< John 13 >

1 Now it was before the Festival of the Passover. Jesus knew that his hour had come to go out of this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end.
Torej pred praznikom pashe, ko je Jezus spoznal, da je prišla njegova ura, da naj bi odšel s tega sveta k Očetu in ker je ljubil svoje, ki so bili na svetu, jih je ljubil do konca.
2 Now the devil had already put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot son of Simon, to betray Jesus.
In ko se je večerja končala, je torej hudič Judu Iškarijotu, Simonovemu sinu, v srce položil, da ga izda.
3 He knew that the Father had given everything over into his hands and that he had come from God and was going back to God.
Ker je Jezus vedel, da je Oče vse stvari dal v njegove roke in da je prišel od Boga in odšel k Bogu,
4 He got up from dinner and took off his outer clothing. Then he took a towel and wrapped it around himself.
se dvigne od večerje in odloži svoje obleke in vzame brisačo ter se opaše.
5 Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the feet of the disciples and dry them with the towel that he had put around himself.
Nató vlije vodo v umivalnik in začne učencem umivati stopala ter jih brisati z brisačo, s katero je bil opasan.
6 He came to Simon Peter, and Peter said to him, “Lord, are you going to wash my feet?”
Potem pride k Simonu Petru in Peter mu reče: »Gospod, ti mi umivaš moja stopala?«
7 Jesus answered and said to him, “What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will understand this later.”
Jezus je odgovoril in mu rekel: »Kar delam, ti sedaj ne veš, toda spoznal boš pozneje.«
8 Peter said to him, “You will never wash my feet.” Jesus answered him, “If I do not wash you, you have no share with me.” (aiōn g165)
Peter mu reče: »Nikoli ne boš umival mojih stopal.« Jezus mu je odgovoril: »Če te ne umijem, nimaš deleža z menoj.« (aiōn g165)
9 Simon Peter said to him, “Lord, do not only wash my feet, but also my hands and my head.”
Simon Peter mu reče: »Gospod, ne samo mojih stopal, temveč tudi moje roke in mojo glavo.«
10 Jesus said to him, “He who is bathed has no need, except to wash his feet, but he is completely clean; you are clean, but not everyone.”
Jezus mu reče: »Kdor je umit, se mu razen svojih stopal ni treba umiti, ampak je čist vsak delček; in vi ste čisti, toda ne vsi.«
11 (For Jesus knew who would betray him; that is why he said, “Not all of you are clean.”)
Kajti vedel je, kdo naj bi ga izdal, zato je rekel: »Niste vsi čisti.«
12 So when Jesus had washed their feet and taken his garments and sat down again, he said to them, “Do you know what I have done for you?
Torej potem, ko jim je umil njihova stopala in vzel svoje obleke ter se ponovno usedel, jim je rekel: »Ali veste, kaj sem vam storil?
13 You call me 'teacher' and 'Lord,' and you are speaking correctly, because so I am.
Vi me kličete Učitelj in Gospod, in pravilno govorite, kajti to sem.
14 If I then, the Lord and the Teacher, have washed your feet, you should also wash the feet of one another.
Če sem vam torej jaz, vaš Gospod in Učitelj, umil vaša stopala, morate tudi vi drug drugemu umivati stopala.
15 For I have given you an example so that you should also do just as I did for you.
Kajti dal sem vam zgled, da bi tudi vi delali tako, kakor sem vam storil jaz.
16 Truly, truly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master; nor is a messenger greater than he who sent him.
Resnično, resnično, povem vam: ›Služabnik ni večji kakor njegov gospodar; niti kdor je poslan, ni večji kakor tisti, ki ga je poslal.
17 If you know these things, you are blessed if you do them.
Če poznate te stvari, ste srečni, če jih izvršujete.
18 I am not speaking about all of you; I know those whom I have chosen—but this so that the scripture will be fulfilled: 'He who eats my bread lifted up his heel against me.'
Ne govorim o vas vseh. Vem, katere sem izbral, toda da bi se lahko izpolnilo pismo: ›Kdor jé kruh z menoj, je dvignil svojo peto zoper mene.‹
19 I tell you this now before it happens so that when it happens, you may believe that I AM.
Sedaj vam pravim, preden pride, da ko se zgodi, boste lahko verovali, da jaz sem.
20 Truly, truly, I say to you, he who receives whomever I sent, receives me, and he who receives me, receives him who sent me.”
Resnično, resnično, povem vam: ›Kdor sprejme, kogarkoli jaz pošljem, sprejme mene; in kdor sprejme mene, sprejme tistega, ki me je poslal.‹«
21 When Jesus said this, he was troubled in spirit. He testified and said, “Truly, truly, I say to you that one of you will betray me.”
Ko je Jezus tako rekel, je bil v duhu vznemirjen in pričeval ter rekel: »Resnično, resnično, povem vam, da me bo eden izmed vas izdal.«
22 The disciples looked at each other, wondering of whom he was speaking.
Potem so učenci pogledali drug na drugega, dvomeč, o kom je govoril.
23 One of his disciples, whom Jesus loved, was lying down at the table against Jesus' side.
Torej na Jezusovo naročje je bil naslonjen eden izmed njegovih učencev, ki ga je Jezus ljubil.
24 Simon Peter motioned to this disciple and said, “Ask him who he is speaking about.”
Simon Peter mu je torej dal znamenje, da naj vpraša, kdo bi bil ta, o katerem je govoril.
25 So he leaned back against the side of Jesus and said to him, “Lord, who is it?”
On mu potem, ležeč na Jezusovih prsih, reče: »Gospod, kdo je ta?«
26 Then Jesus answered, “It is the one for whom I will dip the piece of bread and give it him.” So when he had dipped the bread, he gave it to Judas son of Simon Iscariot.
Jezus je odgovoril: »To je tisti, ki mu bom dal grižljaj, ko ga bom pomočil.« In ko je grižljaj pomočil, ga je dal Judu Iškarijotu, Simonovemu sinu.
27 Then after the bread, Satan entered into him, so Jesus said to him, “What you are doing, do it quickly.”
In po grižljaju je vanj vstopil Satan. Tedaj mu je Jezus rekel: »To, kar delaš, stôri hitro.«
28 Now no one who was lying down at the table knew why he said this to him.
Torej noben človek pri mizi ni vedel, za kakšen namen mu je to rekel.
29 Some thought that, since Judas had the moneybag, Jesus said to him, “Buy what we need to have for the festival,” or that he should give something to the poor.
Kajti nekateri izmed njih so mislili, ker je imel Juda mošnjo, da mu je Jezus rekel: »Kupi te stvari, ki jih potrebujemo za praznik, « ali da naj bi nekaj dal ubogim.
30 After Judas received the bread, he went out immediately. It was night.
Potem ko je prejel grižljaj, je takoj odšel ven; bila pa je noč.
31 When Judas was gone, Jesus said, “Now the Son of Man is glorified, and God is glorified in him.
Torej ko je odšel ven, je Jezus rekel: »Sedaj je Sin človekov proslavljen in Bog je proslavljen v njem.
32 God will glorify him in himself, and he will glorify him immediately.
Če je Bog proslavljen v njem, bo tudi Bog njega proslavil v sebi in nemudoma ga bo proslavil.
33 Little children, I am with you for still a short amount of time. You will look for me, and as I said to the Jews, 'Where I am going, you cannot come.' Now I also say this to you.
Majhni otroci, še malo časa sem z vami. Iskali me boste in kakor sem rekel Judom: ›Kamor grem jaz, vi ne morete priti, ‹ tako sedaj pravim vam.
34 I am giving you a new commandment, that you should love one another; as I have loved you, so also you should love one another.
Dajem vam novo zapoved: ›Da ljubite drug drugega, kakor sem vas jaz ljubil, da tudi vi ljubite drug drugega.
35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for another.”
Po tem bodo vsi ljudje spoznali, da ste moji učenci, če imate drug do drugega ljubezen.‹«
36 Simon Peter said to him, “Lord, where are you going?” Jesus answered, “Where I am going, you cannot follow me now, but you will follow later.”
Simon Peter mu je rekel: »Gospod, kam greš?« Jezus mu je odgovoril: »Kamor jaz grem, mi sedaj ne moreš slediti, toda sledil mi boš pozneje.«
37 Peter said to him, “Lord, why can I not follow you now? I will lay down my life for you.”
Peter mu je rekel: »Gospod, zakaj ti ne morem slediti sedaj? Svoje življenje hočem dati zaradi tebe.«
38 Jesus answered, “Will you lay down your life for me? Truly, truly, I say to you, the rooster will not crow before you have denied me three times.”
Jezus mu je odgovoril: »Življenje hočeš dati zaradi mene? Resnično, resnično, povem ti: ›Petelin ne bo zapel, dokler me trikrat ne zanikaš.‹«

< John 13 >