< Job 9 >
1 Then Job answered and said,
Då tok Job til ords og sagde:
2 “I truly know that this is so. But how can a person be in the right with God?
«Eg veit for visst at det er so; kva rett fær mannen imot Gud?
3 If he wants to argue with God, he cannot answer him once in a thousand times.
Um han med honom vilde trætta, han kann’kje svara eitt til tusund.
4 God is wise in heart and mighty in strength; who has ever hardened himself against him and succeeded?—
Vis som han er og sterk i velde - kven kann vel strafflaust tråssa honom,
5 he who removes the mountains without warning anyone when he overturns them in his anger—
som fjelli flyt, dei veit’kje av det, og velter deim upp i harm,
6 he who shakes the earth out of its place and sets its supports trembling.
som ruggar jordi frå sin plass, so pilarne hennar skjelv,
7 It is the same God who tells the sun not to rise, and it does not, and who covers up the stars,
som soli byd so ho ei skin, og set eit segl for stjernorne,
8 who by himself stretches out the heavens and tramples down the waves of the sea,
som eine spanar himmeln ut og fram på havsens toppar skrid,
9 who makes the Bear, Orion, the Pleiades, and the constellations of the south.
hev skapt Karlsvogni og Orion, Sjustjerna og Sørkamri med?
10 He does great and unsearchable things, and wonderful things that cannot be counted.
Som storverk gjer, me ei kann fata, og underverk forutan tal?
11 See, he goes by me, and I do not see him; he passes on also, but I do not perceive him.
Han framum gjeng, eg ser han ikkje; um burt han glid, eg går han ikkje.
12 If he takes something away, who can stop him? Who can say to him, 'What are you doing?'
Når han tek fat, kven stoggar honom? Kven honom spør: «Kva gjer du der?»
13 God will not withdraw his anger; the helpers of Rahab bow beneath him.
Gud stoggar ikkje vreiden sin; for han seg bøygde Rahabs-fylgjet.
14 How much less could I answer him, could I choose words to reason with him?
Kor kann vel eg då svara han? Kor skal for han eg ordi leggja?
15 Even if I were righteous, I could not answer him; I could only plead for mercy with my judge.
Um eg hev rett, eg kann’kje svara, men lyt min domar be um nåde.
16 Even if I called and he answered me, I would not believe that he was listening to my voice.
Og um han svara når eg ropa, eg trudde ei mi røyst han høyrde.
17 For he breaks me with a tempest and multiplies my wounds without cause.
Han som i stormver reiv meg burt og auka grunnlaust såri mine,
18 He does not allow me to regain my breath; but he fills me with bitterness.
han let meg ikkje anda fritt, men metta meg med beiske ting.
19 If it is a matter of strength, behold, he is mighty! If it is a matter of justice, who can summon him?
Når magt det gjeld, då er han der; men gjeld det rett: kven stemnar honom?
20 Though I am in the right, my own mouth would condemn me; and though I am blameless, my words would prove me to be guilty.
Um eg hev rett, min munn meg dømer; er skuldlaus, han meg domfeller.
21 I am blameless, but I do not care any more about myself; I despise my own life.
Skuldlaus eg er! eg skyner ei meg sjølv, vanvyrder livet mitt.
22 It makes no difference, which is why I say that he destroys blameless people and wicked people together.
Det er det same, no eg segjer: Han tyner skuldig og uskuldig.
23 When a whip suddenly kills, he mocks the despair of the innocent.
Når svipa brått gjev ulivssår, med lått han ser den gode lida.
24 The earth is given into the hand of wicked people; God covers the faces of its judges. If it is not he who does it, then who is it?
Han jordi gav i nidings hand; på domarar han syni kverver. Er det’kje han, kven er det då?
25 My days are swifter than a running messenger; my days flee away; they see no good anywhere.
Mitt liv fer snøggare enn lauparen, dei kverv, men lukka såg det aldri;
26 They are as fast as papyrus reed boats, and as fast as the eagle that swoops down on its victim.
Det glid som båtar utav sev, lik ørn som ned på fengdi slær.
27 If I said that I would forget about my complaints, that I would take off my sad face and be happy,
Når eg mi plåga gløyma vil og jamna panna mi og smila,
28 I would be afraid of all my sorrows because I know that you will not consider me innocent.
då gruvar eg for pina mi; eg veit du ei frikjenner meg.
29 I will be condemned; why, then, should I try in vain?
For når eg lyt straffskuldig vera, kvifor skal eg då fåfengt stræva?
30 If I washed myself with snow water and made my hands ever so clean,
Um eg i snø meg vilde tvætta og reinsa henderne med lut.
31 God would plunge me in a ditch, and my own clothes would be disgusted with me.
Du ned i grefti straks meg dukka, so mine klæde ved meg stygdest.
32 For God is not a man, as I am, that I could answer him, that we could come together in court.
Han ikkje er ein mann som eg, kann ei med meg til retten gå;
33 There is no judge between us who might lay his hand upon us both.
d’er ingen skilsmann millom oss som handi si kann på oss leggja.
34 There is no other judge who could take God's rod off me, who could keep his terror from frightening me.
Når berre han tok riset frå meg og ikkje skræmde meg med rædsla,
35 Then would I speak up and not fear him. But as things are now, I cannot do that.
eg skulde tala utan otte; sjølv dømer eg meg annarleis.