< Psalms 8 >
1 For the chief musician; set to the gittith style. A psalm of David. Yahweh our Lord, how magnificent is your name in all the earth, you who reveal your glory in the heavens above.
大卫的诗,交与伶长。用迦特乐器。 耶和华—我们的主啊, 你的名在全地何其美! 你将你的荣耀彰显于天。
2 Out of the mouth of babies and infants you have established praise because of your enemies, so that you might silence both the enemy and the avenger.
你因敌人的缘故, 从婴孩和吃奶的口中, 建立了能力, 使仇敌和报仇的闭口无言。
3 When I look up at your heavens, which your fingers have made, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,
我观看你指头所造的天, 并你所陈设的月亮星宿,
4 Of what importance is the human race that you notice them, or mankind that you pay attention to them?
便说:人算什么,你竟顾念他! 世人算什么,你竟眷顾他!
5 Yet you have made them only a little lower than the heavenly beings and have crowned them with glory and honor.
你叫他比天使微小一点, 并赐他荣耀尊贵为冠冕。
6 You make him to rule over the works of your hands; you have put all things under his feet:
你派他管理你手所造的, 使万物,就是一切的牛羊、 田野的兽、空中的鸟、海里的鱼, 凡经行海道的,都服在他的脚下。
7 all sheep and oxen, and even the animals of the field,
8 the birds of the heavens, and the fish of the sea, everything that passes through the currents of the seas.
9 Yahweh our Lord, how magnificent is your name in all the earth!
耶和华—我们的主啊, 你的名在全地何其美!