula golgaa duraan dunkaana wal gaʼii keessa dhaabe.
27 And he burnt sweet incense on it; as the LORD commanded Moses.
Akkuma Waaqayyo isa ajajettis ixaana urgaaʼaa isa irratti aarse.
28 And he set up the hanging [at] the door of the tabernacle.
Balbala dunkaana qulqulluu irrattis golgaa fannise.
29 And he put the altar of burnt-offering [by] the door of the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation, and offered upon it the burnt-offering, and the meat-offering; as the LORD commanded Moses.
Inni akkuma Waaqayyo isa ajajetti iddoo aarsaa qalma gubamuu sana balbala dunkaana qulqulluu kan dunkaana wal gaʼii bira dhaabee qalma gubamuu fi kennaa midhaanii isa irratti dhiʼeesse.
30 And he set the laver between the tent of the congregation and the altar, and put water there, to wash [with].
Gabatee sanas dunkaana wal gaʼiitii fi iddoo aarsaa gidduu kaaʼee bishaan dhiqataa itti naqe;
31 And Moses, and Aaron, and his sons, washed their hands and their feet thereat:
Museen, Aroonii fi ilmaan Arooniis harka isaaniitii fi miilla isaanii dhiqachuuf itti fayyadamu turan.
32 When they went into the tent of the congregation, and when they came near to the altar, they washed; as the LORD commanded Moses.
Isaanis akkuma Waaqayyo Musee ajajetti yeroo dunkaana wal gaʼii seenan yookaan yeroo iddoo aarsaatti dhiʼaatan hunda ni dhiqatu turan.
33 And he reared up the court round about the tabernacle and the altar, and set up the hanging of the court-gate: so Moses finished the work.
Museenis naannoo dunkaana qulqulluutii fi iddoo aarsaatti oobdii hojjetee balbala waltajjichaa irra golgaa dhaabe; akkasiin Museen hojii sana hojjetee fixe.
34 Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle.
Ergasiis duumessi dunkaana wal gaʼii haguuge; ulfinni Waaqayyoos dunkaana qulqulluu sana guute.
35 And Moses was not able to enter into the tent of the congregation, because the cloud abode upon it, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle.
Museenis sababii duumessi sun dunkaana wal gaʼii irra buʼee fi sababii ulfinni Waaqayyoo dunkaana qulqulluu guuteef dunkaana wal gaʼii seenuu hin dandeenye.
36 And when the cloud was taken up from over the tabernacle, the children of Israel went onward in all their journeys:
Israaʼeloonni karaa isaanii hunda keessatti yommuu duumessi dunkaana qulqulluu irraa kaʼu hunda kaʼanii deemsa isaanii itti fufu turan.
37 But if the cloud was not taken up, then they journeyed not till the day that it was taken up.
Yoo duumessi irraa kaʼuu baate garuu hamma gaafa duumessi sun irraa kaʼuutti hin deeman ture.
38 For the cloud of the LORD [was] upon the tabernacle by day, and fire was on it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel, throughout all their journeys.
Kanaafuu karaa isaanii hunda keessatti fuula saba Israaʼel hundaa duratti guyyaa guyyaa duumessi Waaqayyoo dunkaana qulqulluu irra ture; halkan halkan immoo ibiddi duumessa sana keessa ture.

< Exodus 40 >