< Luke 4 >

1 Then Jesus, being full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan River, and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness,
Jesu sì kún fún Ẹ̀mí Mímọ́, ó padà ti Jordani wá, a sì ti ọwọ́ Ẹ̀mí darí rẹ̀ sí ijù,
2 where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of that time he was hungry.
Ogójì ọjọ́ ni a fi dán an wò lọ́wọ́ èṣù. Kò sì jẹ ohunkóhun ní ọjọ́ wọ̀n-ọn-nì: nígbà tí wọ́n sì parí, lẹ́yìn náà ni ebi wá ń pa á.
3 The devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command this stone to become bread.”
Èṣù sì wí fún un pé, “Bí ìwọ bá ṣe Ọmọ Ọlọ́run, pàṣẹ fún òkúta yìí kí ó di àkàrà.”
4 Jesus answered him, “It is written, 'Man does not live on bread alone.'”
Jesu sì dáhùn, ó wí fún un pé, “A ti kọ̀wé rẹ̀ pé, ‘Ènìyàn kì yóò wà láààyè nípa àkàrà nìkan.’”
5 Then the devil led Jesus up and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in an instant of time.
Lójúkan náà, èṣù sì mú un lọ sí orí òkè gíga, ó sì fi gbogbo ilẹ̀ ọba ayé hàn án.
6 The devil said to him, “I will give to you all this authority and all their splendor, for they have been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want.
Èṣù sì wí fún un pé, “Ìwọ ni èmi ó fi gbogbo agbára yìí àti ògo wọn fún: nítorí á sá ti fi fún mi. Ẹnikẹ́ni tí ó bá sì wù mí, èmi a fi í fún.
7 So then, if you will bow down and worship me, it will be yours.”
Ǹjẹ́ bí ìwọ bá foríbalẹ̀ fún mi, gbogbo rẹ̀ ni yóò jẹ́ tìrẹ.”
8 But Jesus answered and said to him, “It is written, 'You will worship the Lord your God, and you will serve only him.'”
Jesu sì dáhùn ó sì wí fún un pé, “Kúrò lẹ́yìn mi, Satani, nítorí tí a kọ̀wé rẹ̀ pé, ‘Ìwọ foríbalẹ̀ fún Olúwa Ọlọ́run rẹ, òun nìkan ṣoṣo ni kí ìwọ kí ó sì máa sìn.’”
9 Then the devil led Jesus to Jerusalem and put him on the very highest point of the temple building, and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down from here.
Èṣù sì mú un lọ sí Jerusalẹmu, ó sì gbé e lé ibi ṣóńṣó tẹmpili, ó sì wí fún un pé, “Bí ìwọ bá ṣe Ọmọ Ọlọ́run, bẹ́ sílẹ̀ fún ara rẹ láti ibí yìí.
10 For it is written, 'He will give orders to his angels regarding you, to protect you,'
A sá ti kọ̀wé rẹ̀ pé, “‘Yóò pàṣẹ fún àwọn angẹli rẹ̀ nítorí rẹ, láti máa ṣe ìtọ́jú rẹ;
11 and, 'They will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.'”
àti pé ní ọwọ́ wọn ni wọn ó gbé ọ sókè, kí ìwọ kí ó má ba à fi ẹsẹ̀ rẹ gbún òkúta.’”
12 Answering him, Jesus said, “It is said, 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'”
Jesu sì dáhùn ó wí fún un pé, “A ti kọ́ pé, ‘Ìwọ kò gbọdọ̀ dán Olúwa Ọlọ́run rẹ wò.’”
13 When the devil had finished testing Jesus, he went away and left him until another time.
Nígbà tí èṣù sì parí ìdánwò náà gbogbo, ó fi í sílẹ̀ lọ fun sá à kan.
14 Then Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about him spread throughout the entire surrounding region.
Jesu sì fi agbára Ẹ̀mí padà wá sí Galili, òkìkí rẹ̀ sì kàn kálẹ̀ ní gbogbo agbègbè tí ó yí i ká.
15 Then he began to teach in their synagogues and he was praised by all.
Ó sì ń kọ́ni nínú Sinagọgu wọn; a ń yìn ín lógo láti ọ̀dọ̀ gbogbo àwọn ènìyàn wá.
16 He came into Nazareth, where he had been raised, and as was his custom, he entered the synagogue on the Sabbath day and he stood up to read aloud.
Ó sì wá sí Nasareti, níbi tí a gbé ti tọ́ ọ dàgbà: bí ìṣe rẹ̀ ti rí, ó sì wọ inú Sinagọgu lọ ní ọjọ́ ìsinmi, ó sì dìde láti kàwé.
17 The scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. He opened the scroll and found the place where it was written,
A sì fi ìwé wòlíì Isaiah fún un. Nígbà tí ó sì ṣí ìwé náà, ó rí ibi tí a gbé kọ ọ́ pé:
18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he anointed me to tell good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed,
“Ẹ̀mí Olúwa ń bẹ lára mi, nítorí tí ó fi àmì òróró yàn mí láti wàásù ìyìnrere fún àwọn òtòṣì. Ó ti rán mi wá láti wàásù ìdásílẹ̀ fún àwọn ìgbèkùn, àti ìmúnríran fún àwọn afọ́jú, àti láti jọ̀wọ́ àwọn tí a pa lára lọ́wọ́,
19 to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.”
láti kéde ọdún ojúrere Olúwa.”
20 Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. The eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him.
Ó sì pa ìwé náà dé, ó fi í fún ìránṣẹ́, ó sì jókòó. Gbogbo àwọn tí ó ń bẹ nínú Sinagọgu sì tẹjúmọ́ ọn.
21 He began to speak to them, “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”
Ó sì bẹ̀rẹ̀ sí í wí fún wọn pé, “Lónìí ìwé mímọ́ yìí ṣẹ ní etí yín.”
22 Everyone there spoke well of him and they were amazed at the gracious words which were coming out of his mouth, and they asked, “Is this not the son of Joseph?”
Gbogbo wọn sì jẹ́rìí rẹ̀, háà sì ṣe wọ́n sí ọ̀rọ̀ oore-ọ̀fẹ́ tí ń jáde ní ẹnu rẹ̀, wọ́n sì wí pé, “Ọmọ Josẹfu kọ́ yìí?”
23 He said to them, “Surely you will say this proverb to me, 'Doctor, heal yourself. Whatever we heard that you did in Capernaum, do the same in your hometown.'”
Jesu sì wí fún wọn pé, “Lóòótọ́ ni ẹ̀yin ó pa òwe yìí sí mi pé, ‘Oníṣègùn, wo ara rẹ̀ sàn! Àwọn ohun tí àwa gbọ́ pé o ti ọwọ́ rẹ ṣe ní Kapernaumu, ṣe é níhìn-ín yìí pẹ̀lú ní ilẹ̀ ara rẹ.’”
24 But he said, “Truly I say to you, no prophet is received in his own hometown.
Ó sì wí pé, “Lóòótọ́ ni mo wí fún un yín, kò sí wòlíì tí a tẹ́wọ́gbà ní ilẹ̀ baba rẹ̀.
25 But in truth I tell you that there were many widows in Israel during the time of Elijah, when the sky was shut up for three years and six months, and a great famine came upon all the land.
Ṣùgbọ́n mo wí fún un yín nítòótọ́, opó púpọ̀ ni ó wà ní Israẹli nígbà ọjọ́ wòlíì Elijah, nígbà tí ọ̀run fi sé ní ọdún mẹ́ta òun oṣù mẹ́fà, nígbà tí ìyàn ńlá fi mú ká ilẹ̀ gbogbo.
26 But Elijah was sent to none of them, but only to Zarephath in Sidon, to a widow living there.
Kò sì sí ẹnìkan nínú wọn tí a rán Elijah sí, bí kò ṣe sí obìnrin opó kan ní Sarefati, ìlú kan ní Sidoni.
27 There were many lepers in Israel during the time of Elisha the prophet, but none of them were healed except Naaman the Syrian.”
Adẹ́tẹ̀ púpọ̀ ní sì ń bẹ ní Israẹli nígbà wòlíì Eliṣa; kò sì ṣí ọ̀kan nínú wọn tí a wẹ̀nùmọ́, bí kò ṣe Naamani ará Siria.”
28 All the people in the synagogue were filled with rage when they heard these things.
Nígbà tí gbogbo àwọn tí ó wà nínú Sinagọgu gbọ́ nǹkan wọ̀nyí, inú bi wọ́n gidigidi,
29 They got up, forced him out of the town, and led him to the cliff of the hill on which their town was built, so they might throw him off the cliff.
wọ́n sì dìde, wọ́n tì í sóde sí ẹ̀yìn ìlú, wọ́n sì fà á lọ sí bèbè òkè níbi tí wọ́n gbé tẹ ìlú wọn dó, kí wọn bá à lè sọ sílẹ̀ ní ògèdèǹgbé.
30 But he passed through the middle of them and he went to another place.
Ṣùgbọ́n ó kọjá láàrín wọn, ó bá tirẹ̀ lọ.
31 Then he went down to Capernaum, a city in Galilee, and he began to teach them on the Sabbath.
Ó sì sọ̀kalẹ̀ wá sí Kapernaumu, ìlú kan ní Galili, ó sì ń kọ́ wọn ní ọjọ́ ìsinmi.
32 They were astonished at his teaching, because he spoke with authority.
Ẹnu sì yà wọ́n sí ẹ̀kọ́ rẹ̀: nítorí tàṣẹtàṣẹ ni ọ̀rọ̀ rẹ̀.
33 Now in the synagogue there was a man who had the spirit of an unclean demon, and he cried out with a loud voice,
Ọkùnrin kan sì wà nínú Sinagọgu, ẹni tí ó ní ẹ̀mí àìmọ́, ó kígbe ní ohùn rara,
34 “Ah! What do we have to do with you, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!”
“Ó wí pé, kín ni ṣe tàwa tìrẹ, Jesu ará Nasareti? Ìwọ́ wá láti pa wá run bí? Èmí mọ ẹni tí ìwọ í ṣe, Ẹni Mímọ́ Ọlọ́run.”
35 Jesus rebuked the demon, saying, “Do not speak! Come out of him!” When the demon had thrown the man down in the middle of them, he came out of him, and did not harm him in any way.
Jesu sì bá a wí gidigidi, ó wí fun pe, “Pa ẹnu rẹ mọ́, kí o sì jáde lára rẹ̀.” Nígbà tí ẹ̀mí èṣù náà sì gbé e ṣánlẹ̀ ní àwùjọ, ó jáde kúrò lára rẹ̀, kò sì pa á lára.
36 All the people were very amazed, and they kept talking about it with one another. They said, “What kind of words are these? He commands the unclean spirits with authority and power and they come out.”
Ẹnu sì ya gbogbo wọn, wọ́n sì ń bá ara wọn sọ wí pé, “Irú ẹ̀kọ́ kín ni èyí? Nítorí pẹ̀lú àṣẹ àti agbára ni ó fi bá àwọn ẹ̀mí àìmọ́ wí, wọ́n sì jáde kúrò.”
37 So news about him began to spread into every part of the surrounding region.
Òkìkí rẹ̀ sì kàn níbi gbogbo ní agbègbè ilẹ̀ náà yíká.
38 Then Jesus left the synagogue and entered into the house of Simon. Now Simon's mother-in-law was suffering with a high fever, and they pleaded with him on her behalf.
Nígbà tí ó sì dìde kúrò nínú Sinagọgu, ó sì wọ̀ ilé Simoni lọ; ibà sì ti dá ìyá ìyàwó Simoni dùbúlẹ̀, wọ́n sì bẹ̀ ẹ́ nítorí rẹ̀.
39 So he stood over her and rebuked the fever, and it left her. Immediately she got up and started serving them.
Ó sì súnmọ́ ọ, ó bá ibà náà wí; ibà sì náà sì fi sílẹ̀. O sì dìde lọ́gán, ó ń ṣe ìránṣẹ́ fún wọn.
40 When the sun was setting, people brought to Jesus everyone who was sick with various kinds of diseases. He laid his hands on every one of them and healed them.
Nígbà tí oòrùn sì ń wọ̀, àwọn ènìyàn gbe àwọn aláìsàn, tó ní onírúurú àìsàn wá sọ́dọ̀ Jesu; ó sì fi ọwọ́ lé olúkúlùkù wọn, ó sì mú wọn láradá.
41 Demons also came out from many of them, crying out and saying, “You are the Son of God!” Jesus rebuked the demons and would not let them speak, because they knew that he was the Christ.
Àwọn ẹ̀mí èṣù sì jáde lára ẹni púpọ̀ pẹ̀lú, wọ́n ń kígbe, wí pé, “Ìwọ ni Ọmọ Ọlọ́run!” Ó sì ń bá wọn wí kò sì jẹ́ kí wọn kí ó fọhùn, nítorí tí wọ́n mọ̀ pé Òun ni Kristi náà.
42 When daybreak came, he went out into a solitary place. Crowds of people were looking for him and came to the place where he was. They tried to keep him from going away from them.
Nígbà tí ilẹ̀ sì mọ́, Jesu sì jáde lọ, ó sì ya ara rẹ̀ sọ́tọ̀. Ìjọ ènìyàn sì ń wá a kiri, wọ́n sì tọ̀ ọ́ wá, wọ́n sì dá a dúró, nítorí kí ó má ba à lọ kúrò lọ́dọ̀ wọn.
43 But he said to them, “I must also preach the good news about the kingdom of God to many other cities, because this is the reason I was sent here.”
Ṣùgbọ́n ó sì wí fún wọn pé, “Èmi kò lè ṣàìmá wàásù ìyìnrere ti ìjọba Ọlọ́run fún àwọn ìlú mìíràn pẹ̀lú, nítorí náà ni a sá ṣe rán mi.”
44 Then he continued to preach in the synagogues throughout Judea.
Ó sì ń wàásù nínú Sinagọgu ti Judea.

< Luke 4 >