< Nahum 3 >
1 Woe to the city full of blood! It is all full of lies and stolen property; victims are always in her.
Ve den blodskyldige Stad, hel fuld af Løgn, af Vold! Rov hører ikke op.
2 But now there is the noise of whips and the sound of rattling wheels, prancing horses, and bounding chariots.
Knald af Piske og Lyd af Vognhjuls Raslen og Heste i jagende Fart og hoppende Vogne!
3 There are attacking horsemen, flashing swords, glittering spears, heaps of corpses, great piles of bodies. There is no end to the bodies; their attackers stumble over them.
Ryttere, som sætte af Sted, og Blinken af Sværd og Lynen af Spyd og en Mængde ihjelslagne og en svar Hob Lig; og der er ingen Ende paa døde Kroppe, man snubler over deres døde Kroppe!
4 This is happening because of the lustful actions of the beautiful prostitute, the expert in witchcraft, who sells nations through her prostitution, and peoples through her acts of witchcraft.
Det sker for de store Horerier af Horen, den yndige skønne, en Mesterinde i Trolddom, hun, som solgte Folkefærd ved sine Horerier og Folkeslægter ved sine Trolddomskunster.
5 “See, I am against you—this is the declaration of Yahweh of hosts—I will raise up your skirt over your face and show your private parts to the nations, your shame to the kingdoms.
Se, jeg kommer imod dig, siger den Herre Zebaoth, og slaar dit Slæb op over dit Ansigt, og jeg vil lade Folkefærd se din Nøgenhed og Kongeriger din Skam.
6 I will throw disgusting filth on you and make you vile; I will make you someone that everyone will look at.
Og jeg vil kaste vederstyggelige Ting paa dig og gøre dig ringeagtet og sætte dig frem til Skue.
7 It will come about that everyone who looks at you will flee from you and say, 'Nineveh is destroyed; who will weep for her?' Where can I find anyone to comfort you?”
Og det skal ske, at enhver, som ser dig, skal fly bort fra dig og sige: Ødelagt er Ninive! hvo vil have Medynk med den? hvorfra skal jeg opsøge dig Trøstere?
8 Nineveh, are you better than Thebes, that was built on the Nile River, that had water around her, whose defense was the ocean, whose wall was the sea itself?
Mon du er bedre end No-Amon, som laa imellem Floderne, og som havde Vand trindt omkring sig, hvis Værn var Hav, hvis Mur var af Hav?
9 Cush and Egypt were her strength, and there was no end to it; Put and Libya were allies to her.
Morianer i Mængde og Ægypter uden Tal, de af Put og Lybia vare din Hjælp.
10 Yet Thebes was carried away; she went into captivity; her young children were dashed in pieces at the head of every street; her enemies threw lots for her honorable men, and all her great men were bound in chains.
Ogsaa denne blev bortført, den maatte gaa i Fangenskab, ogsaa dens spæde Børn bleve knuste paa alle Gadehjørner, og over dens ansete Mænd kastede man Lod, og alle dens Stormænd bleve bundne i Lænker.
11 You also will become drunk; you will try to hide, and you will also look for a refuge from your enemy.
Ogsaa du skal blive drukken, være forsvunden; ogsaa du skal søge et Værn imod Fjenden.
12 All your fortresses will be like fig trees with the earliest ripe figs: if they are shaken, they fall into the mouth of the eater.
Alle dine Fæstninger ere som Figentræer med tidligt modne Frugter; rystes de, da falde de i Munden paa den, som vil æde dem.
13 See, the people among you are women; the gates of your land have been opened wide to your enemies; fire has devoured their bars.
Se, dit Folk er Kvinder i din Midte, dit Lands Porte ere aldeles opladte for dine Fjender; Ild har fortæret dine Portstænger.
14 Go draw water for the siege; strengthen your fortresses; go into the clay and tread the mortar; pick up the molds for the bricks.
Drag dig Vand for Belejring, gør dine Befæstninger stærke; gak i Dyndet, og træd i Leret, tag fat paa Teglovnen!
15 Fire will devour you there, and the sword will destroy you. It will devour you as young locusts devour everything. Make yourselves as many as the young locusts, as many as the full-grown locusts.
Der skal Ild fortære dig, Sværd udrydde dig, det skal fortære dig som Høskrækker; gør dig kun mangfoldig som Høskrækker, gør dig kun mangfoldig som Græshopper!
16 You have multiplied your merchants more than the stars in the heavens; but they are like young locusts: they plunder the land and then fly away.
Du har havt flere Kræmmere end Stjerner paa Himmelen; Høskrækkerne bredte sig ud og fløj bort.
17 Your princes are as many as the full-grown locusts, and your generals are like swarms of them that camp in the walls on a cold day. But when the sun rises they fly away to no one knows where.
Dine kronede ere som Græshopper og dine Høvedsmænd som Græshoppesværme, hvilke lægge sig paa Murene, naar Dagen er kold; men naar Solen bryder frem da flyve bort, saa at deres Sted ikke kendes; hvor ere de?
18 King of Assyria, your shepherds are asleep; your rulers are lying down resting. Your people are scattered on the mountains, and there is no one to gather them.
Dine Hyrder ere hensovede, o Assurs Konge! dine ypperlige Mænd ligge i Ro; dit Folk, de ere adspredte paa Bjergene, og der er ingen, som samler dem.
19 No healing is possible for your wounds. Your wounds are severe. Everyone who hears the news about you will clap their hands in joy over you. Who has escaped your constant wickedness?
Der er ingen Lindring for din Skade, ulægeligt er dit Saar; alle, som høre Tidende om dig, klappe i Hænderne over dig; thi hvem gik ikke din Ondskab bestandigt ud over?