< 1 Kings 7 >

1 But Solomon was building his own house thirteen years, and he finished all his house.
Sulemaani kyamutwalira ebbanga lya myaka kkumi n’esatu okuzimba olubiri lwe.
2 He built also the house of the forest of Lebanon; its length [was] a hundred cubits, and its breadth fifty cubits, and its hight thirty cubits, upon four rows of cedar pillars, with cedar beams upon the pillars.
N’azimba olubiri nga luli ng’Ekibira kya Lebanooni, obuwanvu mita amakumi ana mu mukaaga, n’obugazi mita amakumi abiri mu ssatu, n’obugulumivu mita kkumi na ssatu n’ekitundu, nga luwaniriddwa ku mpagi nnya ez’emivule.
3 And [it was] covered with cedar above upon the beams, that [lay] on forty-five pillars, fifteen [in] a row.
Ne luserekebwa n’emivule ku mikiikiro amakumi ana mu etaano, buli lunyiriri nga lulimu kkumi na ttaano.
4 And [there were] windows in three rows, and light [was] against light [in] three ranks.
Waaliwo amadirisa agaateekebwa mu nnyiriri ssatu, buli limu nga litunuulidde linnaalyo.
5 And all the doors and posts [were] square, with the windows: and light [was] against light [in] three ranks.
Buli mulyango gwalina omwango nga gwa nsonda nnya, era nga gitunuuliraganye mu nnyiriri ssatu.
6 And he made a porch of pillars; its length [was] fifty cubits, and its breadth thirty cubits: and the porch [was] before them: and the [other] pillars and the thick beams [were] before them.
N’azimba ekisenge ekinene eky’empagi obuwanvu mita amakumi abiri mu ssatu n’obugazi mita kkumi na ssatu n’ekitundu. Mu maaso gaakyo waaliwo ekisasi, ekyali kiwaniriddwa empagi ez’emiti.
7 Then he made a porch for the throne where he might judge, [even] the porch of judgment: and [it was] covered with cedar from one side of the floor to the other.
Yazimba n’ekisenge ekinene omwali entebe ey’obwakabaka, nga kye kisenge mwe yasaliranga emisango, era nga kyonna ky’ateekebwamu emivule okuva wansi okutuuka waggulu.
8 And his house where he dwelt [had] another court within the porch, [which] was of the like work. Solomon made also a house for Pharaoh's daughter, whom he had married, like to this porch.
Olubiri lwe yali agenda okubeeramu olwali emanju w’ekisenge ekinene lwali lukifaanana. N’azimbira ne muwala wa Falaawo, gwe yali awasizza, olulufaanana.
9 All these [were of] costly stones, according to the measures of hewn stones, sawed with saws, within and without, even from the foundation to the coping, and [so] on the outside towards the great court.
Okuva ku musingi okutuuka waggulu, ebizimbe ebyo byonna n’oluggya olunene, byazimbibwa n’amayinja agaagerebwa ne gasalibwa n’emisumeeno, mu bigera byago.
10 And the foundation [was of] costly stones, even great stones; stones of ten cubits, and stones of eight cubits.
Omusingi gw’azimbibwa n’amayinja amanene amalungi, agamu ng’obuwanvu genkana mita nnya n’ekitundu n’amalala ng’obuwanvu genkana mita ssatu n’obutundu mukaaga.
11 And above [were] costly stones, after the measures of hewn stones, and cedars.
Waggulu okumpi n’akasolya waaliyo amayinja ag’omuwendo omungi, agatemebwa nga bwe gaagerebwa, n’emiti egy’emivule.
12 And the great court around [was] with three rows of hewn stones, and a row of cedar beams, both for the inner court of the house of the LORD, and for the porch of the house.
Oluggya olunene lwali lwetooloddwa bbugwe ow’embu ssatu ez’amayinja amateme, n’olubu olumu nga lwa miti egy’emivule, ng’ekisasi eky’omu maaso n’oluggya olw’omunda olwa yeekaalu bwe byali bizimbiddwa.
13 And king Solomon sent and brought Hiram out of Tyre.
Kabaka Sulemaani n’atumya Kiramu ow’e Ttuulo, eyali mutabani wa nnamwandu ow’omu kika kya Nafutaali.
14 He [was] a widow's son of the tribe of Naphtali, and his father [was] a man of Tyre, a worker in brass: and he was filled with wisdom, and understanding, and ingenious to work all works in brass. And he came to king Solomon, and wrought all his work.
Kitaawe yali musajja w’e Ttuulo nga muweesi wa bikomo. Kiramu yali musajja mugezi, mumanyirivu nnyo era ng’ategeera emirimu egy’ebyebikomo egya buli ngeri. N’agenda eri Kabaka Sulemaani, n’akola emirimu gyonna egya muweebwa.
15 For he cast two pillars of brass, each of eighteen cubits high: and a line of twelve cubits did encompass each of them.
Kiramu n’akola empagi bbiri ez’ekikomo, buli emu obuwanvu mita munaana n’akatundu kamu, n’okwetooloola buli emu mita ttaano n’obutundu buna.
16 And he made two capitals [of] molten brass, to set upon the tops of the pillars: the hight of the one capital [was] five cubits, and the hight of the other capital [was] five cubits:
Waggulu wa buli mpagi n’assaako ebitikkiro ebyalina ebitimba eby’omulimu ogw’ekikomo, n’emigo egy’omulimu ogw’emikuufu egyalukibwa.
17 [And] nets of checker-work, and wreaths of chain-work, for the capitals which [were] upon the top of the pillars; seven for the one capital, and seven for the other capital.
N’akola empagi zombi n’ebitikkiro byakwo nga zitimbiddwa buli emu ng’erina ebiruke ng’amalanga ag’amakomamawanga, musanvu.
18 And he made the pillars, and two rows around upon the one net-work, to cover the capitals that [were] upon the top, with pomegranates: and so he did for the other capital.
Ebitikkiro ebyali ku mpagi ez’olubalaza zakolebwa ng’amalanga ag’ebimuli eby’amakomamawanga.
19 And the capitals that [were] upon the top of the pillars [were] of lily-work in the porch, four cubits.
Ebitikkiro eby’empagi byali ng’amalanga nga ziri mita emu n’obutundu munaana obugulumivu.
20 And the capitals upon the two pillars [had pomegranates] also above, over against the belly which [was] by the net-work: and the pomegranates [were] two hundred in rows around upon the other capital.
Ku buli nkufiira ey’empagi kwaliko ekifaanana ng’ebakuli okuliraana n’omulimu ogufaanana ng’ekintu ekiruke, era waaliwo amakomamawanga ebikumi bibiri mu mbu okwetooloola ebitikkiro ebyo.
21 And he set up the pillars in the porch of the temple: and he set up the right pillar, and called its name Jachin: and he set up the left pillar, and called its name Boaz.
N’akola empagi bbiri ku lubalaza lwa yeekaalu, emu n’agizimba ku luuyi olw’obukiikaddyo n’agituuma Yakini, n’eyokubiri n’agizimba ku luuyi olw’obukiikakkono n’agituuma Bowaazi.
22 And upon the top of the pillars [was] lily-work: so was the work of the pillars finished.
Ebitikkiro byabyo byakolebwako ebimuli eby’amalanga, era bwe gutyo omulimu ogw’okuzimba empagi ne guggwa.
23 And he made a molten sea, ten cubits from the one brim to the other: [it was] entirely round, and its hight [was] five cubits: and a line of thirty cubits encompassed it.
N’akola ttanka ennene ey’ekikomo ekisaanuuse, nga neekulungirivu ng’eri mita nnya n’ekitundu okuva ku mugo okutuuka ku mugo, ne mita bbiri n’obutundu busatu obugulumivu. Obwekulungirivu bwali mita kkumi na ssatu n’ekitundu.
24 And under the brim of it around [there were] knobs compassing it, ten in a cubit, compassing the sea around: the knobs [were] cast in two rows, when it was cast.
Wansi w’omugo gwayo kwaliko entaabwa okugyetooloola, kkumi buli butundu busatu obwa mita, era nga ziri embu bbiri, ezasaanuusibwa nayo.
25 It stood upon twelve oxen, three looking towards the north, and three looking towards the west, and three looking towards the south, and three looking towards the east: and the sea [was set] above upon them, and all their hinder parts [were] inward.
Ettanka ennene yatuulanga ku bifaananyi by’ente ennume kkumi na bbiri, esatu nga zitunudde mu bukiikakkono, n’endala essatu nga zitunudde ebugwanjuba, n’endala essatu nga zitunudde mu bukiikaddyo, n’endala essatu nga zitunudde ebuvanjuba, era ng’ebitundu byabyo eby’emabega nga bitunuuliraganye mu masekkati gaayo.
26 And it [was] a hand-breadth thick, and its brim was wrought like the brim of a cup, with flowers of lilies: it contained two thousand baths.
Obugazi bwayo yali oluta lumu, n’omugo gwayo gwakolebwa ng’omugo gw’ekibya, ng’ekimuli ky’amalanga. Yajjulanga lita emitwalo ena mu enkumi nnya.
27 And he made ten bases of brass; four cubits [was] the length of one base, and four cubits the breadth of it, and three cubits the hight of it.
N’akola n’ebitebe ebiseetulwa, mu bikomo buli kimu obuwanvu bwakyo mita emu n’obutundu munaana, n’obugazi bwe bumu, ate obugulumivu mita emu n’obutundu busatu.
28 And the work of the bases [was] in this [manner]: They had borders, and the borders [were] between the ledges:
Ebitebe ebyo by’akolebwa bwe biti: byalina enkulukumbi mu myango gyabyo.
29 And on the borders that [were] between the ledges [were] lions, oxen, and cherubim: and upon the ledges [there was] a base above: and beneath the lions and oxen [were] certain additions made of thin work.
Ku nkulukumbi wakati mu myango mwalimu ebifaananyi bya bakerubi n’eby’empologoma, n’eby’ente ennume; kwaliko n’ebintu ebireebeeta ebyakolebwa n’emikono.
30 And every base had four brazen wheels, and plates of brass: and the four corners of it had undersetters: under the laver [were] undersetters molten, at the side of every addition.
Buli kitebe ky’alina nnamuziga nnya ez’ebikomo, n’entobo za nnamuziga nga za bikomo, era nga buli kimu kirina ebensani ewaniriddwa mu nsonda nnya n’emisituliro egyasaanuusibwa, nga ku buli musituliro kuliko ebireebeeta.
31 And the mouth of it within the capital and above [was] a cubit: but the mouth of it [was] round [after] the work of the base, a cubit and a half: and also upon the mouth of it [were] gravings with their borders, foursquare, not round.
Ekitebe ekimu kyalina akamwa akalina omwango omwekulungirivu ogwali kitundu kya mita mu kukka. Akamwa kaagwo kaali keekulungirivu n’omulimu ogwa wansi kwe kyaterezebwanga, nga gwa butundu musanvu obwa mita mu kukka. Ku kamwa kaagwo kwaliko enjola, n’enkulumbi zaakyo nga si nnekulungirivu naye ng’enjuyi zonna zenkanankana.
32 And under the borders [were] four wheels; and the axletrees of the wheels [were joined] to the base: and the hight of a wheel [was] a cubit and half a cubit.
Nnamuziga ennya zaali wansi w’enkulumbi; n’emisingi gya nnamuziga gyali gikomereddwa ku kitebe. Okusala mu bukiika bwa nnamuziga emu bwali obutundu musanvu obwa mita.
33 And the work of the wheels [was] like the work of a chariot wheel: their axletrees, and their naves, and their fellies, and their spokes, [were] all molten.
Nnamuziga zaakolebwa nga nnamuziga ez’amagaali, era kwaliko emisingi, n’empanka, n’empagi, n’emisumaali nga byonna by’akolebwa mu kyuma ekisaanuuse.
34 And [there were] four undersetters to the four corners of one base: [and] the undersetters [were] of the very base itself.
Kwaliko emisituliro ena ku nsonda ennya eza buli kitebe era gyonna nga gya kika kyekimu n’ekitebe.
35 And in the top of the base [was there] a round compass of half a cubit high: and on the top of the base its ledges and its borders [were] of the same.
Ku ntikko eya buli kitebe kwaliko engeri ey’ekikoba ekyekulungirivu; okukka kwakyo obutundu bubiri obwa mita, n’embiriizi zaakyo n’enkulukumbi ebyagiwaniriranga, byakwatagananga ku ntikko.
36 For on the plates of its ledges, and on its borders, he graved cherubim, lions, and palm trees, according to the proportion of every one, and additions around.
Ku biwanirira ne ku nkulukumbi, Kiramu yakolako ebifaananyi ebyole ebya bakerubi, n’eby’empologoma, n’eby’enkindu mu buli kifo omwali ebbanga, era n’ayolako ebimuli okwetooloola.
37 After this [manner] he made the ten bases: all of them had one casting, one measure, [and] one size.
Bw’atyo bwe yakola ebitebe ekkumi. Byonna yabikola mu kyuma ekisaanuuse kyekimu, era n’abikola byonna nga bya kigero kyekimu, n’okufaanana nga bifaanana.
38 Then he made ten lavers of brass: one laver contained forty baths: [and] every laver was four cubits: [and] upon every one of the ten bases one laver.
N’alyoka akola amabensani kkumi, nga ga kikomo, buli emu ng’egyamu lita lunaana mu kinaana, era buli emu nga yenkana mita emu ne desimoolo munaana obugazi, ate buli bensani ng’etuula ku kitebe kyayo.
39 And he put five bases on the right side of the house, and five on the left side of the house: and he set the sea on the right side of the house eastward over against the south.
N’addira ebitebe bitaano ku byo n’abiteeka ku luuyi olw’obukiikaddyo obwa yeekaalu, n’ebitaano ebirala ku luuyi olw’obukiikakkono; n’ateeka Ennyanja ku luuyi olw’obukiikaddyo obw’ebuvanjuba obwa yeekaalu.
40 And Hiram made the lavers, and the shovels, and the basins. So Hiram made an end of doing all the work that he executed for king Solomon for the house of the LORD:
N’akola n’ensuwa, n’amabensani, n’ebijiiko, n’amabensani ag’okumansira. Bw’atyo Kiramu n’amaliriza omulimu gwa yeekaalu ya Mukama gwonna gwe yakolera Kabaka Sulemaani.
41 The two pillars, and the [two] bowls of the capitals that [were] on the top of the two pillars; and the two net-works, to cover the two bowls of the capitals which [were] upon the top of the pillars;
Empagi ebbiri zombi; ebitikkiro byombi eby’ebibya ebyayolebwa waggulu ku mpagi; embu ebbiri ez’ebitimbe ebyali ku bitikkiro byombi eby’empagi;
42 And four hundred pomegranates for the two net-works, [even] two rows of pomegranates for one net-work, to cover the two bowls of the capitals that [were] upon the pillars;
n’ebitone ebikumi ebina eby’amakomamawanga ebyali mu mbu ebbiri, ebyali bibikka ku nkufiira ez’empagi;
43 And the ten bases, and ten lavers on the bases;
ebitebe ekkumi n’amabensani gaakwo agaabituulangako kkumi;
44 And one sea, and twelve oxen under the sea;
ettanka ennene n’ebifaananyi eby’ente ennume ekkumi n’ebbiri ebyali wansi w’ettanka ennene;
45 And the pots, and the shovels, and the basins: and all these vessels which Hiram made to king Solomon for the house of the LORD, [were of] bright brass.
n’ensuwa, n’ebisena, n’amabensani agamansira. Ebintu byonna Kulamu bye yakolera Kabaka Sulemaani ku lwa yeekaalu ya Mukama byali bya bikomo bizigule.
46 In the plain of Jordan did the king cast them, in the clay ground between Succoth and Zarthan.
Kabaka yalagira babisaanuusize mu lusenyi lwa Yoludaani awali ettaka ery’ebbumba wakati w’e Sukkosi n’e Zalesani.
47 And Solomon left all the vessels [unweighed], because they were very numerous: neither was the weight of the brass ascertained.
Sulemaani teyapima bintu ebyo byonna, kubanga byali biyitiridde obungi; era tewali yapima buzito obw’ekikomo ebintu mwe byakolebwa.
48 And Solomon made all the vessels that [pertained] to the house of the LORD: the altar of gold, and the table of gold, upon which [was] the show-bread,
Awo Sulemaani n’akozesa n’ebintu ebirala byonna ebyateekebwa mu yeekaalu ya Mukama: ekyoto ekya zaabu; emmeeza eya zaabu okwaberanga emigaati egy’okulaga;
49 And the candlesticks of pure gold, five on the right [side], and five on the left, before the oracle, with the flowers, and the lamps, and the tongs [of] gold,
ebikondo by’ettaala ebya zaabu ennongoose, bitaano ku luuyi olwa ddyo n’ebitaano ku luuyi olwa kkono, byonna awamu kkumi, mu kifo awaayimirirwanga okwogera; obusumbi bw’ebimuli; ettabaaza ne makansi nga bya zaabu;
50 And the bowls, and the snuffers, and the basins, and the spoons, and the censers [of] pure gold; and the hinges [of] gold, [both] for the doors of the inner house, the most holy [place], [and] for the doors of the house, [to wit], of the temple.
bbensani, ne makansi ezisala ebisirinza, ne bbakuli ezifukirira, n’ebibya ne fulampeni, nga bya zaabu ennongoose; eminyolo gy’enzigi egy’ekisenge eky’omunda ddala, kye Kifo Ekitukuvu Ennyo nga gya zaabu, n’egy’enzigi ez’ekisenge ekinene ddala ekya yeekaalu nga gya zaabu.
51 So was ended all the work that king Solomon made for the house of the LORD. And Solomon brought in the things which David his father had dedicated; [even] the silver, and the gold, and the vessels, he placed among the treasures of the house of the LORD.
Omulimu gwonna Kabaka Sulemaani gwe yakola ku yeekaalu ya Mukama bwe gwaggwa, n’aleeta ebintu Dawudi kitaawe bye yayawulirako Mukama, effeeza ne zaabu n’ebintu ebirala byonna, n’abiteeka mu mawanika ga yeekaalu ya Mukama.

< 1 Kings 7 >