< 2 Kings 1 >

1 Then Moab rebelled against Israel after the death of Ahab.
Le Fia Ahab ƒe ku megbe la, Moab dze aglã ɖe Israel ŋu.
2 And Ahaziah fell down through a lattice in his upper chamber that [was] in Samaria, and was sick: and he sent messengers, and said to them, Go, inquire of Baal-zebub the god of Ekron, whether I shall recover from this disease.
Azɔ la, Ahazia ge tso eƒe fesre nu le eƒe dziƒoxɔ dzi le Samaria eye nuvevi wɔe eya ta wòdɔ dɔlawo gblɔ na wo be, “Miyi miabia nu le Ekrontɔwo ƒe mawu, Baal Zebub gbɔ nam ne miakpɔe ɖa be mahaya tso dɔléle sia me mahã.”
3 But the angel of the LORD said to Elijah the Tishbite, Arise, go up to meet the messengers of the king of Samaria, and say to them, [Is it] not because [there is] not a God in Israel, [that] ye go to inquire of Baal-zebub the god of Ekron?
Ke mawudɔla aɖe gblɔ na Nyagblɔɖila Eliya, Tisbitɔ la be, “Yi nàdo go ame siwo Samaria fia dɔ eye nàbia wo be, ‘Nyateƒee wònye be Mawu aɖeke mele Israel oa? Eya ta mieyina Baal Zebub, Ekrontɔwo ƒe mawu gbɔ be miabia ne fia la ƒe lãme asẽa?’
4 Now therefore thus saith the LORD, Thou shalt not come down from that bed on which thou art gone up, but shalt surely die. And Elijah departed.
Azɔ nu si Yehowa gblɔe nye esi. ‘Màfɔ le aba si dzi nèmlɔ la dzi o; àku godoo!’” Ale Eliya yi.
5 And when the messengers turned back to him, he said to them, Why have ye now returned?
Esi ame dɔdɔawo trɔ va fia la gbɔ la, fia la bia wo be, “Nu ka ta mietrɔ gbɔ?”
6 And they said to him, There came up a man to meet us, and said to us, Go, turn again to the king that sent you, and say to him, Thus saith the LORD, [Is it] not because [there is] not a God in Israel, [that] thou sendest to inquire of Baal-zebub the god of Ekron? therefore thou shalt not come down from that bed on which thou art gone up, but shalt surely die.
Woɖo eŋu be, “Ŋutsu aɖe va tu mí eye wògblɔ na mí be, ‘Mitrɔ yi fia si dɔ mi la gbɔ eye miagblɔ nɛ be, “Nu si Yehowa gblɔe nye: Ɖe Mawu aɖeke mele Israel o tae nèle amewo dɔm be woaɖabia gbe Baal Zebub, Ekrontɔwo ƒe mawua? Eya ta màfɔ le aba si dzi nèmlɔ la dzi o. Àku godoo!”’”
7 And he said to them, What manner of man [was he] who came up to meet you, and told you these words?
Fia la bia be, “Ame kae nye ŋutsu sia? Aleke eƒe dzedzeme le?”
8 And they answered him, [He was] a hairy man, and girt with a girdle of leather about his loins. And he said, It [is] Elijah the Tishbite.
Woɖo eŋu nɛ be, “Enye ŋutsu aɖe si ŋu fu le kpedzee, ebla ali dzi kple alidziblaka keke aɖe si wowɔ kple lãgbalẽ.” Tete fia la do ɣli be, “Eliya, Tisbitɔ lae!”
9 Then the king sent to him a captain of fifty with his fifty. And he went up to him: and behold, he sat on the top of a hill. And he spoke to him, Thou man of God, the king hath said, Come down.
Eɖo aʋakplɔla ɖeka kple asrafo blaatɔ̃ ɖa be woayi aɖalée vɛ. Wokpɔe wònɔ anyi ɖe togbɛ aɖe dzi. Aʋakplɔla la gblɔ nɛ be, “Oo, Mawu ƒe ame, fia la ɖe gbe be nàzɔ kpli mí ava ye gbɔ.”
10 And Elijah answered and said to the captain of fifty, If I [am] a man of God, then let fire come down from heaven, and consume thee and thy fifty. And there came down fire from heaven, and consumed him and his fifty.
Eliya ɖo eŋu be, “Nenye Mawu ƒe amee menye tututu la, ekema dzo nage tso dziƒo eye wòafia wò kple wò ame blaatɔ̃awo!” Enumake dzo ge tso dziƒo eye wòfia aʋakplɔla la kple ame blaatɔ̃wo katã.
11 Again also he sent to him another captain of fifty with his fifty. And he answered and said to him, O man of God, thus hath the king said, Come down quickly.
Ale fia la gaɖo aʋakplɔla bubu aɖe kple asrafo blaatɔ̃ bubu ɖa be woagblɔ nɛ be, “Oo, Mawu ƒe ame, fia la be nàva ye gbɔ fifi laa!”
12 And Elijah answered and said to them, If I [am] a man of God, let fire come down from heaven, and consume thee and thy fifty. And the fire of God came down from heaven, and consumed him and his fifty.
Eliya gblɔ na wo be, “Nenye Mawu ƒe amee menye tututu la, ekema dzo nage tso dziƒo eye wòafia wò kple wò ame blaatɔ̃awo!” Ale Mawu ƒe dzo ge tso dziƒo eye wòfia woawo hã.
13 And he sent again a captain of the third fifty with his fifty. And the third captain of fifty went up, and came and fell on his knees before Elijah, and besought him, and said to him, O man of God, I pray thee, let my life, and the life of these fifty thy servants, be precious in thy sight.
Fia la gaɖo aʋakplɔla kple ame blaatɔ̃ bubu ɖa. Azɔ ya la, aʋakplɔla la dze klo ɖe Eliya ƒe akɔme eye wòɖe kuku nɛ be, “Oo, Mawu ƒe ame, meɖe kuku, na nye kple wò dɔla blaatɔ̃ siawo míatsi agbe.
14 Behold, there came fire down from heaven, and burnt up the two captains of the former fifties with their fifties: therefore let my life now be precious in thy sight.
Kpɔ ɖa, dzo ge tso dziƒo hefia aʋakplɔla gbãtɔ eveawo kple woƒe amewo. Ke azɔ la, na nye agbe naxɔ asi le gbɔwò!”
15 And the angel of the LORD said to Elijah, Go down with him: be not afraid of him. And he arose, and went down with him to the king.
Yehowa ƒe dɔla aɖe gblɔ na Eliya be, “Mègavɔ̃ o, Yi kpli wo.” Ale Eliya yi fia la gbɔ.
16 And he said to him, Thus saith the LORD, Forasmuch as thou hast sent messengers to inquire of Baal-zebub the god of Ekron, [is it] not because [there is] no God in Israel to inquire of his word? therefore thou shalt not come down off that bed on which thou art gone up, but shalt surely die.
Eliya gblɔ na fia la be, “Ale Yehowa gblɔe nye esi. Esi Mawu aɖeke mele Israel be nàbia gbee o tae nèɖo amewo ɖa be woaɖabia gbe Baal Zebub, Ekrontɔwo ƒe mawu la? Esi nèwɔ esia ta la, màfɔ le aba si dzi nèmlɔ la dzi akpɔ gbeɖe o; àku godoo!”
17 So he died according to the word of the LORD which Elijah had spoken. And Jehoram reigned in his stead in the second year of Jehoram the son of Jehoshaphat king of Judah; because he had no son.
Ale Ahazia ku abe ale si Yehowa gblɔe da ɖi to Eliya dzi la ene eye nɔvia Yehoram zu fia ɖe eteƒe elabena viŋutsu aɖeke menɔ esi aɖu fia ɖe eyome o. Nya sia dzɔ le Yuda fia Yehoram, Yehosafat ƒe vi ƒe fiaɖuɖu ƒe ƒe evelia me.
18 Now the rest of the acts of Ahaziah which he did, [are] they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel?
Woŋlɔ nu bubuwo tso Ahazia ƒe fiaɖuɖu ŋu ɖe Israel fiawo ƒe ŋutinyagbalẽ me.

< 2 Kings 1 >