< Jeremiah 6 >

1 Find safety, people of Benjamin, by leaving Jerusalem. Blow a trumpet in Tekoa. Raise up over Beth Hakkerem a signal, since wickedness is appearing from the north; a great crushing is coming.
便雅憫人哪,你們要逃出耶路撒冷, 在提哥亞吹角, 在伯‧哈基琳立號旗; 因為有災禍與大毀滅從北方張望。
2 The daughter of Zion, the beautiful and delicate woman, will be destroyed.
那秀美嬌嫩的錫安女子, 我必剪除。
3 The shepherds and their flocks will go to them; they will set up tents against her all around; each man will shepherd with his own hand.
牧人必引他們的羊群到她那裏, 在她周圍支搭帳棚, 各在自己所佔之地使羊吃草。
4 “Dedicate yourselves to the gods for the battle. Arise, let us attack at noon. It is too bad that the daylight is fading away, that the evening shadows are falling.
你們要準備攻擊她。 起來吧,我們可以趁午時上去。 哀哉!日已漸斜, 晚影拖長了。
5 But let us attack at night and destroy her fortresses.”
起來吧,我們夜間上去, 毀壞她的宮殿。
6 For Yahweh of hosts says this: Cut her trees, and heap up siegeworks against Jerusalem. This is the right city to attack, because it is filled with oppression.
因為萬軍之耶和華如此說: 你們要砍伐樹木, 築壘攻打耶路撒冷。 這就是那該罰的城, 其中盡是欺壓。
7 As a well pours out fresh water, so this city keeps producing wickedness. Violence and disorder are heard within her; sickness and wounds are continually before my face.
井怎樣湧出水來, 這城也照樣湧出惡來; 在其間常聽見有強暴毀滅的事, 病患損傷也常在我面前。
8 Accept discipline, Jerusalem, or I will turn away from you and make you into a ruin, an uninhabited land.'”
耶路撒冷啊,你當受教, 免得我心與你生疏, 免得我使你荒涼, 成為無人居住之地。
9 Yahweh of hosts says this, “They will certainly glean those who are left in Israel like a vineyard. Reach out again with your hand to pick grapes from the vines.
萬軍之耶和華曾如此說: 敵人必擄盡以色列剩下的民, 如同摘淨葡萄一樣。 你要像摘葡萄的人摘了又摘,回手放在筐子裏。
10 To whom should I declare and warn so they will listen? Look! Their ears are uncircumcised; they are not able to pay attention! Look! The word of Yahweh has come to them to correct them, but they do not want it.”
現在我可以向誰說話作見證,使他們聽呢? 他們的耳朵未受割禮,不能聽見。 看哪,耶和華的話他們以為羞辱, 不以為喜悅。
11 But I am filled with Yahweh's fury. I am tired of holding it in. He said, to me, “Pour it out on the children in the streets and on the groups of young men. For every man will be taken away with his wife; and every old person heavy with years.
因此我被耶和華的忿怒充滿,難以含忍。 我要傾在街中的孩童和聚會的少年人身上, 連夫帶妻, 並年老的與日子滿足的都必被擒拿。
12 Their houses will be turned over to others, both their fields and their wives together. For I will attack the inhabitants of the land with my hand—this is Yahweh's declaration.
他們的房屋、田地, 和妻子都必轉歸別人; 我要伸手攻擊這地的居民。 這是耶和華說的。
13 Yahweh declares that from the least to the greatest, all of them are greedy for dishonest gain. From the prophet to the priest, all of them practice deceit.
因為他們從最小的到至大的都一味地貪婪, 從先知到祭司都行事虛謊。
14 They have healed the wounds of my people lightly, saying, 'Peace, Peace,' when there is no peace.
他們輕輕忽忽地醫治我百姓的損傷, 說:平安了!平安了! 其實沒有平安。
15 Were they ashamed when they practiced abominations? They were not ashamed; they did not know how to blush! So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished, says Yahweh.
他們行可憎的事知道慚愧嗎? 不然,他們毫不慚愧, 也不知羞恥。 因此,他們必在仆倒的人中仆倒; 我向他們討罪的時候, 他們必致跌倒。 這是耶和華說的。
16 Yahweh says this, “Stand at the road crossing and look; ask for the ancient pathways. 'Where is this good way?' Then go on it and find a resting place for yourselves. But the people say, 'We will not go.'
耶和華如此說: 你們當站在路上察看, 訪問古道, 哪是善道,便行在其間; 這樣,你們心裏必得安息。 他們卻說:我們不行在其間。
17 I appointed for you watchmen to listen for the trumpet. But they said, 'We will not listen.'
我設立守望的人照管你們, 說:要聽角聲。 他們卻說:我們不聽。
18 Therefore, nations, listen! See, you witnesses, what will happen to them.
列國啊,因此你們當聽! 會眾啊,要知道他們必遭遇的事。
19 Hear, earth! See, I am about to bring disaster to this people—the fruit of their thoughts. They paid no attention to my word or law, but they instead rejected it.”
地啊,當聽! 我必使災禍臨到這百姓, 就是他們意念所結的果子; 因為他們不聽從我的言語, 至於我的訓誨,他們也厭棄了。
20 “What does this frankincense going up from Sheba mean to me? Or these sweet smells from a distant land? Your burnt offerings are not acceptable to me, nor are your sacrifices.
從示巴出的乳香, 從遠方出的菖蒲 奉來給我有何益呢? 你們的燔祭不蒙悅納; 你們的平安祭,我也不喜悅。
21 So Yahweh says this, 'See, I am about to place a stumbling block against this people. They will stumble over it—fathers and sons together. Inhabitants and their neighbors will also perish.'
所以耶和華如此說: 我要將絆腳石放在這百姓前面。 父親和兒子要一同跌在其上; 鄰舍與朋友也都滅亡。
22 Yahweh says this, 'See, a people is coming from the land of the north, a great nation is being stirred up from the farthest parts of the earth.
耶和華如此說: 看哪,有一種民從北方而來, 並有一大國被激動,從地極來到。
23 They will pick up bows and spears. They are cruel and have no compassion. Their sound is like the sea roar, and they are riding on horses, set out in order as men for battle, against you, daughter of Zion.'”
他們拿弓和槍, 性情殘忍,不施憐憫; 他們的聲音像海浪匉訇。 錫安城啊, 他們騎馬都擺隊伍, 如上戰場的人要攻擊你。
24 We have heard the reports about them and our hands fall limp in distress. Anguish seizes us as a woman giving birth.
我們聽見他們的風聲,手就發軟; 痛苦將我們抓住, 疼痛彷彿產難的婦人。
25 Do not go out to the fields, and do not walk on the roads, for the swords of the enemy and terror are all around.
你們不要往田野去, 也不要行在路上, 因四圍有仇敵的刀劍和驚嚇。
26 Daughter of my people, put on sackcloth and roll in ashes; mourn with painful sobs as for an only son, for the destroyer will suddenly come upon us.
我民哪,應當腰束麻布,滾在灰中。 你要悲傷,如喪獨生子痛痛哭號, 因為滅命的要忽然臨到我們。
27 “I have made you, Jeremiah, one who tests my people like one would test metal, so you will inspect and test their ways.
我使你在我民中為高臺,為保障, 使你知道試驗他們的行動。
28 They are all the most stubborn of people, who go about slandering others. All of them are bronze and iron, acting corruptly.
他們都是極悖逆的, 往來讒謗人。 他們是銅是鐵, 都行壞事。
29 The bellows are scorched by the fire that is burning them; the lead is consumed in the flames. The refining continues among them, but it is useless, because the evil is not removed.
風箱吹火,鉛被燒毀; 他們煉而又煉,終是徒然; 因為惡劣的還未除掉。
30 They will be called rejected silver, for Yahweh has rejected them.”
人必稱他們為被棄的銀渣, 因為耶和華已經棄掉他們。

< Jeremiah 6 >