< Matthew 9 >

1 Jesus entered a boat, crossed over, and came into his own city.
Jesu bọ́ sínú ọkọ̀, ó sì rékọjá odò lọ sí ìlú abínibí rẹ̀,
2 Behold, they brought to him a paralyzed man lying on a mat. Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the paralyzed man, “Son, be of good cheer. Your sins have been forgiven.”
àwọn ọkùnrin kan gbé arọ kan tọ̀ ọ́ wá lórí àkéte rẹ̀. Nígbà tí Jesu rí ìgbàgbọ́ wọn, ó wí fún arọ náà pé, “Ọmọ tújúká, a dárí ẹ̀ṣẹ̀ rẹ jì ọ́.”
3 Behold, some of the scribes said among themselves, “This man is blaspheming.”
Nígbà yìí ni àwọn olùkọ́ òfin wí fún ara wọn pé, “Ọkùnrin yìí ń sọ̀rọ̀-òdì!”
4 Jesus knew their thoughts and said, “Why are you thinking evil in your hearts?
Jesu sì mọ̀ èrò inú wọn, ó wí pé, “Nítorí kín ni ẹ̀yin ṣe ń ro búburú nínú yín?
5 For which is easier, to say, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Get up and walk'?
Èwo ni ó rọrùn jù: láti wí pé, ‘A dárí ẹ̀ṣẹ̀ rẹ jì ọ,’ tàbí wí pé, ‘Dìde, kí o sì máa rìn?’
6 But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins, ... “he said to the paralytic, “Get up, pick up your mat, and go to your house.”
Ṣùgbọ́n kí ẹ̀yin kí ó lè mọ̀ pé Ọmọ Ènìyàn ní agbára ní ayé láti dárí ẹ̀ṣẹ̀ jì ni.” Ó sì wí fún arọ náà pé, “Dìde, sì gbé àkéte rẹ, kí o sì máa lọ ilé rẹ.”
7 Then the man got up and went away to his house.
Ọkùnrin náà sì dìde, ó sì lọ ilé rẹ̀.
8 When the crowds saw this, they were amazed and praised God, who had given such authority to people.
Nígbà tí ìjọ ènìyàn rí í ẹnu sì yà wọ́n, wọ́n yin Ọlọ́run lógo, ti ó fi irú agbára báyìí fún ènìyàn.
9 As Jesus passed by from there, he saw a man named Matthew, who was sitting at the tax collection's tent. He said to him, “Follow me.” He got up and followed him.
Bí Jesu sì ti ń rékọjá láti ibẹ̀ lọ, o rí ọkùnrin kan ti à ń pè ní Matiu, ó jókòó ní ibùdó àwọn agbowó òde, ó sì wí fún un pé, “Máa tọ̀ mí lẹ́yìn,” Matiu sì dìde, ó ń tọ̀ ọ́ lẹ́yìn.
10 As Jesus sat down to eat in the house, behold, many tax collectors and sinful people came and dined with Jesus and his disciples.
Ó sì ṣe, bí Jesu tí jókòó ti ó ń jẹun nínú ilé Matiu, sì kíyèsi i, ọ̀pọ̀ àwọn agbowó òde àti ẹlẹ́ṣẹ̀ wá, wọ́n sì bá a jẹun pẹ̀lú àwọn ọmọ-ẹ̀yìn rẹ̀.
11 When the Pharisees saw it, they said to his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinful people?”
Nígbà tí àwọn Farisi sì rí i, wọ́n wí fún àwọn ọmọ-ẹ̀yìn rẹ̀ pé, “Èéṣe tí olùkọ́ yín fi ń bá àwọn agbowó òde àti àwọn ẹlẹ́ṣẹ̀ jẹun pọ̀?”
12 When Jesus heard this, he said, “People who are strong in body do not need a physician, only those who are sick.
Ṣùgbọ́n nígbà tí Jesu gbọ́ èyí, ó wí fún wọn pé, “Àwọn tí ara wọ́n le kò wá oníṣègùn bí kò ṣe àwọn tí ara wọn kò dá.
13 You should go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy and not sacrifice.' For I came not to call the righteous to repent, but sinners.”
Ṣùgbọ́n ẹ lọ kọ́ ohun ti èyí túmọ̀ sí: ‘Àánú ni èmi ń fẹ́, kì í ṣe ẹbọ,’ nítorí èmi kò wá láti pe àwọn olódodo, bí kò ṣe àwọn ẹlẹ́ṣẹ̀.”
14 Then the disciples of John came to him and said, “Why do we and the Pharisees often fast, but your disciples do not fast?”
Nígbà náà ni àwọn ọmọ-ẹ̀yìn Johanu tọ̀ ọ́ wá láti béèrè wí pé, “Èéṣe tí àwa àti àwọn Farisi fi ń gbààwẹ̀, ṣùgbọ́n tí àwọn ọmọ-ẹ̀yìn rẹ kò gbààwẹ̀?”
15 Jesus said to them, “Can wedding attendants be sorrowful while the bridegroom is still with them? But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast.
Jesu sì dáhùn pé, “Àwọn ọmọ ilé ìyàwó ha le máa ṣọ̀fọ̀, nígbà tí ọkọ ìyàwó ń bẹ lọ́dọ̀ wọn? Ṣùgbọ́n ọjọ́ ń bọ̀ nígbà tí a ó gba ọkọ ìyàwó lọ́wọ́ wọn; nígbà náà ni wọn yóò gbààwẹ̀.
16 No man puts a piece of new cloth on an old garment, for the patch will tear away from the garment, and a worse tear will be made.
“Kò sí ẹni tí ń fi ìrépé aṣọ tuntun lẹ ògbólógbòó ẹ̀wù; nítorí èyí tí a fi lẹ̀ ẹ́ yóò ya ní ojú lílẹ̀, aṣọ náà yóò sì ya púpọ̀ sì i ju ti ìṣáájú lọ.
17 Neither do people put new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst, the wine will be spilled, and the wineskins will be destroyed. Instead, they put new wine into fresh wineskins, and both will be preserved.”
Bẹ́ẹ̀ ni kò sí ẹni tí fi ọtí tuntun sínú ògbólógbòó ìgò-awọ; bí a bá ṣe bẹ́ẹ̀, ìgò-awọ yóò bẹ́, ọtí á sì tú jáde, ìgò-awọ á sì ṣègbé. Ṣùgbọ́n ọtí tuntun ni wọn í fi sínú ìgò-awọ tuntun àwọn méjèèjì a sì ṣe déédé.”
18 While Jesus was saying these things to them, behold, an official came and bowed down to him. He said, “My daughter has just now died, but come and lay your hand on her, and she will live.”
Bí ó ti ń sọ nǹkan wọ̀nyí fún wọn, kíyèsi i, ìjòyè kan tọ̀ ọ́ wá, ó sì wólẹ̀ níwájú rẹ̀ wí pé, “Ọmọbìnrin mi kú nísinsin yìí, ṣùgbọ́n wá fi ọwọ́ rẹ̀ lé e, òun yóò sì yè.”
19 Then Jesus got up and followed him, and so did his disciples.
Jesu dìde ó sì bá a lọ àti àwọn ọmọ-ẹ̀yìn rẹ̀.
20 Behold, a woman who suffered from a discharge of blood for twelve years came up behind Jesus and touched the edge of his garment.
Sì kíyèsi i, obìnrin kan ti ó ní ìsun ẹ̀jẹ̀ ní ọdún méjìlá, ó wá lẹ́yìn rẹ̀, ó fi ọwọ́ kan ìṣẹ́tí aṣọ rẹ̀.
21 For she had said to herself, “If only I touch his clothes, I will be made well.”
Nítorí ó wí nínú ara rẹ̀ pé, “Bí mo bá sá à le fi ọwọ́ kan ìṣẹ́tí aṣọ rẹ̀, ara mi yóò dá.”
22 But Jesus turned and saw her, and said, “Daughter, take courage; your faith has made you well.” And the woman was healed from that hour.
Nígbà tí Jesu sì yí ara rẹ̀ padà tí ó rí i, ó wí pé, “Ọmọbìnrin, tújúká, ìgbàgbọ́ rẹ mú ọ láradà.” A sì mú obìnrin náà láradá ni wákàtí kan náà.
23 When Jesus came into the official's house, he saw the flute players and the crowds making much noise.
Nígbà tí Jesu sí i dé ilé ìjòyè náà, ó bá àwọn afunfèrè àti ọ̀pọ̀ ènìyàn tí ó ń pariwo.
24 He said, “Go away, for the girl is not dead, but she is asleep.” But they laughed at him in mockery.
Ó wí fún wọn pé, “Ẹ máa lọ; nítorí ọmọbìnrin náà kò kú, sísùn ni ó sùn.” Wọ́n sì fi i rín ẹ̀rín ẹlẹ́yà.
25 When the crowd had been put outside, he entered the room and took her by the hand, and the girl got up.
Ṣùgbọ́n nígbà tí a ti àwọn ènìyàn jáde, ó wọ ilé, ó sì fà ọmọbìnrin náà ní ọwọ́ sókè; bẹ́ẹ̀ ni ọmọbìnrin náà sì dìde.
26 The news about this spread into all that region.
Òkìkí èyí sì kàn ká gbogbo ilẹ̀ náà.
27 As Jesus passed by from there, two blind men followed him. They kept shouting and saying, “Have mercy on us, Son of David!”
Nígbà tí Jesu sì jáde níbẹ̀, àwọn ọkùnrin afọ́jú méjì tọ̀ ọ́ lẹ́yìn, wọ́n ń kígbe sókè wí pé, “Ṣàánú fún wa, ìwọ ọmọ Dafidi.”
28 When Jesus had come into the house, the blind men came to him. Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I can do this?” They said to him, “Yes, Lord.”
Nígbà tí ó sì wọ̀ ilé, àwọn afọ́jú náà tọ̀ ọ́ wá, Jesu bi wọ́n pé, “Ẹ̀yin gbàgbọ́ pé mo le ṣe èyí?” Wọn sì wí fún un pé, “Bẹ́ẹ̀ ni Olúwa, ìwọ lè ṣe é.”
29 Then Jesus touched their eyes and said, “Let it be done to you according to your faith,”
Ó sì fi ọwọ́ bà wọ́n ní ojú, ó wí pé, “Kí ó rí fún yín gẹ́gẹ́ bí ìgbàgbọ́ yín.”
30 and their eyes were opened. Then Jesus strictly commanded them and said, “See that no one knows about this.”
Ojú wọn sì là; Jesu sì kìlọ̀ fún wọn gidigidi, wí pé, “Kíyèsi i, kí ẹ má ṣe jẹ́ kí ẹnìkan kí ó mọ̀ nípa èyí.”
31 But the two men went out and spread the news about this throughout that region.
Ṣùgbọ́n nígbà tí wọ́n lọ, wọ́n ròyìn rẹ̀ yí gbogbo ìlú náà ká.
32 As those two men were going away, behold, a mute man possessed by a demon was brought to Jesus.
Bí wọ́n tí ń jáde lọ, wò ó wọ́n mú ọkùnrin odi kan tí ó ní ẹ̀mí èṣù tọ Jesu wá.
33 When the demon had been driven out, the mute man spoke. The crowds were astonished and said, “This has never been seen before in Israel!”
Nígbà tí a lé ẹ̀mí èṣù náà jáde, ọkùnrin tí ó ya odi sì fọhùn. Ẹnu sì ya àwọn ènìyàn, wọ́n wí pé, “A kò rí irú èyí rí ní Israẹli.”
34 But the Pharisees were saying, “By the ruler of the demons, he drives out demons.”
Ṣùgbọ́n àwọn Farisi wí pé, “Agbára olórí àwọn ẹ̀mí èṣù ni ó fi ń lé àwọn ẹ̀mí èṣù jáde.”
35 Jesus went about all the cities and the villages. He continued teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all kinds of disease and all kinds of sickness.
Jesu sì rìn yí gbogbo ìlú ńlá àti ìletò ká, ó ń kọ́ni nínú Sinagọgu wọn, ó sì ń wàásù ìyìnrere ìjọba ọrun, ó sì ń ṣe ìwòsàn ààrùn àti gbogbo àìsàn ní ara àwọn ènìyàn.
36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were troubled and discouraged. They were like sheep without a shepherd.
Nígbà tí ó rí ọ̀pọ̀ ènìyàn, àánú wọn ṣe é, nítorí àárẹ̀ mú wọn, wọn kò sì rí ìrànlọ́wọ́, bí àwọn àgùntàn tí kò ní olùṣọ́.
37 He said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.
Nígbà náà ni ó wí fún àwọn ọmọ-ẹ̀yìn rẹ̀ pé, “Lóòótọ́ ni ìkórè pọ̀ ṣùgbọ́n àwọn alágbàṣe kò tó nǹkan.
38 Therefore urgently pray to the Lord of the harvest, so that he may send out laborers into his harvest.”
Nítorí náà, ẹ gbàdúrà sí Olúwa ìkórè kí ó rán àwọn alágbàṣe sínú ìkórè rẹ̀.”

< Matthew 9 >