< Psalms 8 >

1 For the chief musician; set to the gittith style. A psalm of David. Yahweh our Lord, how magnificent is your name in all the earth, you who reveal your glory in the heavens above.
Yahweh Bwana wetu, ni jinsi gani jina lako ni tukufu katika dunia yote, wewe ufunuaye utukufu wako juu mbinguni.
2 Out of the mouth of babies and infants you have established praise because of your enemies, so that you might silence both the enemy and the avenger.
Kutoka katika midomo ya watoto na vichanga umeumba sifa kwa sababu ya utukufu wako, ili kuwanyamazisha maadui wote na walipa kisasi wote.
3 When I look up at your heavens, which your fingers have made, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,
Ninapozitazama mbingu, ambazo vidole vyako vimeumba, mwezi na nyota, ambazo umeziweka kila mmoja katika nafasi yake,
4 Of what importance is the human race that you notice them, or mankind that you pay attention to them?
Binadamu ni nani hata umtazame, na watu hata uwajali wao?
5 Yet you have made them only a little lower than the heavenly beings and have crowned them with glory and honor.
Umewaumba chini kidogo kuliko viumbe vya mbinguni na umewazunguka na utukufu na heshima.
6 You make him to rule over the works of your hands; you have put all things under his feet:
Umemfanya binadamu kutawala kazi ya mikono yako; umeviweka vitu vyote chini ya miguu yake:
7 all sheep and oxen, and even the animals of the field,
kondoo na ng'ombe wote, na hata wanyama wa porini,
8 the birds of the heavens, and the fish of the sea, everything that passes through the currents of the seas.
ndege wa angani, na samaki wa baharini, na vyote vipitavyo katika mikondo ya bahari.
9 Yahweh our Lord, how magnificent is your name in all the earth!
Yahweh Bwana wetu, ni jinsi gani jina lako ni tukufu katika dunia yote!

< Psalms 8 >