< Psalms 45 >
1 For the chief musician; set to Shoshannim. A psalm of the sons of Korah. A maschil. A song of loves. My heart overflows on a good subject; I will read aloud the words I have composed about the king; my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.
百合花のしらべにあはせて伶長にうたはしめたるコラの子のをしへのうた 愛のうた わが心はうるはしき事にてあふる われは王のために詠たるものをいひいでん わが舌はすみやけく寫字人の筆なり
2 You are fairer than the children of mankind; grace is poured onto your lips; therefore we know that God has blessed you forever.
なんぢは人の子輩にまさりて美しく文雅そのくちびるにそそがる このゆゑに神はとこしへに汝をさいはひしたまへり
3 Put your sword on your side, mighty one, in your glory and your majesty.
4 In your majesty ride on triumphantly because of trustworthiness, meekness, and righteousness; your right hand will teach you fearful things.
なんぢ眞理と柔和とただしきとのために威をたくましくし勝をえて乗すすめ なんぢの右手なんぢに畏るべきことををしへん
5 Your arrows are sharp; the peoples fall under you; your arrows are in the hearts of the king's enemies.
なんぢの矢は鋭して王のあたの胸をつらぬき もろもろの民はなんぢの下にたふる
6 Your throne, God, is forever and ever; a scepter of justice is the scepter of your kingdom.
7 You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness more than your companions.
なんぢは義をいつくしみ惡をにくむ このゆゑに神なんぢの神はよろこびの膏をなんぢの侶よりまさりて汝にそそぎたまへり
8 All your garments smell of myrrh, aloes, and cassia; out of ivory palaces stringed instruments have made you glad.
なんぢの衣はみな没薬蘆薈肉桂のかをりあり 琴瑟の昔ざうげの諸殿よりいでて汝をよろこぱしめたり
9 Kings' daughters are among your honorable women; at your right hand stands the queen clothed in gold of Ophir.
なんぢがたふとき婦のなかにはもろもろの王のむすめあり 皇后はオフルの金をかざりてなんぢの右にたつ
10 Listen, daughter, consider and incline your ear; forget your own people and your father's house.
女よきけ目をそそげ なんぢの耳をかたぶけよ なんぢの民となんぢが父の家とをわすれよ
11 In this way the king will desire your beauty; he is your master; revere him.
さらば王はなんぢの美麗をしたはん 王はなんぢの主なりこれを伏拝め
12 The daughter of Tyre will be there with a gift; the rich among the people will beg for your favor.
13 The royal daughter in the palace is all glorious; her clothing is worked with gold.
王のむすめは殿のうちにていとど榮えかがやき そのころもは金をもて織なせり
14 She will be led to the king in embroidered dress; the virgins, her companions who follow her, will be brought to you.
かれは鍼繍せる衣をきて王のもとにいざなはる 之にともなへる處女もそのあとにしたがひて汝のもとにみちびかれゆかん
15 They will be led by gladness and rejoicing; they will enter into the king's palace.
16 In the place of your fathers will be your children, whom you will make princes in all the earth.
なんぢの子らは列組にかはりてたち なんぢはこれを全地に君となさん
17 I will make your name to be remembered in all generations; therefore the peoples will give you thanks forever and ever.
我なんぢの名をよろづ代にしらしめん この故にもろもろの民はいやとほ永くなんぢに感謝すべし