< 1 Corinthians 10 >
1 Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea;
hē bhrātaraḥ, asmatpitr̥puruṣānadhi yūyaṁ yadajñātā na tiṣṭhatēti mama vāñchā, tē sarvvē mēghādhaḥsthitā babhūvuḥ sarvvē samudramadhyēna vavrajuḥ,
2 And were all baptized to Moses in the cloud and in the sea;
sarvvē mūsāmuddiśya mēghasamudrayō rmajjitā babhūvuḥ
3 And all ate the same spiritual food;
sarvva ēkam ātmikaṁ bhakṣyaṁ bubhujira ēkam ātmikaṁ pēyaṁ papuśca
4 And all drank the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.
yatastē'nucarata ātmikād acalāt labdhaṁ tōyaṁ papuḥ sō'calaḥ khrīṣṭaēva|
5 But with many of them God was not well pleased: for they were overthrown in the wilderness.
tathā satyapi tēṣāṁ madhyē'dhikēṣu lōkēṣvīśvarō na santutōṣēti hētōstē prantarē nipātitāḥ|
6 Now these things were our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted.
ētasmin tē 'smākaṁ nidarśanasvarūpā babhūvuḥ; atastē yathā kutsitābhilāṣiṇō babhūvurasmābhistathā kutsitābhilāṣibhi rna bhavitavyaṁ|
7 Neither be ye idolaters, as were some of them; as it is written, The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play.
likhitamāstē, lōkā bhōktuṁ pātuñcōpaviviśustataḥ krīḍitumutthitā itayanēna prakārēṇa tēṣāṁ kaiścid yadvad dēvapūjā kr̥tā yuṣmābhistadvat na kriyatāṁ|
8 Neither let us commit immorality, as some of them committed, and fell in one day three and twenty thousand.
aparaṁ tēṣāṁ kaiścid yadvad vyabhicāraḥ kr̥tastēna caikasmin dinē trayōviṁśatisahasrāṇi lōkā nipātitāstadvad asmābhi rvyabhicārō na karttavyaḥ|
9 Neither let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed by serpents.
tēṣāṁ kēcid yadvat khrīṣṭaṁ parīkṣitavantastasmād bhujaṅgai rnaṣṭāśca tadvad asmābhiḥ khrīṣṭō na parīkṣitavyaḥ|
10 Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed by the destroyer.
tēṣāṁ kēcid yathā vākkalahaṁ kr̥tavantastatkāraṇāt hantrā vināśitāśca yuṣmābhistadvad vākkalahō na kriyatāṁ|
11 Now all these things happened to them for examples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. (aiōn )
tān prati yānyētāni jaghaṭirē tānyasmākaṁ nidarśanāni jagataḥ śēṣayugē varttamānānām asmākaṁ śikṣārthaṁ likhitāni ca babhūvuḥ| (aiōn )
12 Therefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.
ataēva yaḥ kaścid susthiraṁmanyaḥ sa yanna patēt tatra sāvadhānō bhavatu|
13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted above what ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.
mānuṣikaparīkṣātiriktā kāpi parīkṣā yuṣmān nākrāmat, īśvaraśca viśvāsyaḥ sō'tiśaktyāṁ parīkṣāyāṁ patanāt yuṣmān rakṣiṣyati, parīkṣā ca yad yuṣmābhiḥ sōḍhuṁ śakyatē tadarthaṁ tayā saha nistārasya panthānaṁ nirūpayiṣyati|
14 Therefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry.
hē priyabhrātaraḥ, dēvapūjātō dūram apasarata|
15 I speak as to wise men; judge ye what I say.
ahaṁ yuṣmān vijñān matvā prabhāṣē mayā yat kathyatē tad yuṣmābhi rvivicyatāṁ|
16 The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ?
yad dhanyavādapātram asmābhi rdhanyaṁ gadyatē tat kiṁ khrīṣṭasya śōṇitasya sahabhāgitvaṁ nahi? yaśca pūpō'smābhi rbhajyatē sa kiṁ khrīṣṭasya vapuṣaḥ sahabhāgitvaṁ nahi?
17 For we being many are one bread, and one body: for we are all partakers of that one bread.
vayaṁ bahavaḥ santō'pyēkapūpasvarūpā ēkavapuḥsvarūpāśca bhavāmaḥ, yatō vayaṁ sarvva ēkapūpasya sahabhāginaḥ|
18 Behold Israel after the flesh: are not they who eat of the sacrifices partakers of the altar?
yūyaṁ śārīrikam isrāyēlīyavaṁśaṁ nirīkṣadhvaṁ| yē balīnāṁ māṁsāni bhuñjatē tē kiṁ yajñavēdyāḥ sahabhāginō na bhavanti?
19 What then do I say? that the idol is any thing, or that which is offered in sacrifice to idols is any thing?
ityanēna mayā kiṁ kathyatē? dēvatā vāstavikī dēvatāyai balidānaṁ vā vāstavikaṁ kiṁ bhavēt?
20 But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with demons.
tannahi kintu bhinnajātibhi ryē balayō dīyantē ta īśvarāya tannahi bhūtēbhyaēva dīyantē tasmād yūyaṁ yad bhūtānāṁ sahabhāginō bhavathētyahaṁ nābhilaṣāmi|
21 Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of demons: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord’s table, and of the table of demons.
prabhōḥ kaṁsēna bhūtānāmapi kaṁsēna pānaṁ yuṣmābhirasādhyaṁ; yūyaṁ prabhō rbhōjyasya bhūtānāmapi bhōjyasya sahabhāginō bhavituṁ na śaknutha|
22 Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? are we stronger than he?
vayaṁ kiṁ prabhuṁ sparddhiṣyāmahē? vayaṁ kiṁ tasmād balavantaḥ?
23 All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not.
māṁ prati sarvvaṁ karmmāpratiṣiddhaṁ kintu na sarvvaṁ hitajanakaṁ sarvvam apratiṣiddhaṁ kintu na sarvvaṁ niṣṭhājanakaṁ|
24 Let no man seek his own, but every man another’s good.
ātmahitaḥ kēnāpi na cēṣṭitavyaḥ kintu sarvvaiḥ parahitaścēṣṭitavyaḥ|
25 Whatever is sold in the meat market, that eat, asking no question for conscience sake:
āpaṇē yat krayyaṁ tad yuṣmābhiḥ saṁvēdasyārthaṁ kimapi na pr̥ṣṭvā bhujyatāṁ
26 For the earth is the Lord’s, and all it containeth.
yataḥ pr̥thivī tanmadhyasthañca sarvvaṁ paramēśvarasya|
27 If any of them that believe not bid you to a feast, and ye are disposed to go; whatever is set before you, eat, asking no question for conscience sake.
aparam aviśvāsilōkānāṁ kēnacit nimantritā yūyaṁ yadi tatra jigamiṣatha tarhi tēna yad yad upasthāpyatē tad yuṣmābhiḥ saṁvēdasyārthaṁ kimapi na pr̥ṣṭvā bhujyatāṁ|
28 But if any man shall say to you, This is offered in sacrifice to idols, eat not for his sake that showed it, and for conscience sake: for the earth is the Lord’s, and all it containeth:
kintu tatra yadi kaścid yuṣmān vadēt bhakṣyamētad dēvatāyāḥ prasāda iti tarhi tasya jñāpayituranurōdhāt saṁvēdasyārthañca tad yuṣmābhi rna bhōktavyaṁ| pr̥thivī tanmadhyasthañca sarvvaṁ paramēśvarasya,
29 Conscience, I say, not thy own, but of the other: for why is my liberty judged by another man’s conscience?
satyamētat, kintu mayā yaḥ saṁvēdō nirddiśyatē sa tava nahi parasyaiva|
30 For if I by grace am a partaker, why am I evil spoken of for that for which I give thanks?
anugrahapātrēṇa mayā dhanyavādaṁ kr̥tvā yad bhujyatē tatkāraṇād ahaṁ kutō nindiṣyē?
31 Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
tasmād bhōjanaṁ pānam anyadvā karmma kurvvadbhi ryuṣmābhiḥ sarvvamēvēśvarasya mahimnaḥ prakāśārthaṁ kriyatāṁ|
32 Give no offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God:
yihūdīyānāṁ bhinnajātīyānām īśvarasya samājasya vā vighnajanakai ryuṣmābhi rna bhavitavyaṁ|
33 Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking my own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved.
ahamapyātmahitam acēṣṭamānō bahūnāṁ paritrāṇārthaṁ tēṣāṁ hitaṁ cēṣṭamānaḥ sarvvaviṣayē sarvvēṣāṁ tuṣṭikarō bhavāmītyanēnāhaṁ yadvat khrīṣṭasyānugāmī tadvad yūyaṁ mamānugāminō bhavata|