< 2 Kings 12 >

1 In the seventh year of Jehu, Jehoash began to reign; and forty years reigned he in Jerusalem. And his mother's name [was] Zibiah of Beer-sheba.
Idi maikapito a tawen ni Jehu, nangrugi ti panagturay ni Joas; nagturay isuna iti las-ud ti uppat a pulo a tawen idiay Jerusalem. Ti nagan ti inana ket Zibia iti Beerseba.
2 And Jehoash did [that which was] right in the sight of the LORD all his days wherein Jehoiada the priest instructed him.
Inaramid ni Joas ti nalinteg iti mata ni Yahweh iti amin a tiempo, gapu ta bilbilinen isuna ni Jehoyada a padi.
3 But the high places were not taken away: the people still sacrificed and burnt incense in the high places.
Ngem saan a naikkat dagiti disso a pagdaydayawan. Nagidaton pay laeng ken nangpuor iti insenso dagiti tattao kadagitoy.
4 And Jehoash said to the priests, All the money of the dedicated things that is brought into the house of the LORD, [even] the money of every one that passeth [the account], the money that every man is set at, [and] all the money that cometh into any man's heart to bring into the house of the LORD,
Kinuna ni Joas kadagiti papadi, “Amin dagiti kuarta a maipaay kadagiti banbanag a kukua ni Yahweh, ket maipan iti uneg ti balay ni Yahweh, dagiti naikeddeng a kuarta a pagbuis ti tunggal tao, ken dagiti amin a kuarta nga inted dagiti tattao a maipaay iti templo babaen iti panangtignay ni Yahweh kadagiti pusoda nga itedda—
5 Let the priests take [it] to them, every man of his acquaintance: and let them repair the breaches of the house, wherever any breach shall be found.
rumbeng nga urnongen dagiti papadi dayta a kuarta, tunggal maysa kadakuada manipud kadagiti agbaybayad iti buis, ket masapul a taripatoenda ti templo babaen iti daytoy, no kasapulan ti aniaman a pannakatarimaan.”
6 But it was [so], [that] in the three and twentieth year of king Jehoash the priests had not repaired the breaches of the house.
Ngem idi maikaduapulo ket tallo a tawen ni Ari Joas, awan pay pulos ti natarimaan dagiti papadi iti templo.
7 Then king Jehoash called for Jehoiada the priest, and the [other] priests, and said to them, Why repair ye not the breaches of the house? now therefore receive no [more] money of your acquaintance, but deliver it for the breaches of the house.
Pinaayaban ni Ari Joas ti padi a ni Jehoyada ken dagiti dadduma a papadi, ket kinunana kadakuada, “Apay nga awan pay a pulos ti natarimaanyo iti templo? Ita, saankayon a mangala iti kuarta kadagiti agbaybayad iti buis, ngem alaenyo dagiti naurnong maipaay iti pannakatarimaan ti templo ket itedyo kadagiti mangtarimaan.”
8 And the priests consented to receive no [more] money of the people, neither to repair the breaches of the house.
Isu a saanen a napalubosan dagiti papadi nga umawat kadagiti kuarta manipud kadagiti tattao ken saanen nga isuda mismo ti mangtarimaan iti templo.
9 But Jehoiada the priest took a chest, and bored a hole in the lid of it, and set it beside the altar, on the right side as one cometh into the house of the LORD: and the priests that kept the door put in it all the money [that was] brought into the house of the LORD.
Ngem ketdi, nangala ti padi a ni Jehoyada iti maysa a lakasa, inabutanna ti kalubna, ket inkabilna daytoy iti abay ti altar, iti makannawan a paset no sumrek ti maysa a tao iti balay ni Yahweh. Inkabil ditoy dagiti papadi nga agbanbantay iti ruangan ti templo dagiti amin a kuarta a naipan iti templo ni Yahweh.
10 And it was [so], when they saw that [there was] much money in the chest, that the king's scribe and the high priest came up, and they put up in bags, and counted the money [that was] found in the house of the LORD.
Tunggal makitada nga adun ti kuarta iti lakasa, mapan alaen dagitoy dagiti eskriba ti ari ken ti kangatoan a padi ket ikabilda ti kuarta kadagiti pagkargaan sada bilangen, ti kuarta a naalada iti templo ni Yahweh.
11 And they gave the money, being counted, into the hands of them that did the work, that had the oversight of the house of the LORD: and they laid it out to the carpenters and builders, that wrought upon the house of the LORD,
Inyawatda ti kuarta a nabilang kadagiti lallaki a nangaywan iti templo ni Yahweh. Imbayadda daytoy kadagiti karpentero ken dagiti agipatpatakder a nagtrabaho a maipaay iti templo ni Yahweh,
12 And to masons, and hewers of stone, and to buy timber and hewed stone to repair the breaches of the house of the LORD, and for all that was laid out for the house to repair [it].
ken dagiti agkabkabiti ken dagiti paratikap ti bato, tapno paggatangda kadagiti troso ken kadagiti natikap a batbato a pangtarimaan iti templo ni Yahweh, ken dagiti amin a kasapulan a bayadan a maipaay iti pannakatarimaan daytoy.
13 Yet, there were not made for the house of the LORD bowls of silver, snuffers, basons, trumpets, any vessels of gold, or vessels of silver, of the money [that was] brought into the house of the LORD:
Ngem dagiti kuarta a naipan iti balay ni Yahweh ket saan a naibayad a maipaay iti pannakaaramid dagiti aniaman a kopa a pirak, dagiti pangarsang iti lampara, dagiti palanggana, dagiti trumpeta, wenno aniaman nga alikamen a balitok wenno pirak.
14 But they gave that to the workmen, and repaired with it the house of the LORD.
Intedda dagitoy a kuarta kadagiti nagtrabaho iti pannakatarimaan ti balay ni Yahweh.
15 Moreover, they reckoned not with the men, into whose hand they delivered the money to be bestowed on workmen: for they dealt faithfully.
Mainayon pay a kasapulan ti listaan ti kuarta a naibayad iti pannakatarimaan babaen kadagiti lallaki a nangawat kadagitoy ken nangitangdan daytoy kadagiti trabahador, gapu ta napudno dagitoy a lallaki.
16 The trespass-money and sin-money was not brought into the house of the LORD: it was the priests'.
Ngem saan a naipan iti templo ni Yahweh dagiti daton a kuarta a gapu iti panangsalungasing ken ti daton a kuarta a gapu iti panagbasol, gapu ta kukua dagitoy dagiti papadi.
17 Then Hazael king of Syria went up, and fought against Gath, and took it; and Hazael set his face to go up to Jerusalem.
Ket rinaut ni Hazael nga ari ti Aram ti Gat, ket sinakupna daytoy. Ket ingkeddeng ni Hazael a rautenna ti Jerusalem.
18 And Jehoash king of Judah took all the hallowed things that Jehoshaphat, and Jehoram, and Ahaziah, his fathers, kings of Judah, had dedicated, and his own hallowed things, and all the gold [that was] found in the treasures of the house of the LORD, and in the king's house, and sent [it] to Hazael king of Syria: and he went away from Jerusalem.
Innala ni Joas nga ari ti Juda dagiti amin a banbanag a kukua ni Yahweh nga indaton da Jehosafat, Jehoram, Ahazias, dagiti ammana, ken dagiti ari ti Juda kenni Yahweh, dagiti nasagradoan a banbanag a kukuana, ken dagiti amin a balitok a makita kadagiti uneg ti siled a pagiduldulinan iti balay ni Yahweh ken ti ari; ket intedna dagitoy kenni Hazael nga ari ti Aram. Kalpasanna, pimmanaw ni Hazael manipud idiay Jerusalem.
19 And the rest of the acts of Joash, and all that he did, [are] they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah?
Dagiti met dadduma a banbanag a maipapan kenni Joas, dagiti amin nga inaramidna, saanda kadi a naisurat iti Libro dagiti Paspasamak kadagiti Ari ti Juda?
20 And his servants arose, and made a conspiracy, and slew Joash in the house of Millo, which goeth down to Silla.
Nagtutulag dagiti adipenna ket nagpanggepda iti dakes; dinarupda ni Joas idiay Millo, iti dalan nga agpababa iti Silla.
21 For Jozachar the son of Shimeath, and Jehozabad the son of Shomer, his servants, smote him, and he died; and they buried him with his fathers in the city of David: And Amaziah his son reigned in his stead.
Dinarup isuna da Josacar nga anak ni Simeat, Jozabad nga anak ni Somer ken dagiti adipenna, ket natay isuna. Intabonda ni Joas iti ayan dagiti kapuonanna iti siudad ni David. Ket ni Amazias nga anakna ti simmukat kenkuana nga ari.

< 2 Kings 12 >