< Psalms 14 >

1 For the chief musician. A psalm of David. A fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt and have done abominable iniquity; there is no one who does good.
大衛的詩,交與伶長。 愚頑人心裏說:沒有上帝。 他們都是邪惡,行了可憎惡的事; 沒有一個人行善。
2 Yahweh looks down from heaven on the children of mankind to see if there are any who understand, who seek after him.
耶和華從天上垂看世人, 要看有明白的沒有, 有尋求上帝的沒有。
3 They have all turned away. Together they have become corrupt. There is no one who does good, no, not one.
他們都偏離正路, 一同變為污穢; 並沒有行善的, 連一個也沒有。
4 Do they not know anything, those who commit iniquity, those who eat up my people as they eat bread, but who do not call on Yahweh?
作孽的都沒有知識嗎? 他們吞吃我的百姓,如同吃飯一樣, 並不求告耶和華。
5 They tremble with dread, for God is with the righteous assembly!
他們在那裏大大地害怕, 因為上帝在義人的族類中。
6 You want to humiliate the poor person even though Yahweh is his refuge.
你們叫困苦人的謀算變為羞辱; 然而耶和華是他的避難所。
7 Oh, that the salvation of Israel would come from Zion! When Yahweh brings back his people from the captivity, then Jacob will rejoice and Israel will be glad!
但願以色列的救恩從錫安而出。 耶和華救回他被擄的子民那時, 雅各要快樂,以色列要歡喜。

< Psalms 14 >