< Psalms 107 >

1 Give thanks to Yahweh, for he is good, and his covenant faithfulness endures forever.
Halleluja! Lov HERREN, thi han er god, thi hans Miskundhed varer evindelig!
2 Let the redeemed of Yahweh speak out, those he has rescued from the hand of the enemy.
Saa skal HERRENS genløste sige, de, han løste af Fjendens Haand
3 He has gathered them out of foreign lands, from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south.
og samlede ind fra Landene, fra Øst og Vest, fra Nord og fra Havet.
4 They wandered in the wilderness on a desert road and found no city in which to live.
I den øde Ørk for de vild, fandt ikke Vej til beboet By,
5 Because they were hungry and thirsty, they fainted from exhaustion.
de led baade Sult og Tørst, deres Sjæl var ved at vansmægte;
6 Then they called out to Yahweh in their trouble, and he rescued them out of their distress.
men de raabte til HERREN i Nøden, han frelste dem af deres Trængsler
7 He led them by a direct path so that they would go to a city to live in.
og førte dem ad rette Vej, saa de kom til beboet By.
8 Oh that people would praise Yahweh for his covenant faithfulness and for the amazing things he has done for humanity!
Lad dem takke HERREN for hans Miskundhed, for hans Underværker mod Menneskens Børn.
9 For he satisfies the longings of those who are thirsty, and the desires of those who are hungry he fills up with good things.
Thi han mætted den vansmægtende Sjæl og fyldte den sultne med godt.
10 Some sat in darkness and in gloom, prisoners in affliction and chains.
De sad i Mulm og Mørke, bundne i Pine og Jern,
11 This was because they had rebelled against God's word and rejected the instruction of the Most High.
fordi de havde staaet Guds Ord imod og ringeagtet den Højestes Raad.
12 He humbled their hearts through hardship; they stumbled and there was no one to help them up.
Deres Hjerte var knuget af Kummer, de faldt, der var ingen, som hjalp;
13 Then they called out to Yahweh in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress.
men de raabte til HERREN i Nøden, han frelste dem af deres Trængsler,
14 He brought them out of darkness and gloom and broke their bonds.
førte dem ud af Mørket og Mulmet og sønderrev deres Baand.
15 Oh that people would praise Yahweh for his covenant faithfulness and for the amazing things he has done for humanity!
Lad dem takke HERREN for hans Miskundhed, for hans Underværker mod Menneskens Børn.
16 For he has broken the gates of bronze and cut through the bars of iron.
Thi han sprængte Døre af Kobber og sønderslog Slaaer af Jern.
17 They were foolish in their rebellious ways and afflicted because of their sins.
De sygnede hen for Synd og led for Brødes Skyld,
18 They lost their desire to eat any food, and they came close to the gates of death.
de væmmedes ved al Slags Mad, de kom Dødens Porte nær;
19 Then they called out to Yahweh in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress.
men de raabte til HERREN i Nøden, han frelste dem af deres Trængsler,
20 He sent his word and healed them, and he rescued them from their destruction.
sendte sit Ord og lægede dem og frelste deres Liv fra Graven.
21 Oh that people would praise Yahweh for his covenant faithfulness and for the amazing things he has done for humanity!
Lad dem takke HERREN for hans Miskundhed, for hans Underværker mod Menneskens Børn
22 Let them offer the sacrifices of thanksgiving and proclaim his deeds in singing.
og ofre Lovprisningsofre og med Jubel forkynde hans Gerninger.
23 Some travel on the sea in ships and do business overseas.
De for ud paa Havet i Skibe, drev Handel paa vældige Vande,
24 These saw the deeds of Yahweh and his wonders on the seas.
blev Vidne til HERRENS Gerninger, hans Underværker i Dybet;
25 For he commanded and aroused the windstorm that stirs up the seas.
han bød, og et Stormvejr rejste sig, Bølgerne taarnedes op;
26 They reached up to the sky; they went down to the depths. Their lives melted away in distress.
mod Himlen steg de, i Dybet sank de, i Ulykken svandt deres Mod;
27 They swayed and staggered like drunkards and were at their wits' end.
de tumled og raved som drukne, borte var al deres Visdom;
28 Then they called out to Yahweh in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress.
men de raabte til HERREN i Nøden, han frelste dem af deres Trængsler,
29 He calmed the storm, and the waves were stilled.
skiftede Stormen til Stille, saa Havets Bølger tav;
30 Then they rejoiced because the sea was calm, and he brought them to their desired harbor.
og glade blev de, fordi det stilned; han førte dem til Havnen, de søgte.
31 Oh that people would praise Yahweh for his covenant faithfulness and for the amazing things he has done for humanity!
Lad dem takke HERREN for hans Miskundhed, for hans Underværker mod Menneskens Børn,
32 Let them exalt him in the assembly of the people and praise him in the council of the elders.
ophøje ham i Folkets Forsamling og prise ham i de Ældstes Kreds!
33 He turns rivers into a wilderness, springs of water into dry land,
Floder gør han til Ørken og Kilder til øde Land,
34 and a fruitful land into a barren place because of the wickedness of its people.
til Saltsteppe frugtbart Land for Ondskabens Skyld hos dem, som bor der.
35 He turns the wilderness into a pool of water and dry land into springs of water.
Ørken gør han til Vanddrag, det tørre Land til Kilder;
36 He settles the hungry there, and they build a city to live in.
der lader han sultne bo, saa de grunder en By at bo i,
37 They build a city to plant fields in, to plant vineyards, and to bring in an abundant harvest.
tilsaar Marker og planter Vin og høster Afgrødens Frugt.
38 He blesses them so they are very numerous. He does not let their cattle decrease in number.
Han velsigner dem, de bliver mange, han lader det ikke skorte paa Kvæg.
39 They were diminished and brought low by painful distress and suffering.
De bliver faa og segner under Modgangs og Kummers Tryk,
40 He pours contempt on the leaders and causes them to wander in the wilderness, where there are no roads.
han udøser Haan over Fyrster og lader dem rave i vejløst Øde.
41 But he protects the needy from affliction and cares for his families like a flock.
Men han løfter den fattige op af hans Nød og gør deres Slægter som Hjorde;
42 The upright will see this and rejoice, and all wickedness shuts its mouth.
de oprigtige ser det og glædes, men al Ondskab lukker sin Mund.
43 Whoever is wise should take note of these things and meditate on Yahweh's acts of covenant faithfulness.
Hvo som er viis, han mærke sig det og lægge sig HERRENS Naade paa Sinde!

< Psalms 107 >