< Zechariah 11 >

1 Open your doors, Lebanon, that fire may devour your cedars!
¡Abre, oh Líbano, tus puertas, y devore el fuego tus cedros!
2 Lament, cypress trees, for the cedar trees have fallen! What was majestic has been devastated! Lament, you oaks of Bashan, for the strong forest has gone down.
¡Aúlla, oh abeto, porque ha caído el cedro, porque han sido derribados los (árboles) magníficos! ¡Aullad, encinas de Basán, porque destruido ha sido el bosque inaccesible!
3 The shepherds howl, for their glory has been destroyed! The voice of the young lions' roar, for the pride of the Jordan River has been devastated!
Se oyen los lamentos de los pastores, por la ruina de lo que era su gloria; retumban los rugidos de los leoncillos, porque ha sido destruida la gloria del Jordán.
4 This is what Yahweh my God says, “Like a shepherd, watch over the flock set aside for slaughter!
Así dice Yahvé, mi Dios: “Apacienta las ovejas del matadero;
5 (The ones who buy them slaughter them and are not punished, and the ones who sell them say, 'Blessed be Yahweh! I have become rich!' for the shepherds working for the flocks' owners have no pity on them.)
cuyos compradores las matan impunemente, y cuyos vendedores dicen: «¡Bendito sea Yahvé, pues me he hecho rico!» y los pastores no les tienen compasión.
6 For I will no longer pity the inhabitants of the land!—this is Yahweh's declaration. See! I myself am about to turn over every person into the hand of his neighbor and into the hand of his king, and they will destroy the land and none of them will I deliver them from their hand.”
Así tampoco Yo me apiadaré de los habitantes de esta tierra, dice Yahvé. He aquí que entregaré a los hombres, los unos en manos de otros y en poder de su rey; ellos desolarán la tierra, y Yo no (los) libraré de su mano.
7 So I became the shepherd of the flock marked for slaughter, for those who dealt in sheep. I took two staffs; one staff I called “Favor” and the other I called “Unity.” In this way I shepherded the flock.
Apacenté las ovejas del matadero, porque eran las ovejas más pobres; y tomé dos cayados; al uno le llamé Gracia, y al otro Unión; y apacenté el rebaño.
8 In one month I destroyed the three shepherds. I became impatient with them, and they also hated me.
Y di muerte a tres pastores en un mes. Entonces perdí la paciencia con las ovejas, y también ellas estaban cansadas de mí.
9 Then I said to the owners, “I will not work as a shepherd for you any longer. The sheep that are dying—let them die; the sheep that are being destroyed—let them be destroyed. Let the sheep that remain each eat the flesh of its neighbor.”
Y dije: “No os apacentaré más; la que debe morir, que muera; la que debe perderse, que se pierda. Y las restantes, que se coman unas a otras.”
10 So I took my staff “Favor” and broke it to break the covenant that I had made with all of my tribes.
Y tomé mi cayado Gracia, y lo rompí, para anular mi alianza que había hecho con todos los pueblos.
11 On that day the covenant was broken, and those who dealt in sheep and who were watching me knew that Yahweh had spoken.
Y quedó anulado en aquel día; y así aquellos más pobres del rebaño que hacían caso de mí, conocieron que era palabra de Yahvé.
12 I said to them, “If it seems good to you, pay me my wages. But if not, do not do it.” So they weighed out my wages—thirty pieces of silver.
Y les dije: “Si os parece justo, pagad mi salario; y si no, dejadlo.” Y ellos pesaron mi salario; treinta (monedas) de plata.
13 Then Yahweh said to me, “Deposit the silver in the treasury, the excellent price at which they valued you!” So I took the thirty pieces of silver and deposited them in the treasury in the house of Yahweh.
Entonces Yahvé me dijo: “¡Tira al alfarero ese lindo precio en que me estimaron!” Tomé las treinta (monedas) de plata, y las tiré al alfarero en la Casa de Yahvé.
14 Then I broke my second staff, “Unity,” to break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel.
Luego rompí el otro cayado, Unión, para romper la hermandad entre Judá e Israel.
15 Yahweh said to me, “Again, take the equipment of a foolish shepherd for yourself,
Y Yahvé me dijo: “Toma también el pertrecho de un pastor insensato.
16 for see, I am about to set in place a shepherd in the land. He will not care for the perishing sheep. He will not seek out the sheep gone missing, nor heal the crippled sheep. He will not feed the sheep that are healthy, but will eat the flesh of the fattened sheep and will tear off their hooves.
Pues he aquí que suscitaré en la tierra un pastor que no cuidará de las (ovejas) que se pierden, que no buscará las descarriadas; ni curará las heridas, ni alimentará a las que están sanas; sino que comerá la carne de las gordas y les romperá las pezuñas.
17 Woe to the worthless shepherd who forsakes the flock! May the sword come against his arm and his right eye! May his arm wither away and may his right eye become blind!”
¡Ay del pastor inútil, que abandona el rebaño! ¡Espada sobre su brazo, y sobre su ojo derecho! ¡Que se seque completamente su brazo y oscurézcase del todo su ojo derecho!”

< Zechariah 11 >