< Proverbs 22 >
1 A good name is to be chosen over great riches and favor is better than silver and gold.
Ibizo elihle likhethekile kulenotho enengi; isisa esihle kulesiliva njalo kulegolide.
2 Rich and poor people have this in common— Yahweh is the maker of all of them.
Onothileyo lomyanga bayahlangana; iNkosi yabenza bonke.
3 A prudent man sees trouble and hides himself, but the naive go on and suffer because of it.
Ohlakaniphileyo ubona ububi acatshe, kodwa abangelalwazi bayaqhubeka babesebejeziswa.
4 The reward for humility and fear of Yahweh is riches, honor, and life.
Umvuzo wokuthobeka lokwesaba iNkosi kuyinotho lodumo lempilo.
5 Thorns and snares lie in the path of the perverse; whoever guards his life will keep far from them.
Ameva lemijibila kusendleleni yabaphambeneyo; ogcina umphefumulo wakhe uzakuba khatshana labo.
6 Teach a child the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn away from that instruction.
Fundisa umntwana endleleni angahamba ngayo; ngitsho esemdala kayikuphambuka kuyo.
7 Rich people rule over poor people and one who borrows is a slave to the one who lends.
Onothileyo ubusa abayanga, lomeboleki uyisigqili somebolekisi.
8 He who sows injustice will reap trouble and the rod of his fury will fade away.
Ohlanyela ukonakala uzavuna ukuhlupheka, lentonga yolaka lwakhe izaphela.
9 The one who has a generous eye will be blessed, for he shares his bread with the poor.
Olelihlo elilokuhle yena uzabusiswa, ngoba unikile okwesinkwa sakhe kumyanga.
10 Drive away the mocker, and out goes strife; disputes and insults will cease.
Xotsha isideleli, kuzaphuma lenkani, yebo, ingxabano lehlazo kuzaphela.
11 The one who loves a pure heart and whose speech is gracious, he will have the king for his friend.
Othanda ukuhlanzeka kwenhliziyo, ngenxa yesisa sendebe zakhe, inkosi ingumgane wakhe.
12 The eyes of Yahweh keep watch over knowledge, but he overthrows the words of the treacherous.
Amehlo eNkosi alondoloza ulwazi, kodwa izachitha amazwi abangathembekanga.
13 The lazy person says, “There is a lion in the street! I will be killed in the open places.”
Ivila lithi: Kulesilwane ngaphandle; ngizabulawa phakathi kwezitalada.
14 The mouth of an adulteress is a deep pit; Yahweh's anger is stirred up against anyone who falls into it.
Umlomo wabesifazana bemzini ungumgodi otshonayo; lowo iNkosi emthukutheleleyo uzawela khona.
15 Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline drives it far away.
Ubuthutha bubotshelwe enhliziyweni yomntwana; uswazi lokuqondisa luzabususela khatshana laye.
16 The one who oppresses poor people to increase his wealth, or gives to rich people, will come to poverty.
Ocindezela umyanga ukwandisa alakho, opha onothileyo, isibili uzakuba ngoswelayo.
17 Incline your ear and listen to the words of the wise and apply your heart to my knowledge,
Beka indlebe yakho, uzwe amazwi abahlakaniphileyo, umise inhliziyo yakho elwazini lami.
18 for it will be pleasant for you if you keep them within you, if all of them are ready on your lips.
Ngoba kumnandi uba uwalondoloza emibilini yakho; azahlala elungile kanyekanye endebeni zakho.
19 So your trust may be in Yahweh, I teach them to you today—even to you.
Ukuze ithemba lakho libe seNkosini, ngikwazisile wona lamuhla, ngitsho wena.
20 Have I not written for you thirty sayings of instruction and knowledge,
Kangikubhalelanga yini izinto ezinhle kakhulu kuzeluleko lelwazini?
21 to teach you truth in these trustworthy words, so you may give trustworthy answers to those who sent you?
Ukukwazisa ukuqiniseka kwamazwi eqiniso, ukuze ubuyisele amazwi eqiniso kulabo abakuthumileyo.
22 Do not rob the poor because he is poor, or crush the needy at the gate,
Ungamphangi umyanga ngoba engumyanga, njalo ungamchobozi oswelayo esangweni.
23 for Yahweh will plead their case, and he will rob of life those who robbed them.
Ngoba iNkosi izamela udaba lwabo, iphange umphefumulo wababaphangayo.
24 Do not make a friend of someone who is ruled by anger and you must not go with one who rages,
Ungahlanganyeli lomuntu ololaka, ungahambisani lomuntu othukuthelayo,
25 or you will learn his ways and you will take bait for your soul.
hlezi ufunde indlela zakhe, wemukele umjibila emphefumulweni wakho.
26 Do not be one who strikes hands in making a pledge, or who puts up security for debts.
Ungabi phakathi kwababambana izandla, phakathi kwabayizibambiso ngezikwelede.
27 If you lack the means to pay, what could stop someone from taking away your bed from under you?
Uba ungelakho okokuhlawula, kungani ezathatha umbheda wakho ngaphansi kwakho?
28 Do not remove the ancient boundary stone that your fathers have set.
Ungatshedisi isikhonkwane esidala somngcele, oyihlo abasenzayo.
29 Do you see a man skilled at his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before common people.
Uyambona yini umuntu oyingcitshi emsebenzini wakhe? Uzazimisa phambi kwamakhosi; kayikuzimisa phambi kwabantukazana.