< Deuteronomy 2 >

1 Then we turned, and took our journey into the wilderness by the way of the Red sea, as the LORD spoke to me: and we compassed mount Seir many days.
ninia da sinidigili, wadela: i hafoga: i soge amoga asi. Gode da nama sia: beba: le, ninia da Maga: me Hano Wayabo ahoasu amoga asili, eso bagohame Idome agolo soge sisiga: le ahoanu.
2 And the LORD spoke to me, saying,
Amola Hina Gode da nama amane sia: i,
3 Ye have compassed this mountain long enough: turn you northward.
‘Amo agolo soge sisiga: le bu udigili mae laloma. Sinidigili, gadili heda: ma.
4 And command thou the people, saying, Ye [are] to pass through the border of your brethren the children of Esau, who dwell in Seir; and they will be afraid of you: therefore take ye good heed to yourselves:
Isala: ili dunuma amane sia: ma, Dilia da dilia fi dunu, Iso egaga fi Idome agolo soge amo ganodini esala, ilia soge ganodini golili sa: ili, baligimu. Ilia da dilima beda: mu.
5 Meddle not with them; for I will not give you of their land, no, not so much as a foot-breadth; because I have given mount Seir to Esau [for] a possession.
Be dilia da ilima mae gegema. Na da ilia soge fonobahadi fawane dilima hamedafa imunu. Amo Idome soge huluane Na da Iso egaga fi ilima i dagoi.
6 Ye shall buy food of them for money, that ye may eat; and ye shall also buy water of them for money, that ye may drink.
Be dilia da ha: i manu amola hano, ilima bidiga lamu da defea.’”
7 For the LORD thy God hath blessed thee in all the works of thy hand: he knoweth thy walking through this great wilderness: these forty years the LORD thy God [hath been] with thee: thou hast lacked nothing.
Mousese da eno amane sia: i, “Dilia mae gogolema! Hina Gode da dilia hou huluane hahawane fidi. Dilia da wadela: i hafoga: i soge amo ganodini ahoanoba, E da dili noga: le ouligi. Amo ode40wali gidigi amoga E da mae yolesili, dilia liligi huluane dilima i dagoi.
8 And when we passed by from our brethren the children of Esau, who dwelt in Seir, through the way of the plain from Elath, and from Ezion-gaber, we turned and passed by the way of the wilderness of Moab.
Ninia Gode Ea sia: nababeba: le, asili, logo amo da Ila: de moilai amola Isionegiba moilai yolesili Maga: me Hanoga doaga: sa, amo logo ninia da yolesili guma: dini ahoanu, Moua: be sogega asi.
9 And the LORD said to me, Distress not the Moabites, neither contend with them in battle: for I will not give thee of their land [for] a possession; because I have given Ar to the children of Lot [for] a possession.
Hina Gode da nama amane sia: i, ‘Dilia da Moua: be dunu (Lode egaga fi) ilima mae gegema amola ilima se mae ima. Na da Aa moilai ilima i dagoi amola ilia soge Na da dilima hame imunu,’” Mousese da amane sia: i.
10 (The Emims dwelt in it in times past, a people great, and many, and tall as the Anakims;
(Dunu fi bagadedafa da Aa moilaiga esalu. Ilia fi dio da Imimi. Ilia sedade olei da dunu bagade eno amo A: nagimi fi ilia sedade olei defele ba: i.
11 Who also were accounted giants, as the Anakims; but the Moabites call them Emims.
Eno dunu da Imimi amola A: nagimi gilisili da Lefa: ime [dunu sedade bagade] dio asuli. Be Moua: be dunu da ilima Imimi dio asuli.
12 The Horims also dwelt formerly in Seir, but the children of Esau succeeded them, when they had destroyed them from before them, and dwelt in their stead; as Israel did to the land of his possession, which the LORD gave to them.)
Musa: Holaide dunu da Idome soge ganodini esalu. Be Iso egaga fi da amo dunu sefasili, fane legei dagoi. Amalalu, ilisu da amo soge ganodini fi. Isala: ili dunu fi da fa: no Ga: ina: ne sogega [Gode da ilima i] ilima ha lai dunu sefasi, amo defele Iso egaga fi da Holaide dunu sefasi.)
13 Now rise, [said I], and pass over the brook Zered: and we went over the brook Zered.
Mousese da eno amane sia: i, “Amalalu, Gode Ea sia: beba: le ninia da Silede Hano amo degei dagoi.
14 And the space in which we came from Kadesh-barnea, until we passed the brook Zered, [was] thirty and eight years; until all the generation of the men of war were wasted from among the host, as the LORD swore to them.
Ninia da musa: Ga: idesie Bania fisili, ode38gidigili, amo hou ba: i. Amo ode ganodini Gode Ea sia: i defele ninia musa: dadi gagui amola asigilai gegesu dunu, huluane da bogoi dagoi ba: i.
15 For indeed the hand of the LORD was against them, to destroy them from among the host, until they were consumed.
Gode da ilima ha laiwane esalebeba: le, E da mae yolesili ili fane legelalu, huluane da hame ba: i.
16 So it came to pass, when all the men of war were consumed and dead from among the people,
Amalalu, musa: asigilai gegesu dunu huluane ninia fi ganodini da bogoi dagoi ba: loba,
17 That the LORD spoke to me, saying,
Hina Gode da nama amane sia: i,
18 Thou art to pass over through Ar, the coast of Moab, this day:
‘Wali eso dilia Moua: be soge golili sa: ili, Aa moilai bai bagade ahoasu amoga baligima.
19 And [when] thou comest nigh over against the children of Ammon, distress them not, nor meddle with them: for I will not give thee of the land of the children of Ammon [any] possession; because I have given it to the children of Lot [for] a possession.
Amalalu dilia da A: mone dunu (Lode egaga fi) ilia soge gadenene ba: mu. Be ilima mae gegema amola sia: ga mae gegema. Bai Na da amo soge Lode egaga fi ilima ia dagoiba: le, Na da amo soge dilima hame imunu.
20 (That also was accounted a land of giants: giants dwelt in it in old time; and the Ammonites call them Zamzummims;
(Amo soge ea dio eno da Lefa: ime [dunu sedade bagade musa: amoga esalu ilia dio]. Be A: monaide dunu da amo dunuma Sa: masamimi dio asuli.
21 A people great, and many, and tall as the Anakims; but the LORD destroyed them before them; and they succeeded them, and dwelt in their stead:
Ilia sedade olei da A: nagimi dunu defele ba: i. Ilia da dunu bagohame amola bagade fi dialu. Be Gode da amo dunu fi fane legei dagoi. Amalalu, A:mone fi dunu da ilia soge gesowale fi galu.
22 As he did to the children of Esau, who dwelt in Seir, when he destroyed the Horims from before them; and they succeeded them, and dwelt in their stead even to this day:
Hina Gode da amo hou defele Idome dunu (ilia da Iso egaga fi wali Idome agolo sogega esala) amo fidimusa: hamoi. E da Holaide dunu fane legei dagoi. Amalalu, Idome dunu da ilia soge gesowale fi galu. Ilia wali amola amogai esala.
23 And the Avims who dwelt in Hazerim [even] to Azzah, the Caphtorims, who came forth from Caphtor, destroyed them, and dwelt in their stead.)
Soge amo da Medidela: inia Wayabo Bagade bega: diala, amoga dunu fi musa: Galidi Oga esalu ilia da fi galu. Musa: dunu fi amogai esalu da A: ifimi. Ilia da soge huluane asili, Ga: isa moilai bai bagadega doaga: le esalu. Be Galidi dunu da ili fane legele, ilia soge huluane gesowale fi galu.)
24 Arise ye, take your journey, and pass over the river Arnon: behold, I have given into thy hand Sihon the Amorite, king of Heshbon, and his land: begin to possess [it], and contend with him in battle.
Mousese da eno amane sia: i, “Ninia da Moua: be soge golili sa: ili, baligili, Hina Gode da ninima amane sia: i, ‘Hadiga! Anone hano degema. Na da Saihone (A: moulaide ouligisu dunu ea soge da Hesiabone), e amola ea soge dilima i dagoi. Dilia ema doagala: ma amola ea soge gesowale fima.
25 This day will I begin to put the dread of thee and the fear of thee upon the nations [that are] under the whole heaven, who shall hear report of thee, and shall tremble, and be in anguish because of thee.
Na (Hina Gode) Na gasaga, dunu huluane da dilia fiba: le beda: mu. Dilia dio fawane sia: sea, dunu huluane da yaguguli beda: mu.’”
26 And I sent messengers from the wilderness of Kedemoth to Sihon king of Heshbon with words of peace, saying,
“Amalalu, ninia da Gedimode wadela: i soge amo ganodini esalu, na da Hesiabone hina bagade Saihone ema sia: adole iasu dunu asunasi. Ilia da ema olofomusa: amane sia: i,
27 Let me pass through thy land: I will go along by the highway, I will neither turn to the right hand nor to the left.
‘Ninia da dia soge baligili masusa: dawa: lala. Ninia da moloiwane baligimu amola logo hame yolesimu.
28 Thou shalt sell me food for money, that I may eat; and give me water for money, that I may drink: only I will pass through on my feet;
Ninia ha: i amola hano manu lamu amo bidi imunu. Ninia da dia soge baligili masunu fawane.
29 (As the children of Esau who dwell in Seir, and the Moabites who dwell in Ar, did to me; ) until I shall pass over Jordan into the land which the LORD our God giveth us.
Amalalu, ninia da Yodane Hano degele, soge amo ninia Hina Gode da ninima iaha amo ganodini fimu. Iso egaga fi Idome soge ganodini esalu amola Moua: be dunu Aa ganodini esalu, da mae higale, ninia da ilia soge baligili masunu da defea sia: i.’
30 But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him: for the LORD thy God hardened his spirit, and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into thy hand, as [appeareth] this day.
Be hina bagade Saihone da ninia baligili masunu logo ga: i dagoi. Ninia da Saihone fane legele ea soge lamusa: Hina Gode da ea hou gasa fi agoane hamoi. Ninia da wali ea soge amogai fi diala.
31 And the LORD said to me, Behold, I have begun to give Sihon and his land before thee: begin to possess, that thou mayest inherit his land.
Amalalu, Hina Gode da nama amane sia: i, ‘Ba: ma! Na da hina bagade Saihone amola ea fi gasa hame agoane hamoi dagoi. Dilia ea soge gesowale fima.’
32 Then Sihon came out against us, he and all his people, to fight at Jahaz.
Saihone amola ea dadi gagui dunu huluane da Ya: iha: se soge gadenene ninima gegemusa: misi.
33 And the LORD our God delivered him before us; and we smote him, and his sons, and all his people.
Be Hina Gode da ninima gasa i. Ninia da Saihone amola egefe, ea dunu huluane medole legei dagoi.
34 And we took all his cities at that time, and utterly destroyed the men, and the women, and the little ones of every city, we left none to remain.
Amo esoga, ninia da moilai huluane lale mugului dagoi. Ninia da dunu, uda amola mano, huluane medole legei dagoi.
35 Only the cattle we took for a prey to ourselves, and the spoil of the cities which we took.
Ninia ilia bulamagau huluane lai amola liligi huluane moilai ganodini amo lai dagoi.
36 From Aroer, which [is] by the brink of the river of Arnon, and [from] the city that [is] by the river, even to Gilead, there was not one city too strong for us: the LORD our God delivered all to us:
Ninia Hina Gode da ninia logo fodoiba: le, ninia moilai huluane amo Aloua (amo da Anone fago bega: dialu) amola moilai eno Anone fago ganodini dogoa dialu amola eno moilai huluane asili, Gilia: de sogega doaga: le, huluane lai dagoi. Moilai huluane ilia sisiga: le gagoi da ninima gasa hame agoai ba: i.
37 Only to the land of the children of Ammon thou camest not, [nor] to any place of the river Jabbok, nor to the cities on the mountains, nor to whatever the LORD our God forbad us.
Be ninia A: monaide dunu ilia soge amola soge amo Ya: boge Hano bega: dialu amola moilai agolo soge ganodini dialu amola soge huluane Hina Gode da ninima mae masa: ne sia: i, amoga ninia da hame asi.”

< Deuteronomy 2 >