< Psalms 9 >
1 For the chief musician; set to Muth Labben style. A psalm of David. I will give thanks to Yahweh with my whole heart; I will tell about all your marvelous deeds.
Ki te tino kaiwhakatangi. Muturapena. He himene na Rawiri. Ka whakapaua toku ngakau ki te whakamoemiti ki a Ihowa, ka korerotia e ahau au mahi whakamiharo katoa.
2 I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name, Most High!
Ka koa ahau, ka whakamanamana ki a koe, ka himene atu ki tou ingoa, e te Runga Rawa.
3 When my enemies turn back, they stumble and perish before you.
I te hokinga whakamuri o oku hoariri, tutuki ana ratou, ngaro iho i tou aroaro.
4 For you have defended my just cause; you sit on your throne, a righteous judge!
Nau hoki i whakatika aku korero me toku whakawa; i runga koe i te torona e noho ana, e whakarite tika ana.
5 You rebuked the nations; you have destroyed the wicked; you have blotted out their name forever and ever.
Kua whakatupehupehu koe ki nga tauiwi, huna ana e koe te tangata kino, horoia atu ana to ratou ingoa ake ake.
6 The enemy crumbled like ruins when you overthrew their cities. All remembrance of them has perished.
Ko te hoariri, mutu pu ratou, he ngaromanga oti tonu iho: a ko nga pa i huna e koe, ngaro whakarere to ratou whakamaharatanga.
7 But Yahweh remains forever; he has established his throne for justice.
Ko Ihowa ia noho tonu hei kingi ake, ake: kua whakapaia e ia tona torona mo te whakawa.
8 He will judge the world with righteousness, and he will execute judgment for the nations with fairness.
A e whakarite ia mo te ao i runga i te tika, ka whakatakoto tikanga mo nga iwi i runga i te pono.
9 Yahweh also will be a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.
Hei pa teko ano a Ihowa mo te tangata e tukinotia ana, hei pa teko i nga wa o te he.
10 Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Yahweh, do not abandon those who seek you.
A ka whakawhirinaki ki a koe te hunga e matau ana ki tou ingoa: no te mea e kore e whakarerea e koe, e Ihowa, te hunga e rapu ana i a koe.
11 Sing praises to Yahweh, who rules in Zion; tell the nations what he has done.
Himene ki a Ihowa e noho nei i Hiona: whakapuakina i waenganui i nga iwi ana mahi.
12 For the God who avenges bloodshed remembers; he does not forget the cry of the oppressed.
Ka whakataki toto ia, ka mahara ia ki a ratou: kahore e wareware i a ia te karanga a te hunga iti.
13 Have mercy on me, Yahweh; see how I am oppressed by those who hate me, you who can snatch me from the gates of death.
Tohungia ahau, e Ihowa; titiro ki toku mate i te hunga e kino ana ki ahau, e te kaiwhakaara i ahau i nga tatau o te mate:
14 Oh, that I might proclaim all your praise. In the gates of the daughter of Zion I will rejoice in your salvation!
Kia whakakitea katoatia ai e ahau ou whakamoemiti i nga tatau o te tamahine o Hiona: ka hari ahau ki tau whakaoranga.
15 The nations have sunk down into the pit that they made; their feet are caught in the net that they hid.
Kua tapoko nga tauiwi ki te rua i keria e ratou: kua mau to ratou waewae i roto i te kupenga i huna e ratou.
16 Yahweh has made himself known; he has executed judgment; the wicked is ensnared by his own actions. (Selah)
Kua matauria a Ihowa ki te whakawa e whakaritea ana e ia: he mahanga mo te tangata kino te mahi a ona ringa. (Hikaiono. (Hera)
17 The wicked are turned back and sent to Sheol, all the nations that forget God. (Sheol )
Ka hoki nga tangata kino ki te reinga, ara nga iwi katoa e wareware ana ki te Atua. (Sheol )
18 For the needy will not always be forgotten, nor will the hope of the oppressed be forever dashed.
E kore hoki e warewarea tonutia te tangata rawakore: e kore e taka tonu ta te hunga iti i tumanako atu ai.
19 Arise, Yahweh; do not let man win against you; may the nations be judged in your sight.
E ara, e Ihowa, kei riro i ta te tangata: kia whakawakia nga tauiwi i tou aroaro.
20 Terrify them, Yahweh; may the nations know that they are mere men. (Selah)
E Ihowa, meinga ratou kia wehi: kia matau nga tauiwi he tangata nei ano ratou. (Hera)