< Psalms 40 >
1 For the chief musician. A psalm of David. I waited patiently for Yahweh; he listened to me and heard my cry.
Nalimungoja Yahwe kwa uvumilivu; alinisikia na kusika kilio changu.
2 He brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and he set my feet on a rock and made my steps secure.
Yeye akanitoa nje ya shimo la kutisha, nje ya matope, naye aliiweka miguu yangu juu ya mwamba na kuzifanya hatua zangu salama.
3 He has put a new song in my mouth, praise to our God. Many will see it and honor him and will trust in Yahweh.
Yeye ameweka wimbo mpya mdomoni mwangu, sifa kwa Mungu. Wengi watauona na kumheshimu yeye na kumwamini Yahwe.
4 Blessed is the man who makes Yahweh his trust and does not honor the proud or those who turn away from him to lies.
Amebarikiwa mtu yule ambaye humfanya Yahwe tumaini lake naye hathamini majivuno wala wale wanaokengeuka kwa uongo.
5 Many, Yahweh my God, are the wonderful deeds that you have done, and your thoughts which are about us cannot be numbered; if I declared and spoke of them, they would be more than could be counted.
Yahwe Mungu wangu, matendo ya ajabu ambayo wewe umeyafanya, ni mengi, na mawazo yako yatuhusuyo sisi hayahesabiki; Ikiwa ningetangaza na kuyazungumza kwao, ni mengi sana hayahesabiki.
6 You have no delight in sacrifice or offering, but you have opened my ears; you have not required burnt offerings or sin offerings.
Wewe haufurahishwi katika sadaka au matoleo, bali wewe umeyafungua masikio yangu; wala haukuhitaji sadaka ya kuteketeza au sadaka ya dhambi.
7 Then said I, “See, I have come; it is written about me in the scroll of the document.
Ndipo nilisema mimi, “Tazama, nimekuja; imeandikwa kuhusu mimi katika kitabu cha hati.
8 I delight to do your will, my God; your laws are in my heart.”
Ninafurahia kuyafanya mapenzi yako, Mungu wangu; sheria zako ziko moyoni mwangu.”
9 I have proclaimed good news of your righteousness in the great assembly; Yahweh, you know that my lips have not kept back from doing this.
Katika kusanyiko kubwa nimetangaza habari njema ya haki yako; Yahwe, wewe unajua sikuizuia midomo yangu.
10 I have not concealed your righteousness in my heart; I have declared your faithfulness and your salvation; I have not concealed your covenant faithfulness or your trustworthiness from the great assembly.
Sikuficha haki yako moyoni mwangu; nimetangaza uaminifu wako na wokovu wako; sijaficha uaminifu wa agano lako au uaminifu wako kwenye kusanyiko kubwa.
11 Do not keep back your acts of mercy from me, Yahweh; let your covenant faithfulness and your trustworthiness always preserve me.
Usiache kunitendea kwa rehema, Yahwe; Uaminifu wa agano lako na uaminifu wako unihifadhi siku zote.
12 Troubles that cannot be numbered surround me; my iniquities have caught up with me so that I am no longer able to see anything; they are more than the hairs on my head, and my heart has failed me.
Mabaya yasiyo hesabika yamenizunguka; Maovu yangu yamenipata nami siwezi kuona chochote; nayo ni mengi kuliko nywele za kichwa changu, na moyo wangu umeniangusha.
13 Be pleased, Yahweh, to rescue me; hurry to help me, Yahweh.
Yahwe, tafadhari uniokoe; njoo haraka unisaidie Yahwe.
14 Let them be ashamed and completely disappointed who pursue my life to take it away. Let them be turned back and brought to dishonor, those who delight in hurting me.
Waaibike na wafedheheke kabisa wanaufuatilia uhai wangu wauondoe. Warudishwe nyuma na wadharaulike, wale wanaofurahia kuniumiza.
15 Let them be shocked because of their shame, those who say to me, “Aha, aha!”
Waogopeshwe kwa sababu ya aibu yao, wale waniambiao, “Aha, aha!”
16 But may all those who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; let everyone who loves your salvation say continually, “May Yahweh be praised.”
Bali wale wote wakutafutao wafurahi na kushangilia katika wewe; na kila mmoja apendaye wokovu wako aseme daima, “Asifiwe Yahwe.”
17 I am poor and needy; yet the Lord thinks about me. You are my help and you come to my rescue; do not delay, my God.
Mimi ni maskini na muhitaji; lakini Bwana hunifikiria. Wewe ni msaada wangu nawe huja kuniokoa; usichelewe, Mungu wangu.