< Psalms 104 >

1 I give praise to Yahweh with all my life, Yahweh my God, you are very magnificent; you are clothed with splendor and majesty.
Blagoslivljaj Jahvu, dušo moja, Jahve, Bože moj, silno si velik! Odjeven veličanstvom i ljepotom,
2 You cover yourself with light as with a garment; you spread out the heavens like a tent curtain.
svjetlošću ogrnut kao plaštem! Nebo si razapeo kao šator,
3 You lay the beams of your chambers on the clouds; you make the clouds your chariot; you walk on the wings of the wind.
na vodama sagradio dvorove svoje. Od oblaka praviš kola svoja, na krilima vjetrova putuješ.
4 He makes the winds his messengers, flames of fire his servants.
Vjetrove uzimaš za glasnike, a žarki oganj za slugu svojega.
5 He laid the foundations of the earth, and it will never be moved.
Zemlju si stavio na stupove njene: neće se poljuljati u vijeke vjekova,
6 You covered the earth with water like a garment; the water covered the mountains.
pokrio si je vodama bezdanim k'o haljinom, iznad bregova stajahu vode;
7 Your rebuke made the waters recede; at the sound of your thunderous voice they fled.
na tvoju se prijetnju povukoše, od tvoje grmljavine zadrhtaše.
8 The mountains rose, and the valleys spread out into the places that you had appointed for them.
Bregovi se digoše, doline spustiše na mjesto koje si im odredio.
9 You have set a boundary for them that they will not cross; they will not cover the earth again.
Odredio si granicu koju ne smiju prijeći, da opet ne pokriju zemlju.
10 He made springs flow into the valleys; the streams flow between the mountains.
Izvore svraćaš u potoke što žubore među brdima.
11 They supply water for all the animals of the field; the wild donkeys quench their thirst.
Oni poje sve živine poljske, divlji magarci žeđ gase u njima.
12 By the riverbanks the birds build their nests; they sing among the branches.
Uz njih se gnijezde ptice nebeske i pjevaju među granama.
13 He waters the mountains from his water chambers in the sky. The earth is filled with the fruit of his labor.
Ti natapaš bregove iz dvorova svojih, zemlja se nasićuje plodom tvojih ruku.
14 He makes the grass grow for the cattle and plants for man to cultivate so that man may produce food from the earth.
Ti daješ te niče trava za stoku i bilje na korist čovjeku da izvede kruh iz zemlje
15 He makes wine to make man happy, oil to make his face shine, and food to sustain his life.
i vino što razvedruje srce čovječje; da uljem lice osvježi i da kruh okrijepi srce čovjeku.
16 The trees of Yahweh get plenty of rain; the cedars of Lebanon which he planted.
Stabla se Jahvina napajaju hranom, cedri libanonski koje on zasadi.
17 There the birds make their nests. The stork makes the cypress tree her home.
Ondje se ptice gnijezde, u čempresu dom je rodin.
18 The wild goats live on the high mountains; the mountain heights are a refuge for the hyraxes.
Visoki bregovi daju kozorogu a pećine jazavcu sklonište.
19 He appointed the moon to mark the seasons; the sun knows its time for setting.
Ti si stvorio mjesec da označuje vremena i sunce znade kada ima zaći.
20 You make the darkness of the night when all the beasts of the forest come out.
Kad razastreš tmine i noć se spusti, tad se šuljaju u njoj životinje šumske.
21 The young lions roar for their prey and seek their food from God.
Lavići riču za plijenom i od Boga hranu traže.
22 When the sun rises, they retreat and sleep in their dens.
Kad sunce ograne, nestaju i liježu na ležaje.
23 Meanwhile, people go out to their work and labor away until the evening.
Tad čovjek izlazi na dnevni posao i na rad do večeri.
24 Yahweh, how many and varied are your works! With wisdom you made them all; the earth overflows with your works.
Kako su brojna tvoja djela, o Jahve! Sve si to mudro učinio: puna je zemlja stvorenja tvojih.
25 Over there is the sea, deep and wide, teeming with innumerable creatures, both small and great.
Eno mora, velika i široka, u njemu vrve gmazovi bez broja, životinje male i velike.
26 The ships travel there, and Leviathan is also there, which you formed to play in the sea.
Onud prolaze nemani, Levijatan kojeg stvori da se igra u njemu.
27 All these look to you to give them their food on time.
I sva ova bića željno čekaju da ih nahraniš na vrijeme.
28 When you give to them, they gather; when you open your hand, they are satisfied.
Daješ li im, tada sabiru: otvaraš li ruku, nasite se dobrima.
29 When you hide your face, they are troubled; if you take away their breath, they die and return to dust.
Sakriješ li lice svoje, tad se rastuže; ako dah im oduzmeš, ugibaju i opet se u prah vraćaju.
30 When you send out your Spirit, they are created, and you renew the countryside.
Pošalješ li dah svoj, opet nastaju, i tako obnavljaš lice zemlje.
31 May the glory of Yahweh last forever; may Yahweh enjoy his creation.
Neka dovijeka traje slava Jahvina: nek' se raduje Jahve u djelima svojim!
32 He looks down on the earth, and it shakes; he touches the mountains, and they smoke.
On pogleda zemlju i ona se potrese, dotakne bregove, oni se zadime.
33 I will sing to Yahweh all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.
Pjevat ću Jahvi dokle god živim, svirat ću Bogu svome dokle god me bude.
34 May my thoughts be sweet to him; I will rejoice in Yahweh.
Bilo mu milo pjevanje moje! Ja ću se radovati u Jahvi.
35 May sinners vanish from the earth, and let the wicked be no more. I give praise to Yahweh with all my life. Praise Yahweh.
Nek' zločinci sa zemlje nestanu i bezbožnika nek' više ne bude! Blagoslivljaj Jahvu, dušo moja! Aleluja!

< Psalms 104 >