< Deuteronomy 2 >

1 Then we turned, and took our journey into the wilderness by the way of the Red sea, as the LORD spoke to me: and we compassed mount Seir many days.
Cathut ni kai koe bout a dei e patetlah kaimouh ni kamlang awh vaiteh, Tuipui paling kahrawng lahoi ka cei teh Seir mon hah moi ka saw lah ka lawngven awh.
2 And the LORD spoke to me, saying,
Cathut nihai, nangmouh ni atueng akuep nahan hete mon hah na lawngven awh toe.
3 Ye have compassed this mountain long enough: turn you northward.
Atunglah bout cet awh ei.
4 And command thou the people, saying, Ye [are] to pass through the border of your brethren the children of Esau, who dwell in Seir; and they will be afraid of you: therefore take ye good heed to yourselves:
Nang ni tami pueng koe na dei pouh hane teh, na hmau Esaw miphunnaw a onae Seir ram teng vah, nangmouh na cei awh toteh ahnimouh ni a taki awh han. Hatdawkvah kâhruetcuet awh.
5 Meddle not with them; for I will not give you of their land, no, not so much as a foot-breadth; because I have given mount Seir to Esau [for] a possession.
Rek saueng hanh awh. Ahnimae ram hah, kai ni nangmouh na poe hoeh. Na coungroenae khok hmuen tittouh hai na poe hoeh. Seir mon hateh Esaw yo ka poe toe.
6 Ye shall buy food of them for money, that ye may eat; and ye shall also buy water of them for money, that ye may drink.
Nangmouh ni na canei nahane bu hoi tui hai thoseh, ahnimouh koe tangka hoi na ran awh han.
7 For the LORD thy God hath blessed thee in all the works of thy hand: he knoweth thy walking through this great wilderness: these forty years the LORD thy God [hath been] with thee: thou hast lacked nothing.
Nangmouh ni na tawksaknae pueng dawk, nangmae Cathut ni yawhawinae a poe toe. Hete kahrawngpui dawk nangmouh na lawngven awh e a kongnaw a panue. A kum 40 touh thung nangmae BAWIPA Cathut ni nangmouh hoi cungtalah ao nah, banghai nangmouh dawk panki hoeh telah ati.
8 And when we passed by from our brethren the children of Esau, who dwelt in Seir, through the way of the plain from Elath, and from Ezion-gaber, we turned and passed by the way of the wilderness of Moab.
Seir ram kaawm e maimae hmau Esaw miphun koe cei awh teh, Elath khopui Eziongeber khopui hoi ka cet e lam tâphai koe ka dawn awh teh, haw hoi bout kamlang awh teh Moab kahrawng lam lahoi ka cei awh.
9 And the LORD said to me, Distress not the Moabites, neither contend with them in battle: for I will not give thee of their land [for] a possession; because I have given Ar to the children of Lot [for] a possession.
BAWIPA Cathut nihai, Moab khocanaw rucat poe awh hanh, tuk awh hanh, ahnimae ram kai ni na poe awh hoeh. Arab ram teh Lot miphunnaw kai ni yo ka poe toe telah ti pouh.
10 (The Emims dwelt in it in times past, a people great, and many, and tall as the Anakims;
Ayan vah Anakim miphun patetlah ka rasang kalen e Em miphunnaw teh hote ram dawk ao awh.
11 Who also were accounted giants, as the Anakims; but the Moabites call them Emims.
Ahnimouh teh, Anakim miphunnaw patetlah ao e lah a pouk awh. Hatnavah Moab ram khocanaw ni ahnimanaw teh EM telah a kaw awh.
12 The Horims also dwelt formerly in Seir, but the children of Esau succeeded them, when they had destroyed them from before them, and dwelt in their stead; as Israel did to the land of his possession, which the LORD gave to them.)
Ayan vah Hor taminaw teh Seir ram vah ao awh. Ahnimouh hah Esaw miphunnaw ni a thei awh teh, ahnimouh onae hmuen dawk ao awh. Hot patetlah Cathut ni a poe e ram hah Isarel miphunnaw ni ati awh.
13 Now rise, [said I], and pass over the brook Zered: and we went over the brook Zered.
Atu cet awh nateh Zered tui rakat awh haw telah a dei e patetlah Ahnimouh ni Zered tui a raka awh.
14 And the space in which we came from Kadesh-barnea, until we passed the brook Zered, [was] thirty and eight years; until all the generation of the men of war were wasted from among the host, as the LORD swore to them.
Kadeshbarnea hmuen koe ahmaloe phanae tueng koehoi ka tâco awh teh Zered tui rakanae tueng totouh kum 38 touh a ro. Cathut ni lawk a kam e patetlah ahmaloe e taran ka tuk thai e ransanaw pueng teh taminaw thungup hoi a due awh.
15 For indeed the hand of the LORD was against them, to destroy them from among the host, until they were consumed.
Ahnimouh raphoe hoeh roukrak, Cathut ni ahnimouh koehoi pâmit hanelah a kut a dâw.
16 So it came to pass, when all the men of war were consumed and dead from among the people,
Taran ka tuk thai e pueng tamihu thung e koung a pâmit sak hnukkhu,
17 That the LORD spoke to me, saying,
Cathut ni nang teh Moab ram,
18 Thou art to pass over through Ar, the coast of Moab, this day:
Ar ram a lungui vah sahnin na cei han.
19 And [when] thou comest nigh over against the children of Ammon, distress them not, nor meddle with them: for I will not give thee of the land of the children of Ammon [any] possession; because I have given it to the children of Lot [for] a possession.
Ammon miphunnaw teng na pha torei teh ahnimouh rucatnae poe awh hanh, reksaueng awh hanh. Ammon miphunnaw a onae ram hah kai ni nangmouh koe na poe hoeh. Hote ram teh Lot miphunnaw kai ni ka poe toe telah kai koe a dei.
20 (That also was accounted a land of giants: giants dwelt in it in old time; and the Ammonites call them Zamzummims;
Hote ram hai kalenpounge taminaw e hmuen doeh telah taminaw ni a pouk awh. Ayan e tueng dawk, hot patetlae taminaw ni ao awh. Ahnimouh hah Ammon ram khocanaw ni Zamzummim telah a kaw awh.
21 A people great, and many, and tall as the Anakims; but the LORD destroyed them before them; and they succeeded them, and dwelt in their stead:
Hote miphun teh Anakim miphunnaw patetlah kalenpoung kapap poung e taminaw doeh.
22 As he did to the children of Esau, who dwelt in Seir, when he destroyed the Horims from before them; and they succeeded them, and dwelt in their stead even to this day:
Hatei Seir ram dawk kaawm e Esaw miphun e hmalah Hor taminaw hah Cathut ni a raphoe dawkvah, ahnimae hmuen dawk Esaw miphunnaw ni sahnin totouh ao e patetlah koung a pâmit teh ahnimae hmuen dawk Arnonnaw ni ao awh.
23 And the Avims who dwelt in Hazerim [even] to Azzah, the Caphtorims, who came forth from Caphtor, destroyed them, and dwelt in their stead.)
Hot patetlah Hazrim khopui koehoi Gaza khopui totouh ouk kaawm e naw Avvimnaw hai Kaptor khopui ka tâcawt e Kaptor taminaw ni a raphoe awh teh, ahnimanaw a onae hmuen dawk ao awh.
24 Arise ye, take your journey, and pass over the river Arnon: behold, I have given into thy hand Sihon the Amorite, king of Heshbon, and his land: begin to possess [it], and contend with him in battle.
Nangmouh na thaw awh vaiteh cet awh haw, Arnon tuipui raka awh haw. Amor miphun, Heshbon siangpahrang Sihon hoi a talai hah nangmae kut dawk ka poe toung dawkvah, khosak awh nateh hote bawi hah tuk awh.
25 This day will I begin to put the dread of thee and the fear of thee upon the nations [that are] under the whole heaven, who shall hear report of thee, and shall tremble, and be in anguish because of thee.
Tâmai rahim kaawm e pueng, miphunnaw ni sahnin nangmouh tâsue taki laihoi ao nahan ka sak han. Nangmae kamthang a thai awh vaiteh, puennae, pâyawnae, runae puenghoi a kâhmo awh han telah ati.
26 And I sent messengers from the wilderness of Kedemoth to Sihon king of Heshbon with words of peace, saying,
Kai hai Kedemoth kahrawng hoi Heshbon siangpahrang Sihon koevah patounenaw ka patoun vaiteh,
27 Let me pass through thy land: I will go along by the highway, I will neither turn to the right hand nor to the left.
Aram lungui vah na cetsak haw, na lam dawk dueng ka dawn han. Avoilah aranglah ka phen mahoeh.
28 Thou shalt sell me food for money, that I may eat; and give me water for money, that I may drink: only I will pass through on my feet;
Seir ram kaawm e Esaw miphun, Ar ram dawk kaawm e Moab miphunnaw ni kai dawk a sak awh e patetlah ka ca hane rawca thoseh, nei hane tui hai thoseh, tangka hoi yawt lawih.
29 (As the children of Esau who dwell in Seir, and the Moabites who dwell in Ar, did to me; ) until I shall pass over Jordan into the land which the LORD our God giveth us.
Kai teh Cathut ni na poe e ram lah Jordan palang ka raka vaiteh ka pha hoehroukrak Seir ram lungui dawk khok hoi ka cet haw nei telah kâhuikonae lawk hoi ka dei nakunghai,
30 But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him: for the LORD thy God hardened his spirit, and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into thy hand, as [appeareth] this day.
Kaimouh ka cei nahane Heshbon siangpahrang Sihon ni kâ na poe hoeh. Bangkongtetpawiteh, sahnin kamnue e patetlah nangmae Cathut ni hote siangpahrang nangmae kut dawk na poe hanelah, lung a tha o sak, lungpatanae lungthin a poe.
31 And the LORD said to me, Behold, I have begun to give Sihon and his land before thee: begin to possess, that thou mayest inherit his land.
Cathut ni hai Sihon siangpahrang hoi a talai hah na poe han. Hote talai hah râw lah na pang hanelah lat lawih telah a dei.
32 Then Sihon came out against us, he and all his people, to fight at Jahaz.
Hatnavah, Sihon siangpahrang teh amae tami puenghoi Jahaz vah maimanaw na tuk hanelah a tâco.
33 And the LORD our God delivered him before us; and we smote him, and his sons, and all his people.
Maimae Cathut ni hote siangpahrang hah maimouh koe na poe teh, ama hoi a canaw hoi tami pueng ka thei awh.
34 And we took all his cities at that time, and utterly destroyed the men, and the women, and the little ones of every city, we left none to remain.
Hatnavah ahnie khopui pueng ka tuk awh teh, napui tongpa, camonaw buet touh hai hlung laipalah koung ka pâmit awh.
35 Only the cattle we took for a prey to ourselves, and the spoil of the cities which we took.
Saringnaw, khopui dawk e hnopainaw dueng kamamouh hanlah ka la pouh awh.
36 From Aroer, which [is] by the brink of the river of Arnon, and [from] the city that [is] by the river, even to Gilead, there was not one city too strong for us: the LORD our God delivered all to us:
Arnon tuipui teng kaawm e Aroer khopui hoi Gilead khopui totouh, tuipui teng kaawm e pueng khopuinaw thung, ka tâ thai hoeh e buet touh hai khopui awm hoeh. Maimae Cathut ni a cawngca pueng maimouh dawk na poe.
37 Only to the land of the children of Ammon thou camest not, [nor] to any place of the river Jabbok, nor to the cities on the mountains, nor to whatever the LORD our God forbad us.
Hatnavah Ammon miphunnaw a onae talai, Jabbok tuipui hoi talai, mon dawk e khopui hoi maimae Cathut ni na cakâ pouh e bang buet touh hai ka hnai awh hoeh.

< Deuteronomy 2 >