< Psalms 75 >

1 For the chief musician; set to Al Tashheth. A psalm of Asaph, a song. We give thanks to you, God; we give thanks, for you reveal your presence; people tell of your wondrous works.
Tebi, oh Bog, dajemo zahvaljevanje, tebi dajemo zahvaljevanje, kajti tvoja čudovita dela oznanjajo, da je tvoje ime blizu.
2 At the appointed time I will judge fairly.
Ko bom sprejel skupnost, bom sodil iskreno.
3 Though the earth and all the inhabitants shake in fear, I make steady the earth's pillars. (Selah)
Zemlja in vsi njeni prebivalci se raztapljajo, jaz podpiram njene stebre. (Sela)
4 I said to the arrogant, “Do not be arrogant,” and to the wicked, “Do not lift up the horn.
Bedakom sem rekel: »Ne ravnajte nespametno« in zlobnim: »Ne dvigajte roga.
5 Do not lift up your horn to the heights; do not speak with an insolent neck.”
Svojega roga ne dvigajte visoko gor. Ne govorite s trdim vratom.«
6 It is not from the east or from the west, and it is not from the wilderness that lifting up comes.
Kajti povišanje ne prihaja niti od vzhoda niti od zahoda niti od juga.
7 But God is the judge; he brings down and he lifts up.
Toda Bog je sodnik, odstavlja enega in postavlja drugega.
8 For Yahweh holds in his hand a cup of foaming wine, which is mixed with spices, and pours it out. Surely all the wicked of the earth will drink it to the last drop.
Kajti v Gospodovi roki je čaša in vino je rdeče, polno mešanice; in izliva iz istega, toda te droži bodo vsi zlobneži zemlje izželi in jih popili.
9 But I will continually tell what you have done; I will sing praises to the God of Jacob.
Toda jaz bom razglašal na veke, prepeval bom hvalnice Jakobovemu Bogu.
10 He says, “I will cut off all the horns of the wicked, but the horns of the righteous will be raised up.”
Tudi vse rogove zlobnih bom odrezal; toda rogovi pravičnih bodo povišani.

< Psalms 75 >