< Psalms 138 >

1 A psalm of David. I will give you thanks with my whole heart; before the gods I will sing praises to you.
Davidov. Zahvaljujem ti, Jahve, iz svega srca jer si čuo riječi mojih usta. Pred licem anđela pjevam tebi,
2 I will bow down toward your holy temple and give thanks to your name for your covenant faithfulness and for your trustworthiness. You have made your word and your name more important than anything else.
bacam se nice prema svetom Hramu tvojemu. Zahvaljujem imenu tvojem za tvoju dobrotu i vjernost, jer si nada sve uzveličao obećanje svoje.
3 On the day that I called you, you answered me; you made me bold and strengthened my soul.
Kad sam te zazvao, uslišio si me, dušu si moju pokrijepio.
4 All the kings of the earth will give you thanks, Yahweh, for they will hear the words from your mouth.
Nek' ti zahvaljuju, Jahve, svi kraljevi zemlje kad čuju riječi usta tvojih,
5 Indeed, they will sing of the deeds of Yahweh, for great is the glory of Yahweh.
nek' pjevaju putove Jahvine: “Zaista, velika je slava Jahvina!”
6 For though Yahweh is high, yet he cares for the lowly, but the proud he knows from far off.
Zaista, uzvišen je Jahve, ali gleda na ponizna, a oholicu izdaleka poznaje.
7 Though I walk in the middle of danger, you will preserve my life; you will reach out with your hand against the anger of my enemies, and your right hand will save me.
Kroz nevolje kad budem kročio, život mi čuvaj, pruži ruku proti gnjevu mojih dušmana; nek' me tvoja spasi desnica!
8 Yahweh is with me to the end; your covenant faithfulness, Yahweh, endures forever. Do not forsake the ones whom your hands have made.
Jahve, što ja počeh, ti dovrši! Jahve, vječna je ljubav tvoja: djelo ruku svojih ne zapusti!

< Psalms 138 >