< Luke 18 >

1 Then he spoke a parable to them about how they should always pray and not become discouraged,
Ó sì pa òwe kan fún wọn láti fi yé wọn pe, ó yẹ kí a máa gbàdúrà nígbà gbogbo, kí a má sì ṣàárẹ̀.
2 saying, “In a certain city there was a judge who did not fear God and did not respect people.
Wí pé, “Onídàájọ́ kan wà ní ìlú kan, tí kò bẹ̀rù Ọlọ́run, tí kò sì ṣe ojúsàájú ènìyàn.
3 Now there was a widow in that city, and she came often to him, saying, 'Help me get justice against my opponent.'
Opó kan sì wà ní ìlú náà, ó sì ń tọ̀ ọ́ wá, wí pé, ‘Gbẹ̀san mi lára ọ̀tá mi!’
4 For a long time he was not willing to help her, but after a while he said to himself, 'Though I do not fear God or respect man,
“Lákọ̀ọ́kọ́ kò dá a lóhùn, ṣùgbọ́n níkẹyìn ó wí nínú ara rẹ̀ pé, ‘Bí èmi kò tilẹ̀ bẹ̀rù Ọlọ́run, tí èmi kò sì ṣe ojúsàájú ènìyàn,
5 yet because this widow causes me trouble, I will help her get justice, so that she does not wear me out by her constant coming.'”
Ṣùgbọ́n nítorí tí opó yìí ń yọ mí lẹ́nu, èmi ó gbẹ̀san rẹ̀, kí ó má ba à fi wíwá rẹ̀ nígbàkígbà dá mi lágara.’”
6 Then the Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says.
Olúwa sì wí pé, “Ẹ gbọ́ bí aláìṣòótọ́ onídàájọ́ ti wí!
7 Now will not God also bring justice to his chosen ones who cry out to him day and night? Will he delay long over them?
Ọlọ́run kì yóò ha sì gbẹ̀san àwọn àyànfẹ́ rẹ̀, tí ń fi ọ̀sán àti òru kígbe pè é, tí ó sì mú sùúrù fún wọn?
8 I say to you that he will bring justice to them speedily. Even so, when the Son of Man comes, will he indeed find faith on the earth?”
Mo wí fún yín, yóò gbẹ̀san wọn kánkán! Ṣùgbọ́n nígbà tí Ọmọ Ènìyàn bá dé yóò ha rí ìgbàgbọ́ ní ayé bí?”
9 Then he also spoke this parable to some who were persuaded in themselves that they were righteous and who despised other people,
Ó sì pa òwe yìí fún àwọn kan tí wọ́n gbẹ́kẹ̀lé ara wọn pé, àwọn ni olódodo, tí wọ́n sì ń gan àwọn ẹlòmíràn,
10 “Two men went up into the temple to pray—the one was a Pharisee and the other was a tax collector.
pé, “Àwọn ọkùnrin méjì gòkè lọ sí tẹmpili láti gbàdúrà, ọ̀kan jẹ́ Farisi, èkejì sì jẹ́ agbowó òde.
11 The Pharisee stood and prayed these things about himself, 'God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, unrighteous people, adulterers—or even like this tax collector.
Èyí Farisi dìde, ó sì ń gbàdúrà nínú ara rẹ̀ báyìí pé, ‘Ọlọ́run mo dúpẹ́ lọ́wọ́ rẹ, nítorí tí èmi kò rí bí àwọn ará ìyókù, àwọn alọ́nilọ́wọ́gbà, aláìṣòótọ́, panṣágà, tàbí bí agbowó òde yìí.
12 I fast two times every week. I give tithes of all that I get.'
Èmi ń gbààwẹ̀ lẹ́ẹ̀méjì ní ọ̀sẹ̀, mo ń san ìdámẹ́wàá ohun gbogbo tí mo ní.’
13 But the tax collector, standing at a distance, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but hit his breast, saying, 'God, have mercy on me, a sinner.'
“Ṣùgbọ́n agbowó òde dúró lókèèrè, kò tilẹ̀ jẹ́ gbé ojú rẹ̀ sókè ọ̀run, ṣùgbọ́n ó lu ara rẹ̀ ní oókan àyà, ó wí pé, ‘Ọlọ́run ṣàánú fún mi, èmi ẹlẹ́ṣẹ̀!’
14 I say to you, this man went back down to his house justified rather than the other, because everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but everyone who humbles himself will be exalted.”
“Mo wí fún yín, ọkùnrin yìí sọ̀kalẹ̀ lọ sí ilé rẹ̀ ní ìdáláre ju èkejì lọ: nítorí ẹnikẹ́ni tí ó bá gbé ara rẹ̀ ga, òun ni a ó rẹ̀ sílẹ̀; ẹni tí ó bá sì rẹ̀ ara rẹ̀ sílẹ̀ òun ni a ó gbéga.”
15 The people were also bringing to him their infants so that he might touch them, but when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them.
Wọ́n sì gbé àwọn ọmọ ọwọ́ tọ̀ ọ́ wá pẹ̀lú, kí ó lè gbé ọwọ́ lé wọn; ṣùgbọ́n nígbà tí àwọn ọmọ-ẹ̀yìn rẹ̀ rí i, wọ́n ń bá wọn wí.
16 But Jesus called them to him, saying, “Permit the little children to come to me, and do not forbid them. For the kingdom of God belongs to such ones.
Ṣùgbọ́n Jesu pè wọ́n sọ́dọ̀ rẹ̀, ó sì wí pé, “Ẹ jẹ́ kí àwọn ọmọ kékeré wá sọ́dọ̀ mi, ẹ má sì ṣe dá wọn lẹ́kun, nítorí tí irú wọn ni ìjọba Ọlọ́run.
17 Truly I say to you, whoever will not receive the kingdom of God like a child will definitely not enter it.”
Lóòótọ́ ni mo wí fún yín, ẹnikẹ́ni tí kò bá gbà ìjọba Ọlọ́run bí ọmọ kékeré, kì yóò wọ inú rẹ̀ bí ó ti wù kí ó rí.”
18 A certain ruler asked him, saying, “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” (aiōnios g166)
Ìjòyè kan sì béèrè lọ́wọ́ rẹ̀, wí pé, “Olùkọ́ rere, kín ni èmi ó ṣe tí èmi ó fi jogún ìyè àìnípẹ̀kun?” (aiōnios g166)
19 Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good, except God alone.
Jesu wí fún un pé, “Èéṣe tí ìwọ fi ń pè mí ní ẹni rere? Ẹni rere kan kò sí bí kò ṣe ẹnìkan, èyí sì ni Ọlọ́run.
20 You know the commandments—do not commit adultery, do not kill, do not steal, do not testify falsely, honor your father and mother.”
Ìwọ mọ̀ àwọn òfin: ‘Ìwọ kò gbọdọ̀ ṣe panṣágà, ìwọ kò gbọdọ̀ pànìyàn, ìwọ kò gbọdọ̀ ṣe jalè, ìwọ kò gbọdọ̀ ṣe jẹ́rìí èké, bọ̀wọ̀ fún baba àti ìyá rẹ.’”
21 The ruler said, “All these things I have obeyed from the time I was a youth.”
Ó sì wí pé, “Gbogbo nǹkan wọ̀nyí ni èmi ti pamọ́ láti ìgbà èwe mi wá.”
22 When Jesus heard that, he said to him, “One thing you still lack. You must sell all that you have and distribute it to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven—and come, follow me.”
Nígbà tí Jesu sì gbọ́ èyí, ó wí fún un pé, “Ohun kan ni ó kù fún ọ síbẹ̀: lọ ta ohun gbogbo tí o ní, kí o sì pín in fún àwọn tálákà, ìwọ ó sì ní ìṣúra ní ọ̀run: sì wá, kí o máa tọ̀ mí lẹ́yìn.”
23 But when the ruler heard these things, he became extremely sad, for he was very rich.
Nígbà tí ó sì gbọ́ èyí, inú rẹ̀ bàjẹ́ gidigidi, nítorí tí ó ní ọrọ̀ púpọ̀.
24 Then Jesus, seeing him, became very sad and said, “How difficult it is for those who are rich to enter the kingdom of God!
Nígbà tí Jesu rí i pé inú rẹ̀ bàjẹ́ gidigidi, ó wí pé, “Yóò ti ṣòro tó fún àwọn tí ó ní ọrọ̀ láti wọ ìjọba Ọlọ́run!
25 For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.”
Nítorí ó rọrùn fún ìbákasẹ láti gba ojú abẹ́rẹ́ wọlé jù fún ọlọ́rọ̀ láti wọ ìjọba Ọlọ́run lọ.”
26 Those hearing it said, “Then who can be saved?”
Àwọn tí ó sì gbọ́ wí pé, “Ǹjẹ́ ta ni ó ha lè là?”
27 Jesus answered, “The things which are impossible with people are possible with God.”
Ó sì wí pé, “Ohun tí ó ṣòro lọ́dọ̀ ènìyàn kò ṣòro lọ́dọ̀ Ọlọ́run.”
28 Peter said, “Well, we have left everything that is our own and have followed you.”
Peteru sì wí pé, “Sá wò ó, àwa ti fi ilé wa sílẹ̀, a sì tọ̀ ọ́ lẹ́yìn!”
29 Jesus then said to them, “Truly, I say to you that there is no one who has left house, or wife, or brothers, or parents, or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God,
Ó sì wí fún wọn pé, “Lóòótọ́ ni mo wí fún yín, kò sí ẹni tí ó fi ilé, tàbí aya, tàbí ará, tàbí òbí, tàbí ọmọ sílẹ̀, nítorí ìjọba Ọlọ́run,
30 who will not receive much more in this world, and in the world to come, eternal life.” (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
tí kì yóò gba ìlọ́po púpọ̀ sí i ní ayé yìí, àti ní ayé tí ń bọ̀ ìyè àìnípẹ̀kun.” (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
31 After he gathered the twelve to himself, he said to them, “See, we are going up to Jerusalem, and all the things that have been written by the prophets about the Son of Man will be accomplished.
Nígbà náà ni ó pe àwọn méjìlá sọ́dọ̀ rẹ̀, ó sì wí fún wọn pé, “Sá wò ó, àwa ń gòkè lọ sí Jerusalẹmu, a ó sì mú ohun gbogbo ṣẹ, tí a ti kọ láti ọwọ́ àwọn wòlíì, nítorí Ọmọ Ènìyàn.
32 For he will be given over to the Gentiles, and will be mocked, and shamefully treated, and spit upon.
Nítorí tí a ó fi lé àwọn aláìkọlà lọ́wọ́, a ó fi ṣe ẹlẹ́yà, a ó sì fi ṣe ẹ̀sín, a ó sì tutọ́ sí i lára.
33 After whipping him, they will kill him, and on the third day he will rise again.”
Wọn ó sì nà án, wọn ó sì pa á, ní ọjọ́ kẹta yóò sì jíǹde.”
34 They understood none of these things, and this word was hidden from them, and they did not understand the things that were said.
Ọ̀kan nínú nǹkan wọ̀nyí kò sì yé wọn, ọ̀rọ̀ yìí sì pamọ́ fún wọn, bẹ́ẹ̀ ni wọn kò sì mọ ohun tí a wí.
35 It came about that, as Jesus approached Jericho, a certain blind man was sitting by the road begging,
Bí ó ti súnmọ́ Jeriko, afọ́jú kan jókòó lẹ́bàá ọ̀nà ó ń ṣagbe.
36 and hearing a crowd going by, he asked what was happening.
Nígbà tí ó gbọ́ tí ọ̀pọ̀ ń kọjá lọ, ó béèrè pé, kín ni ìtumọ̀ èyí.
37 They told him that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by.
Wọ́n sì wí fún un pé, “Jesu ti Nasareti ni ó ń kọjá lọ.”
38 So the blind man cried out, saying, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.”
Ó sì kígbe pé, “Jesu, ìwọ ọmọ Dafidi, ṣàánú fún mi!”
39 The ones who were walking ahead rebuked the blind man, telling him to be quiet. But he cried out all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me.”
Àwọn tí ń lọ níwájú bá a wí, pé, kí ó pa ẹnu rẹ̀ mọ́, ṣùgbọ́n òun sì kígbe sókè sí í pé, “Ìwọ Ọmọ Dafidi, ṣàánú fún mi!”
40 Jesus stood still and commanded that the man be brought to him. Then when the blind man was near, Jesus asked him,
Jesu sì dúró, ó ní, kí á mú un tọ òun wá nígbà tí ó sì súnmọ́ ọn, ó bi í
41 “What do you want me to do for you?” He said, “Lord, I want to receive my sight.”
wí pé, “Kí ni ìwọ ń fẹ́ kí èmi ṣe fún ọ?” Ó sì wí pé, “Olúwa jẹ́ kí èmi ríran.”
42 Jesus said to him, “Receive your sight. Your faith has healed you.”
Jesu sì wí fún un pé, “Ríran; ìgbàgbọ́ rẹ mú ọ láradá.”
43 Immediately he received his sight and followed him, glorifying God. All the people, when they saw this, gave praise to God.
Lójúkan náà ó sì ríran, ó sì ń tọ̀ ọ́ lẹ́yìn, ó sì ń yin Ọlọ́run lógo àti gbogbo ènìyàn nígbà tí wọ́n rí i, wọ́n fi ìyìn fún Ọlọ́run.

< Luke 18 >